Reddit aita babysitting. That’s a 14 hour day for my nanny.

I do not "owe" you babysitting and we are not siblings. My cousin (f32) has 4 children (m7), (f4) (m4) and (m1). It has caused a riff in the family and is making my SIL pregnancy difficult. Not on my main account because a lot of previous clients and friends follow me on there. Just enjoy yourself, make lots of friends along the way, and make some amazing memories. She says she has 2 kids, so babysitter would agree on rate for 2 children, only to find there are 5 kids at home later. And I (16f) babysit them regularly (i have even cancelled plans last minute to babysit for her). My SIL (43F) lives nine hours away. Not the A-hole. One day, take your brother at daycare or to your grandmother, instead of letting him stay home. You are never required to babysit someone else’s children. My sister (B) every year for the last 3 years has hosted an “Adult Day” party at our family lake cottage (partnered with a friends lake house) and every year B asks me if I can babysit her kid as well as my cousins kid r/AmItheAsshole. Fair wage to me. AITA for telling my neighbor I’m not her babysitter over the summer. Amy gets along OK with her stepmom and Kate. You recognized that your health and the health of others was at risk, which is an entirely valid reason to back out of babysitting duties. This wouldn't be a problem except she doesn't visit for an evening. NTA, they are her kids and her responsibility. In fact before you leave on your well earned trip, you should teach your niece the NONONO song. This past Saturday I was out at a lake with my friend, so I did not have my phone right next to me the entire time I was out there. And, of course, a trip to the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit to find out who An hour before my shift starts at 645am and I usually don’t get home and showered until 8pm. I recently got back to work and since I work nightshifts, I had to get the kids a babysitter (they're at school during the day and my sister stays with them) I was able to find a babysitter with the help of a co worker (actually they're related) and things have been going pretty well except for few days ago. That’s a perfectly normal/healthy boundary to set. My mom woke me up at 9am and asked if I could take my brother to football practice because she had to work today. You reek of entitlement. AITA for abandoning a kid I was babysitting? I (24 YO) male for the story my name is Jimmy and my best friend Jane (26 YO) female were hired by a family to babysit their (6) M son. Mar 13, 2024 ยท One woman’s recent childcare dilemma ended in a hospital visit — and a mother-in-law screaming match. Your husband needs to set his family straight, that this is none of their concern. r/AmItheAsshole. We’ve each traded off babysitting duties from time to time when regular caregivers call out or there’s a last minute situation like this Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. AITA I lied to the people who I was babysitting for to get them to come home. You are not enetitled to my time. I told my friends and it had a domino affect resulting in all their local babysitters blacklisting them. At that point they asked her for the number of an alternative caretaker for the kids, we called grandma etc. Just a few minutes ago my mother came up to me to ask if I wanted a babysitting job where I would get paid for the whole week I would babysit. Your mom is manipulative and she has no right to guilt you. My mom and Ted started dating around 6 months ago. I’m not able or willing to babysit your children that night. If you're requested to be the babysitter for her kids, then basic level of PARENTAL respect needs to be required from the kids and all the parents toward you. When my oldest started kindergarten, it felt like I got a pay raise. ”. My younger sister has 3 kids between the ages 3-7. I (29f) have a niece, Amy (12). I didn’t want to do this, but I allowed myself to be talked into it by our mother. AITA for not babysitting for a neighbor? Not the A-hole. My (39M) wife (34F) and I live in at a suburban house with our daughter (10F, Emily). AITA for not babysitting? Not the A-hole. An hour before my shift starts at 645am and I usually don’t get home and showered until 8pm. Yeah she could ask for your help, but it's not your responsability. My sister passed away 3 years ago and Amy stays with her dad, Rick (37), who remarried and has a stepdaughter, Kate (4). AITA: for not babysitting for cousin. AITA for quitting my babysitting job over $75? Not the A-hole. Spoiler alert your 2 year old niece's milestone will be learning the word 'NO' and using it constantly! Your sister having to spend time with her own child will head the word NO over and over like a neverending song. We gave everyone twelve months notice so that they could book accommodation. This fight between my sister (23f) and I (19f) happened via phone and text. I charged $20/hr for babysitting three kids when I was in junior high (circa 2004- 2004 2007, in Canada). I, 15NB, started do babysitting jobs for some of my neighbors about 4 months ago. I feel sorry for her kids because they deserve better parents but at the end of the day, they aren't your burden to bear. We usually hang out in the house and watch movies or go And if they do want you to babysit and you say yes, you want a fair wage of at least $15-$20 an hour. Essentially guilting your Dad into making you do it. Leigh is 18 and Kyle is 13. I had a weekend off a couple of weeks ago and dad asked me to come home The one poping babies should be the one taking care of those babies. She asked if Taylor could walk them home from holiday club and babysit for 2 hours, 5 days a week, so AITA for not babysitting my SILs kids on MY wedding weekend?! Not the A-hole. We both have at least 2 homework assignments due tonight. The father is not in the picture and they are trying to get child support out of him. I believe I should get money for my time and the actual babysitting of their child for two weeks. Double true if you guys didn’t grow up together or you didn’t regularly babysit for them in the past. 2: My sister and her husband needed to go to work and I majorly inconvenienced them and let them down, and I could've sucked it up and babysat anyway because I said I would initially. Street-Chip-6020. My aunt and uncle normally have work so they drop of my little cousins who I’ll call Hannah and Brianna for privacy. Leigh had a baby 4 months ago. You babysitting occasionally, if you are happy to, fair enough - but your sister is taking advantage and your family are enabling her. Contact them and say “I’m very sorry but my parents offered my services without my consent. NTA - I would take babysitting for free housing any day of the week. It's four kids, so it's $100 for 2-3 hours. ) until their parents got home. She has a husband and a 2 year old, and usually her mom babysits her two year old for free when they’re both at work. " Send, then block. My kids are 8 & 6. Perhaps a bit unreasonable, but at least make them check into hiring babysitters on their own and let them see how much it costs. NTA - not your kids. Things are complicated but I'll try to sum it up for you. I told her it was no problem. Over the last 4 years I've been fortunate to see my daycare bill slowly go from $2400 a month (4weeks) for a newborn and a preschooler to $1040 per 4 weeks. My mom basically begged me to do it as they really needed a babysitter. It sounds like your church needs a nursery. Jul 22, 2019 ยท People were all over the sexism of expecting female staff members to mind his baby while he worked, even though they also had work of their own. (Also, has she never heard the saying don’t bite the hand that feeds you. The purpose of giving notice is to allow for plans to be rearranged, which is precisely what you did—by canceling in advance, you acted responsibly. "Oh, the kid was so well-behaved, and then SHE started babysitting, and suddenly the child's acting out. Jesus, even when he gets paternity leave he still ADMIN MOD. " OP this is the way to go. I waited another hour before calling the police but it turned out she had been drunk driving and arrested. His best friend Alex 39m, became a constant in our lives after Ryan passed, helping with the kids, the house, and helping with my grief. They have been great people and I also like the pay since they're fairly wealthy they give me a big sum and I also love their kids. Hello, I am an eighteen year old woman. My cousin West (19m) goes to college like 40 minutes from home, so he still stays there at r/AmItheAsshole. I might be the asshole as I reacted emotionally while stressed and it caused this family to be I'll preface this by saying that I (M35) am a widower with 2 kids (9, 11). You do not need to babysit for anyone you do not wish to babysit for. She (the neighbor) also has her sister and her nephew living with her and her husband, and her nephew is 5, about the same age as my Not the A-hole. I was once babysitting and the lady was 2 hours late. The point is, lots of people do it, most commonly when they are 18 after school or 21/22 after university. Reply reply more repliesMore replies. My (35F) husband, Dustin (42M) and I have three kids, all boys ages 7, 5 and 8 months. It has a recording of her old foster mom saying she loves her. Good for you for standing up for yourself. I had a bad time babysitting for a local family and was unable to reach them during an emergency and they seemed unconcerned when they got home. You sister is not entitled to use you as a babysitter and you have every right to say no to watching her baby constantly. Good luck to you. Help keep the sub engaging! Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. The wedding is in a small island town. My husband Ryan passed away 3 yrs ago. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. I (f) visit my family in PA for a week every summer with my older brother who I’ll call Peter. I said no, he asked me about a week ago but I don’t know if he previously asked his mom We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She then asked if it was like a last minute thing because his mother cancelled. He's a single dad and has a demanding job so I babysit his two kids Amy (6F) and Jason (10M) a lot on the weekdays and weekends. 1: I cancelled babysitting my niece and nephew at the last minute. OP was cheap AF at $35 an hour for 3 kids. 170. I (31F) am getting married next month to my partner of ten years (46M). Jenna has a daughter Leigh and a son Kyle. There's this one man Andrew (43M) who I work for a lot. NTA. I (23f) am friends with a woman (28f) and we’ve been best friends for about 5 years. I have been in and out of school, extracurricular zoom calls, and meetings all day and he’s been working on a research project. Lat weekend one of my little sister's classmates parents had a wedding to go to and asked if I would babysit. I suggest you minimize babysitting your sister. if you break it down by state, the lowest average is in Arkansas, which is a little over $13/hr. AITA For Not Babysitting My Cousin and Blowing Up My Family. NAH. Therefore, I told her about my assignments and asked her to ask my grandma and if A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. " Or "We let her babysit for awhile, but then our child started asking when she was going to come visit again/when the child was going to visit her, and that's too much attachment, she's undermining us. Also they should've understood that date nights/weekends are off for at least the start time. My mom married my dad and left her hometown but most of her family still live there. Whenever she comes over to visit my parents and her stick me with the kids. AITA for refusing a babysitting job? Not the A-hole. Award. angelerulastiel. Even if she offered to pay you, you have the right to say no. NTA - You might try an unreasonable tack to make them really think about it. I (56F) have been a nanny to a couple, we'll call them Jenna (29F) and Mitchel (32M) for a few years now. I (38F) have a neighbor, we’ll call her Sara (38F). 29/hr. AITA for not babysitting my niece? Not the A-hole. My brother Chris (37M) and sister in law Rachel (33F) have two kids 4F and 2M. If you still want to go out with them, be aware that you’re going to have to find new childcare arrangements. Sara is married but her husband travels a lot for work and she works from home. She asked what I was doing here and I told her I was here to watch his son. Though it's all on Leigh, my dad and Jenna to figure babysitting and other stuff out. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1. Title alone makes me feel like an asshole but I don't know. I'm pretty sure they didn't even considering searching because with a babysitter they wouldn't be able to tell them to babysit for few hours and come back 2 days later without even checking up on child. I left my college and came home for the weekend. AITA for not babysitting my cousins. AITA for refusing to pay for fix the babysitter's laptop? Asshole. NTA, this situation is not your responsibility and you should not have to spend your spare time babysitting for free for people who can’t afford a sitter. Especially considering that she wants to go out and party. ADMIN MOD. ADMIN. Your sister has two children. AITA for quitting my babysitting job without notice? Not the A-hole. Etc. My grandma is obviously busy with paperwork Mar 24, 2022 ยท A 29-year-old man with this mindset took to Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?’ ( AITA ) subreddit to ask users if he was the bad guy for being upset that his sister wouldn’t watch his son for a few hours. I’ve taken an extended maternity after my most recent delivery due to some complications and ADMIN MOD. It is ok to say no to this. My cousin calls me right after i get out of school at 3:00 and asks me to babysit at 3:30 i tell her i can but i may be a little late as i had already ADMIN MOD. I am a teacher so I have school breaks and summers “off”. AITA for refusing to continue to babysit my niece and nephew? Not the A-hole. Hannah is 4 and Brianna is 1. 57/hr $28. You gave your sister a place to live during these tough times and the fact that you also bought her a laptop shows just how much of an asshole your sister is. She (57F) and her bf (56M) wanted to go out with a couple, but they needed a babysitter for their kids. I'll preface this by saying that I (M35) am a widower with 2 kids (9, 11). They need to have that setup, and no, you should not be forced to become her guardian. . At 27 you already are a bit less green behind the ears and perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. I (19f) have 3 cousins El (5f), May (1f), and June (1f). I suggest you find someone who wants a relationship with you and your child to babysit because I do not want to. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Asking my SIL to babysit our kids while she is on maternity leave. Reply reply. AITA for not babysitting my neighbor’s elderly father? Not the A-hole. I usually don’t have a problem watching them because there not bad kids, but every time i watch them their mom come up with a list of complaints on what i do when i watch them. I (18M) am over at my friend’s house (20M) spending the night on Friday. That’s a 14 hour day for my nanny. The children I would be babysitting are the grandchildren of my great-aunt. You’re not responsible for your Dads finances and it’s not fair that CB’s Mom called your dad and did that. During Summer holidays (we live in the UK), our neighbour Jenny (F30s) put her kids, (F9, M7) in holiday club. She's the one who decided to have a kid, therefore she and only she is obligated to take care of the baby. Your sister is your parents responsibility, not yours. She says she needs 8hrs, then she’s gone for 14hrs. Unless she's working at a pretty nice restaurant, she's not making a ton of money. My sister (28) is married and has two kids (5/3). Sounds like she was trying to extort you of money and deserved what happened. After asking, they only want to compensate me for gas and food. MOD. SO not your problem. You also need to have an honest conversation with them about your sister's care once they are gone. AITA for demanding the babysitting price that was agreed upon. AITA for not letting my daughter babysit for our neighbour anymore? Not the A-hole. Babysitter would've called cops or something. The average rate for a babysitter nationwide is about $15/hr for one kid. You three need to sit down and set boundaries. However, I've really only done jobs for one family. I (17F) my half siblings (4&5) my older brother (19) my mom and her boyfriend Ted. I (F40s) have a daughter Taylor (F16). While babysitting his son, his girlfriend(25F) came over and was surprised to see me. I drop them off when I go to school. 57/hr /2kids= ~14. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. AITA for not babysitting my best friend’s child? Not the A-hole. For context: My grandmother watches my niece during the week while my sister works. Everyone generally orders about the same amount of stuff, one alcoholic drink and we split 2 bottles of sparkling water for the table along with our NTA. However, I need to study for my class and finish my essay. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. I normally wake my siblings up get them ready for school. When we met she already had two kids from her previous relationship, "Patrick" (m13) and "Luna" (f10). A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. But her mom recently had a stroke and can’t babysit, so she I posted earlier asking WIBTA for asking to be paid for babysitting a family member for 2 weeks. My friend called me yesterday and said she got a last minute callback for a job interview the following day (today) so could I watch her son while she went. I have one child, I pay her $15/hr to care for my child, in my home. He must have just assumed that if he showed up you would buckle and say yes. I (F17) still live at home. And when your mother come back and ask where he is, just pretend you don't know. she brings her laptop with her to study which is perfectly ok with me as long as she keeps an eye on the kids. Granted, this was in the mid-2000s, but it wasn't hard for me at that age (I'd started babysitting in general at 12). It sounds like he has a couple of bratty kids on his hands and that is no way your problem. I (m34) met my ex wife seven years ago, we dated for one year and were married for two before we divorced. You didn’t bring them into this world and you are not responsible for them. AliveLeg61. I’m married with 2 girls (8&11), she has 2 boys (8&12). NTA - you didn’t give her an ultimatum, you asked her not to smoke while around her kids. When I was 13 I was already babysitting other people's 9 and 7 year olds, including escorting them home from school and getting them settled (with a snack, etc. AITA For Wanting Help Babysitting on a Vacation. Before she left, they gave her a stuffed bear that she named fuzzy. The fact that you're not at work does NOT mean that you are open for babysitting. You have a right to say no. After a year with my and Ryan’s family’s AITA for not babysitting my nephews because I don’t like kids? Not the A-hole. Stand your ground and just say no. This sounds a bit out of hand. AITA for getting mad about not getting paid for babysitting. I got out of the water and checked my Not the A-hole. We do dinner about once a month and recently the group has hired a babysitter to watch the kids while we go to dinner. We have been living here for a little more than two years. The babysitter is 17. Emilia is extremely attached to this bear. We'll call them…. $10/hr isn't much for special needs kids. It's been almost 3 months and she only puts it down when she has to use the bathroom. I am 21F, my niece is 4F, My BIL is 30M and my sister is 28F. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1)Refusing to babysit my younger sibling due to plans already being made after months of discussion. She doesn’t want to follow those rules, so she won’t be watching your kid. I (17f) am currently spending a month with my grandparents and other extended family. I am 15 years old and I babysit to make money. Say 'no' and point out that you're already doing her an enormous favor by helping out during the week and that she's selfish for expecting YOU to give up any more of your time. An 8-year-old may or may not comprehend exactly how much money $150 is, depending on the individual child, but the vast majority of 8-year-olds are plenty old enough to know that stealing is wrong (heck, even 4- or 5-year-olds know that taking things that don't belong to you isn't nice or fair). Multi-day babysitting is a big ask. A few years ago, I picked up a babysitting gig for this family in town. This is my fifth time trying to post this so please bare with me. ‘No’ should be enough. AITA for wanting to be pay for babysitting my own daughter? Asshole. Me and my wife hired our babysitter who we've been going to for years, we have 2 sons and a daughter and we've been hiring her since my oldest son was a baby (though it was mostly her mom looking after the baby while she was 'helping' so we gave her a couple of dollars for that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚). And ofc she refuses to pay for additional kids or additional hours, she says “We agreed on this total amount for today. I (F31) agreed to allow my sister Melanie (F21) and her 2 year old son Jacob to move in with me temporarily when her boyfriend kicked her out. My sister and I lost our parents quite a while back, so we Yeah, that's not right. AITA For kicking my sister out for trying to make me her babysitter? Not the A-hole. I was to babysit on an as-needed basis, which meant that I was typically asked short notice to babysit, sometimes even asked to go to the store for them (sometimes spotting the bill), and even dog-sit. Help keep the sub engaging! NTA. Picking them up from school and being with them ADMIN MOD. Methinks the parents are the "entitled and selfish" ones for feeling entitled to triple childcare at nearly minimum wage. From the minute my sister gave birth she has been teaching her daughter consent, that she can say no to anything, that she is not obligated to do anything throwaw679991. I (23F) babysit on the side to afford rent. NTA a million times over. Let's say she finds a teenager starting out who's willing to do it for the low end, at $10/hr. You told your mom your rules for watching your kid. AITA for not babysitting my niece’s stepsister. Because she is a liar. Now you need to find a new babysitter. I (single mom of 2) hired a babysitter after I started working a new job (used to do wfh for 2 years). You could always say you’ll be happy to babysit but the cost is $30 an hour. This type of care for a kid is really best left to a grandparent (s) rather than a half-sister. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I have a neighbor whose kid is the same age as my oldest kid, 7, and they've been friends since they started kindergarten together two years ago. At dinner, we take turns paying. That includes taking them to and from school, food, etc. I had already had plans to go out to dinner for my friends engagement celebration. Don't babysit if you're not getting the full pay you require. Offer your babysitting services for a mere $20 per hour per kid. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. So this just happened at dinner tonight. Our neighbour next door (48M, Walter) is a single father with two daughters (14F and 12F). 2. 24. $400/14hrs = ~$28. AITA for leaving my half siblings without child care? Not the A-hole. NTA: she chose to have kids, they are her responsibility. I 33f, am a widow and a mother to two twin boys. This bear goes to doctors appointments, therapy, the grocery store, everything. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I decided to not watch the kids because I wasnt asked and I might be seen as an asshole because I knew they kids were unsupervised and they trashed her room because of me and I could’ve prevented it. Being a sibling does not obligate you to babysitting duty or anything else. You are ALWAYS allowed to say no. I am aware the title sounds horrible but I can try to justify it in the least. So I (22M) got back from a trip a couple days ago visiting family, and my mom asked me to babysit a few kids. ThrowawayAuntyAuntie. AITA for not babysitting my sisters kids? Not the A-hole. AITA for "losing" my passport to avoid babysitting on my vacation? Not the A-hole. She texted me last minute telling me she had bought concert tickets in advance and tonight was the night of the concert and needed me to watch the kids. I took a first aid course and a babysitting course. bx yh lz xa oo mq nx hd rc rw