Reddit aita stranger. com/qyuui/privatne-apoteke-beograd-informacije-o-lekovima.

Vote and comment on others' posts. He had a friendly smile and I initially ignored him, he then proceeded to show me two images of different dogs and he asked my opinion on which one suits him. As for your friend, it kind of sounds like he has feelings for you that are greater than friendship. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting So, I (30F) recently found out that I'm a match for kidney donation. For context, I was using a machine at the back of the bench area and Tom walked past in front of me dragging a bench to use at a squat rack at the side of the room. I was having the end of Stranger Things blues. I could infer he was talking about me from the way he was saying it. Two people proceeded to get in line on the opposite AITA for yelling at a stranger? I was in Mexico, and I saw some white American teenagers playing volleyball. It’s exhausting and causes high levels of anxiety. As soon as I saw his reaction I realized my mistake. ADMIN MOD. Never let a strange use your phone. Anyway the point is aita for saying that I was sick of my friends bullshit to my friend unknowingly because she decided to see if "I was worthy of being her friend ". I didn't sign up for Zelle but Bank of America automatically links your account with Zelle. NTA - you did the sensible thing by not allowing a stranger into your home when you were alone. AITA for being snarky to a stranger at the dog park? Not the A-hole. Our graduate was still taking pictures its friends so she did not witness this exchange. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I decided to ignore my brother and treat him like a stranger due to the grudge I have against him from his actions in the story. Today my son (8) asked to go to Waffle House for lunch to celebrate an achievement. Sending someone a drink at a bar is flirting with them. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. AITA for refusing a shot at a hotel bar from a stranger ? Not the A-hole. AITA for not telling my girlfriend I’m going to a different school because I don’t want to ruin her dreams and AITA for wanting to destroy the world because time is a human construct Reply chrischi3 Bitchin • AITA for getting frustrated at a stranger for misinterpreting me and my dads relationship POO Mode Activated 💩 (Before reading just letting you know I have terrible ADHD and dyslexia so sorry if some of the things in this story don’t make sense please let me know if you have questions!) One of the most debilitating features of ADHD is ‘masking;’ working extra hard to fit in and appear ‘normal. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I confronted a complete stranger over his behavior toward people just doing their job. And walked away with my partner. AITA for pestering a stranger for personal information? Not the A-hole. I don't know why your wife was upset. But it’s only one night. It’s a friend of your sister in law. She bought a house in July. Your roommate's suggestion seems unfair and unreasonable. ASSHOLE You did the right thing and modeled it to your little brother. It means that when a stranger makes you feel like you’re not safe, you don’t have to do as they say just because it’s the polite thing to do. You told your dad you weren't interested in the women. Kinda surprised your partner would encourage that behaviour too if I'm honest. Particularly when social expectations are high, for example, at a wedding. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Now he keeps messengering me “hello AITA for defending a stranger over my boyfriend in front of his friends? Not the A-hole. 😵 His son is now Protege Nope, they were just a stranger eight states away who wanted to talk. Eleven is my favorite character by far. AITA, for not allowing my kids around Stranger Relative? Stranger relative has not been a part of kids lives. I am a bot, and this action was performed NTA - Stranger danger! 1000% NOT. She thinks the actors, story lines and plots are amazing. Because of this I was of course friendly, but made it clear I wasn’t responsible for them. Don't give people who like cheaters your time and or friendship. So my husband and I finally watched Stranger Things together. 1. AITA for saying I don’t want strangers at my baby shower? Not the A-hole. This one seems really clear cut to me but my partner says I was an ass. If you can not, have a family meeting and set some mutually agreed upon ground rules regarding strangers - proper notice, no druggies, no men over 25, whatever. I told a stranger off after they were rude to me 2) I might be the asshole because their rudeness might’ve only been in my mind and they didn’t intend to be rude Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. My dogs are well trained and were leashed, so he was whining and I told him, “Yes, I see the Unfortunately, that is a life of a woman. Yta, that wasn't the truth, just your opinion, and a shitty one at that. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! aitabirthdaypresents. I told him no, and he kept trying to convince me. AITA for calling a stranger “A Pretty Girl”. Right? I said I could send her some listings and help her find an airbnb and pick her up from the airport, but it’s pretty shitty to expect me to be the only person in CA that’s gonna end up being the person to help this girl find and move into a place. Subreddit Announcement stay safe. I wanted to play, to befriend these kids. 2. I was robbed. Yesterday, I (17M) took my cousins (7F and 2M) to a play zone + arcade in a mall while our parents were shopping. You don’t owe that stranger anything, and the fact that he was so rude to you when you turned him down is a red flag. 2) Because talking to or even reprimanding a strangers child is generally not okay. When my bf came over the next day I told him what a great night it was, and even mentioned it was funny that a guy fell asleep on big ass teddy bear. My plans changed however when some NTA. I (30f) was working my retail job alone when a gentleman (26m) walked in and asked if we were hiring. Anyways, she said that she literally cried when one or the actors cut his hair. When I answered the door, I was in the middle of a work Zoom meeting that I was co-leading and was a little irritated because she kept ringing the doorbell until I could answer. AITA for telling a stranger not to park in my driveway : r/AITAH. Your apartment, your rules. Keep your shitty thoughts to yourself. I went there again a few nights ago and I was doing my usual thing. Going by your own description you weren’t even trying to act ‘normal. I decided to get the “011” tattoo in the same place Eleven has hers. He was hurt one that I let a stranger sleep alone with me in my room bc the world is a scary place and two that a guy sleep alone in his gf room. Our son is 22 and our daughter is 26. “I don’t care you almost hit my child!!” — so I yelled at the lady, asking her what her fcking problem is and if she’s always this careless. On the last night of the trip my boss and a couple colleagues went down to the hotel bar to have a couple drinks and discuss the trip. Jay has been married to May (F51) for ~30 years. The wedding itself was fairly stress-free. Last year, his school recommended he be assessed for a neurological disability. What's rude is for your uncle to invite himself and then even more insulting for him to invite a friend too. I feel pretty shite for arguing with a stranger, and my partner says I should have been the bigger person. I (31F) am a college student pursuing meteorology. What an intrusive AH that stranger was. Asshole. AITA for fighting to 'steal' a strangers inheritance? No A-holes here. Luckily we don't live together or I'd be taking back my keys. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. Close your account. It's always a possibility, but from the way he reacted, I have a strong feeling he's not. And it may not. " Next time, physically step between your GF and the guy and stay there. I try to send the vibe that I'm not in a conversational mood. AITA for Refusing to Let a Stranger Sit Next to Me on a Plane? I recently had a flight where the seat next to me was empty, and I was looking forward to having some extra space for a more comfortable journey. My (31M) oldest kid is my wife's biological son that I adopted. “Eve do this” ”Eve do that. He taught me a lot of things about the world and was a huge mentor. Someone stepping into your personal space like that needs their boundary defined immediately: Stay back, AH. It may turn out to be a fantastic experience. NTA. I (42/F) was out for a hike with my dogs. Should I have just ignored the stranger or was I an asshole for confronting him? Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I get that people get frustrated by this, but security protocols for residential buildings exist for a reason. Here is why I object to this poisonous person so I can protect. I could have minded my business more and kept my mouth shut, but he was behaving rudely and I could not stand it anymore. There were over 600 in my class so he’s one of many from a looooong time ago. So, AITA for how I treated this stranger in the parking lot in my girlfriend's presence? TLDR: Went grocery shopping with my girlfriend; while doing so, in the parking lot I made small talk for about 5 seconds with a stranger (female) who was giving me her cart, and girlfriend believes I was flirting with her. Bank of America refused to reverse the charges. If he has a social issue, you can then help your GF firmly draw a boundary line by physically being between them. Help keep the sub engaging! I think my inaction and trying to accommodate a total stranger is making me an asshole. "Whether I have or don't have children and why is none of your business. $150-275 might seem like not much to you in your current station in life, but that’s several days wage for a giant swathe of people. I have a close friend called Eve and people get us mixed up often so it is a pet peeve of mine when people pronounce my name wrong. Help keep the sub engaging! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. r/AITAH. They gave me strange looks from across the train the whole ride. So, for Christmas we gave her $4000. I (24f) was recently on a work trip in a city a few hours from my home. Reply reply. Award. This will be the first time in four years that our families will be Since I had been drinking since dinnertime, I was also very intoxicated and was in no way able to take care of a complete stranger, especially considering it was my birthday, when I shouldn’t have to worry about babysitting other people. His friends went off and left him with me and my two A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. A stranger presenting as having an emergency situation asked to make a call on my phone, and I didn't let him despite vehemently asking over and over. You were really luck the stranger didn’t do anything to you. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! . We had been there for about an hour when Don’t drink too much that you lose your inhibitions. Just because a stranger compliments you, doesn't obligate you to acknowledge it. He seemed nice enough and asked to use a cell phone charger. Okay I finished the series Stranger Things in July. Most people wouldn't date you for your personality even if you are attractive; a good personality is way better than a good body. YTA. She took a liking to us and when she learned my husband was sick, spend whatever time she could visiting him. AITA for letting a stranger know about a small wardrobe malfunction? Not the A-hole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. There’s a dog park about 5ish minutes from my parents’ house, where I take my dog, Fritz (my parents house him bc my apartment doesn’t allow German shepherds). I told them I was going to a funeral and to go away, they tried to keep me talking. My fiancé, R (23m) and I have spent a lot of time worrying about how our two very different families will mesh. We are adopting Emma. Accepting the drink is flirting back and indicating you are open to continue to flirt. My sister and BIL live close to me so I babysit for them sometimes. AITA for not helping? I had a strange feeling about this guy, and I was worried about the guy trying to steal something. ”. Also, don't use Bank of America. We (my husband, son, and I) sat in a booth adjacent to three late 20s/ early 30s women who had just sat down before us, with my back to their Was in the Babies R Us, a woman walked up to me & grabbed my stomach while she baby talked to me/my belly. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: She must have felt discomfort by being called out in public by someone younger than her. " It's all in the tone, though on the comment. So complaining when there is no way to fix the problem is bad manners. We know that moving into a new home always comes with unexpected costs, right after you've probably depleted most of your funds. Stick to your boundaries and prioritize your comfort. I started homeschooling them in 2020 and in 2021 I started a co-op with another mom that had 2 kids the same age. This specialist wants a lot of Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors AITA for asking a stranger to tone down her conversation in front of my kid? For context we live in the Southeastern US. I had to go down to the police station and prove I wasn't the guy, and I STILL got harassing phone calls and death threats from the victims family. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Talking to a strangers child. There's less than a 1% chance that he was genuinely looking for models for a legitimate art projects. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My car was stolen from the indoor parking garage of my apartment building by someone who followed a resident into the building this way. AccomplishedDrink247. Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. In the process he rolled over a 90lb Read this before contacting the mod team. AITA for saying I don't need help with my situation to a stranger? Not the A-hole. 8K votes, 482 comments. I (M) was in the gym today and got into a small confrontation with another member (Tom) and am unsure of whether I did the right thing. My sister (27F) has been struggling with kidney disease for a while now and is in need of a transplant. If your friends are mad, tell them that if your boyfriend was cheating and they did not tell you, then you are NOT friends and are, in fact, giant pieces of shit. I might be the asshole because I denied helping a person in need when it would've been easy to let him use my phone. The fact that somehow OP apparently doesn't know that is mind boggling, she's either socially inept or just didn't care enough to respect her current date. Scolding a stranger in public is also invasive and bad manners. I went to my school today to speak with an academic advisor. A line had formed because there was some issue at one of the cash registers so I got in the back of it. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. You are, however, TA for pushing after you received a "no". rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here I confronted a stranger that was obviously giving me a dirty look. My (m27) dad (61) had this friend Jay (M54). I've got chills thinking what could have happened to you. My name is Eva, (eev-ah) but is spelt in Irish so it looks like Ava, or Eve. My brother is very mischievous and handling both, him and my sister at the same time is a very difficult AITA for not helping the stranger? Not the A-hole. Not the A-hole. Reply. An old High School associate (from the 1980’s) made a friend request with me on Facebook. Damned if you and damned if you don’t. This post mostly concerns our daughters. Do not let a stranger use your phone EVER. Your feelings and thoughts about strangers is well founded. But now put yourself in your GF's shoes while she was getting "hugged. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Standing up for yourself is not wrong. You can imagine how annoying it is. AITA for letting a random stranger join our homeschool co-op but not my sister. It doesn't matter whether a four person table is in a food court, a restaurant, or wherever. Yesterday, I was on the train coming home, a stranger came onto my carriage and sat next to me. -tried to kill his son when he was 4yo, threw him into wall. When the client asked why SIL was still touching her stomach, SIL pointed out she was still holding SIL's bump. That’s a lot to ask of ANYONE let alone a complete stranger. My friend is obsessed with Stranger Things. The wait time was an estimated 2 hours according to the system they use. When my sister-in-law was pregnant, a client grabbed her bump, so my SIL grabbed her stomach. I was walking down the street with my husband and noticed a woman wearing a bikini top walking with her friend in our direction. One of our daughters, Ava, is our biological child. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. This is where I might be the asshole. Anywho, in tribute I decided I wanted a Stranger Things tattoo. In retrospect I’m wondering if calling a stranger in front of her two children (maybe 2 and 7?) “stupid” and was a bit inappropriate but nevertheless…. ADMIN. It's completely understandable that you don't want to share such an intimate space with a complete stranger, especially if you're introverted and already struggled with sharing it with your best friend. I lay here in bed alone writing this while my boyfriend is sleeping on the couch, here we go. AITA for treating a "stranger" better than my nieces and nephews? Not the A-hole.     Go to AITAH. G_S_Rogers. I (23f) am currently 32 weeks pregnant with my first, my baby shower is a week away. Would you really wait for a scruffy stranger to ramble off a paragraph to see if he’s just being friendly during a pandemic? If you’re sitting down, especially on the inside (back to a wall) you’re in a very compromised position if things go sideways. When the client asked why, SIL said she thought this was how client was greeting people now. My husband and I got married last year at an all-inclusive venue, with about 50 guests. Two and four person tables are pretty commonly not shared seating. I asked her what she was doing & she answered “touching the baby, obviously”. I made ai write a story for /aitah. screw her. LifeCheek. While I agree having a stranger in your house can be uncomfortable and concerning, it is a natural part of life. This led to an argument with me and my friend, who felt that I was being in accommodating and antisocial and caused a conflict in the group. I told them to fuck all the way off, they said that was uncalled for. Be generous here and allow for some discomfort. (I’m 20F, dog is 4M) Gonna try to keep this short and sweet. ESH neither of you were at your best at the doctor’s office. My wife and I have 4 kids (12m, 9f, 9f, 7m). puraly24. THE. If he wants models for pictures then he needs to be setting up somewhere public in the daylight where people can approach him to volunteer or he needs to pre-arrange details with volunteer models for night shoots. Don't get me wrong, you are absolutely allowed to feel uncomfortable and tell your sister you're uncomfortable. [deleted] This girl in her late 20s waitressed at a cafe we frequented. Our daughter had to work Christmas MuchLoveWaffleGirl. Every friend who's ever been to your house was a stranger in your house to somebody. Today, I went to a gas station to grab my nephew a gift card for his birthday. I tend to give a very flat and quiet thanks if I get a compliment from a stranger, simply because I'm not big on conversations with strangers in public. I like the experience and I like treating myself so, I am kind of a regular there. Ordinary-Success4901. Eventually, he went to another stranger, and they helped him. Planning the entire event was fairly stress-free. We were hanging out with both mine and his friends. It was quite harmonious for both of us, and we never had any arguments. I’ve been wanting to watch it for years (I’m a child of the 80’s and love D&D to boot) but my husband has never been interested because he says the main characters are too “ugly”. As the plane started to fill up, a woman approached me and asked if she could sit in the empty seat I work from home and today a woman who I did not know knocked on my front door. I think AITA would accept a post where a man constantly pesters his wife for some breast milk until she finally gives in but — much to his surprise — is upset at him later. The last time I let somebody borrow my phone was over 10 years ago and they raped the person they used my phone to call. true. And she recoiled in horror, turned & walked away. I didn’t notice what she did after she asked me to use my cell phone because I was placing my order. On Friday was their anniversary and they asked me 3 weeks in advance if I could babysit, I provisionally agreed because I had nothing else planned. For your family's safety and sake, find a place of your own. 10. His girlfriend did reach back out to me and tell me that she's sorry that it happened, that he does have impulse control issues (it came up) but that he'd been doing really well for a while and she didn't know what happened. AITA For being annoyed at a stranger in my bridal suite? Asshole. I wasn't playing well, and one of the boys "John", started making indirect comments about me to his brother. Growing up Jay was like an uncle to me. (1) I expressed my discomfort to my friend about inviting a stranger to our board game session, even though said stranger was friends with everyone else in the group. While taking a break I was sitting on a picnic table, we saw two people and my male dog got excited and wanted to say Hi. We decided to let a couple other parents/kids join for and have 12 kids between 3rd and 5th grade. So I 21f was at the bar tonight with my boyfriend 24m. She has stayed nights at the hospital when I needed a break OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I told a stranger that her friends hated her publicly 2) She was on vacation and young, possibly sharing a hotel with these people which will make the rest of the trip awkward. It could be that he was very jealous and hurt that you went off with a stranger instead of him (them). I (F26) was walking alone down a main street, on the way to a local business to collect something for my work. Because I said “I agree, so tell your friend to shut the fuck up. You are NTA. They don't pay me but I'm happy to do it anyway. Of course, I want the best for my sister and I love her dearly, but here's where things get tricky. This woman was up to no good. As the title suggests, you are not the asshole for asking or requesting. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more Yes, it’s true clothing doesn’t always match to gender identity - my cisgender wife wears mens clothing and is really rather androgynous - but in this case, OP recognized signs of gender dysphoria in a minor who didn’t feel comfortable coming out to family yet - until the child’s parent and a total stranger supported him at a pool party I looked at her and politely said, “no, I’m sorry” (my phone was in my jacket pocket and you’d never guess I had a cell phone just by looking at me). You're being asked to accommodate a guest's guest's guest (the friend of your uncle) who you don't know and likely aren't interested in meeting or entertaining. Around the same time, I learned about a young woman (25F) who has been on r/AmItheAsshole. You're NTA, you don't need you entertain idiots, especially when stressed! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I showed him a corporate pamphlet and explained how to apply. I (F24) am an aunt to my 1 year old niece Ava. I (27f) am on vacation in a beach/party town in the US. Safety is more important than being polite. Good job! Not to mention that even if you misplace your license and get a ticket, you can usually get out of it by producing your license at court. You simply talked to a total stranger who was thousands of miles away and didn't speak English that well at the request of your father. The title would be something misleading like “AITA for asking my wife for a drink?” Or “AITA for being pro-breastfeeding?” 1. I saw Season 1 and found it boring and lame. “What baby” I asked her with the most flat, calm voice & face I could manage. ESH. I recognized the name, so connected, but don’t recall ever talking to him (my mistake). It was an hour and a half drive with 3 small kids to where the party was. This main street was not particularly busy at the time this occurred (around 11am). Our son we gave a few different gifts totaling somewhere around $800. Now I have to wait 2 years for the last season (sad emojis). AITA for Arguing With a Stranger. I gave him my opinion and he asked me a bunch of questions. She did this to every single person who touched I let a stranger use my phone and this person sent themselves $3,500 through Zelle. I (27F) go to this kind of nice restaurant, order a meal for myself and read up on my job in my laptop. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. The process of finding a specialist (that our insurance will work with) has taken a long time. Even though I corrected her multiple times, she still called me A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. She didn’t say anything back to me, just looked at me and then walked away. ’. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. AITA for calling my friend a loser over Stranger Things? Asshole. r/AmItheAsshole. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here AITA for clapping back at a stranger when they told me (F26) to 'cheer up'? Not the A-hole. Now, several of his dysfunctional middle aged kids Celebrate him w/ 'Daddy' title. AITA for not letting a stranger's kid to use my card in a play zone/arcade. Emma and Ava were in the same preschool. She loves to have conversations with strangers everywhere and anywhere - stores, planes, officesshe had to go to a rehab place for 6 weeks after she fell and broke her leg and shoulder and came out with 2 new friends that she still has lunch with regularly. Not complaining is learning patience and not being annoying to others. You can roll your eyes or make a cutting comment. I have 3 kids (8, 9, 10). She was a single mom, taking classes at community college at night, working during day and raising her two kids. ny px wd ef bz ur cy kt rx mv