Reddit period aita. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends.

Advice Needed. I’m the exact opposite, I talk openly about my life, especially my health problems and period pain. MOD. Plastic-Ad-5568. •. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. It was school holidays a few weeks ago in our country - I work from home so the girls were with me during the day. AITA for telling my friend she might be starting her period soon? My (32F) friend (32F) gave birth to a kid about (at the time of the event) 6 weeks ago. For my first year of university, I was in a house of 5 boys and 5 girls. when i finally got off them 4 years later same AITA for asking my mother to put away her period pads from the kitchen table? Hey, for some context I (23M) took over the mortgage from my mother (41) a few months ago so she could move to another county to pursue her career. He is more ‘verbal’ with it -at times being really non-pc- and I’m a little bit more on the physical humour side of things. About a month ago I was hired to clean a house pool in a AITA for “period shaming” my daughter? Not the A-hole. stupled. r/AmItheAsshole. Efficient-Lobster-18. He isn't embarrassed when I buy period products, is understanding when I'm in pain, and will grab me a tampon from my bathroom if I run out in the downstairs bathroom. I get terrible cramps, soreness, become lightheaded, and I even get nauseous and diarrhea. AITA for crying at dinner on purpose to embarrass my dad and brother? Not the A-hole. My boyfriend (27M) and I were sitting on his bed that has white sheets. AITA; For grossing out my boyfriend with my period blood themed joke? Not the A-hole. When I got my first period (I’d just turned 12) I hid in the bathroom for a couple hours trying to figure out how to tell my mom. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. I used the international relations theory that bipolar international systems are AITA for refusing to go to a child free wedding if my son can’t go : r/AmItheAsshole. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. It also always starts at 2am. Then loudly complained about her period. when i was 14 complaining about irregular periods and intense pain the doctors just gave me birth control and said i was too young for regular periods. She is had been on birth control for about 3 1/2 years to deal with this. Hypothyroidism is a metabolic disease and can really screw with your energy levels and body weight. I had my own room and, if I recall correctly, the guest bathroom as my own bathroom during my stay. AITA For free bleeding at my MILs house? Asshole. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. AITA for telling my girlfriend to stop acting entitled on her period? Absolutely NTA - she’s abusive and toxic and controlling; she’s showing her true colours (which is apparently just all red flags), she’s using her period as an excuse for her manipulative gaslighting behaviour and to justify being a horrible person. AITA for laughing at my housemate when he suggested I not shower on my period? I've (31F) live in a share-house. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my early 20s and have always had extremely heavy I don't think you were TA for asking to be excluded from those conversations, but talking about your periods in general is a normal topic of conversation. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. One of the housemates Jack (M30) has never lived with a woman outside of his mother but likes to say that he is "aware" of women's issues and calls himself a feminist. So I (28F) was diagnosed in my teens with menorrhagia, or abnormally heavy/long periods. . Hell even off color jokes aren’t for everyone. AITA: My boyfriend places sheets on all of the furniture when I'm on my period. However helping her pain management wise, I have some advice (me, my mum and my 2 sisters all have medium bad period pains, so we have found a lot of ways of helping): Asshole. AITA for confronting a girl after leaving period blood on the seat multiple times? Not the A-hole. Maybe the nursing student should not have been standing so close to the two of you while you told her, but I am sure, she noticed the stain as well. Then prepare accordingly so you can try better next time. It does not mean they invite you and then ask you to pay for all of the food (irrespective of their cooking skills). I work night shifts, so I really just appreciate my sleep. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. NAH. She had a speech delay, didn't make eye contact, was extremely hyperactive, had trouble making friends, fidgeted a lot, was extremely strict with rules, and a whole bunch of other stuff. My wife and I suspected that she may be THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. I've explained my childhood experiences to her, and she's witnessed how unreasonable my mother can get over small things, and seen her fits. it took me YEARS to get somewhere with my period pain. AITA for not taking her home immediately after period mishap? Not the A-hole. It's more like fart/stomach issue jokes. Being emotionally and physically overwhelmed at your first period isn’t abnormal, it’s a totally new thing and the pain of cramps is totally new as well. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This is where my absolute saving grace came in Your grandmother is an adult and should know better than to passive aggressively try to shame you for living your life! Keep trying to spend time with her but do not let her manipulate you and gaslight you into believing you're doing anything wrong. Hosting usually means they pay for the majority of the costs and ask people to bring things they like and/or a side dish, dessert or beverage. My character has been sexually harassed and approached by orcs wanting to have sex because I'm playing a female elf. I'm currently staying at my MILs house with my husband for a family get together (six birthdays in one week). Also, if she's not already, she should definitely look at going on the contraceptive pill. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in my early 20s and have always had extremely heavy periods needing me to shower multiple times a day during my period. So pretty much, most of her life, our daughter (14F) had various issues. I go to use one of the bathrooms, lift up the R/AITA for being B****y on my period. I walked around as quietly as I could, but again, I couldn't not flush the toilet because anyone who's had a period would know that the blood can get everywhere and look like a murder scene. Since 2 months ago I started using Period Diapers/Adult Diapers for overnight use or when i an home becausetheyare more comfortable. AITA for gifting my girlfriend period stuff on her birthday? Asshole. So, my (24F) boyfriend (28M) is really protective over his furniture, I assume it's because they're white. She comes home on weekends r/AmItheAsshole. My boyfriend does humiliating things like placing sheets on all of the chairs and lounges Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. So i woke up at 2am with cramps, knew my period was coming, went and put a pad on and got back into bed. Yes but just telling period anecdotes isn’t cool in all company, neither are poop stories, vomit stories or wet dream stories. I havent been able to eat recently bc when I do eat I get nauseous and shaky so I havent eaten anything today not to mention my It is exhausting only being able to sleep for about an hour at a time and not even getting restful sleep during those hours, since I am constantly worrying if my pad is in the right position or if my tampon has already started to overfill. dtsm_. Yes microfiber or polyester is used to be known is very hard to sleep on. 413K Sorry English isn't my first language. 2-as someone with heavy periods, get her/them period underwear to wear to bed. 5 years now and I resigned and decided to move to a different place. She claims I am making her feel disgusting and having a period in a natural part of being a woman. They’re safer than tampons, very accessible/inexpensive, and they’re easy to clean. So Reddit, AITA for telling my daughter to hide her period? Edit: A lot of people are getting mad, so let me try to clear things up. Get out. 1. 2 It could upset my nan and puts the spotlight on me. And it is good that you feel you can share those kind of things with your bf and that he listens and does his best to help you trough it. I never hid anything from him when he was little and I just answered any questions he had as they came up. I (38M) have a daughter, Anna (12), who got her period Monday. My mom ended up telling a bunch of other family members including my sister (32F) and aunt (68F). The thing is, if you wouldn't have said We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’m a 41M single dad with a 13 year old daughter Lacey. OP wouldn’t ever have to ask dad or anyone at school for tampons or other supplies, and no one has to know you’re on your period except you. AITA for making my character get her period in a "realistic" DND game? I F20 am the only female player in my dnd group. I think you’re all good here— time for a relaxing bath and period calorie splurge. Definitely hypo. So I (25 f), have a pretty heavy period since my early teens with really bad period cramps. We ended up getting in a big fight about it. So I (19f) just started my period today, and the cramps I'm having are worse than usual. And at least twice a year Costco puts there best set on sale for 80 bucks a set for a big bed. I woke up in the morning with horrific period cramps. Go to AmItheAsshole. Our country is highly ethnically diverse and my husband and I are of differing And just because of s-e-x. Your grandparents overreacted. 2. It depends, but it's almost always like that on the first day of my period. Luckily, my symptoms subsided when I took some Midol and got to work, but I know Midol (and other pain relievers) don't work on every woman. I am a massive bitch on my period due to PMDD. I usually say “my uterus is imploding“ or “there’s a mini shark attaching my uterus“ because im the type of person where humour helps me feel better. She said she's in a ton of pain. It may be a good idea to talk to a doctor about it and seek treatment. I normally have a light flow and very mild cramping but this month is significantly more heavy with extreme cramping. He knows you, he's seen how it affects you. Your boss clearly doesn’t think you are an asshole since they had a female manager follow up with you. You wouldn’t be getting your period if you didn’t want to have s-e-x!!! Because that’s how puberty works, apparently. I had freshly just changed my tampon not even 10 minutes prior to this. the birth control stopped my period. I asked her to please not do that at the table because I am eating. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. LaughingHousemateTA. AITA: The Cold War was a stable period in history. 413K You weren’t graphic. Help keep the sub engaging! As a guy, period blood has a really nasty stink to it, and I'd personally prefer it be bagged up. . 4. 100% cotton is a serious luxury. Cover stain with salt and let sit in cold water. If her behaviour is escalating, then once her period is over, you might want to gently point out that her first period you saw, her moodiness was at a 2, and her last one was at at an 11. we each had our own room, but shared the bathrooms and kitchen. None of the common methods of dealing with cramps are helping and it’s 90 degrees out so a heat pad or hot water bottle would be unbearable. whatever that means i had already had it for 2 years. Periods are a part of life but so is learning everything has a time and place. You kept it to the important details (period early). My daughter does know why she has to hide her period from her grandmother. She still pays for electricity, etc. I know the title sounds ridiculous, but there's context! I'm currently in high school and I live with my dad and brother (my mom's not in the picture anymore). Molgent. Assuming he’s telling The truth and not exaggerating because I don’t understand how she’s leaving a bloody mess in the bedroom unless she’s just standing there in a squat position for hours on end making herself sneeze lol. Seems like a lot until you realize they last several times longer and are many times more comfortable. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. I just pay the mortgage itself. 3. In fact, a dog can simply eat tampons--which can result in an obstruction and pricey vet bills for surgery (or just really embarrassing moments at the dog park getting the passed tampon all the way out). Just know that not everyone can act “normal” on their period Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My girlfriend has very painful period cramps, and she’s had them since she got her period. Throwaway because I don’t want this on my account. Our notice period is for 2 months from the date of resignation however, since I put in my resignation all of my ongoing work was completed and all hand OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1= leaving the period tissue faced up 2= I coulda handled the situation more appropriately by reasoning with my parents/brother. She hung out at my house a bit ago, and said she'd like to a lot more often, and maybe bring some friends, and that got me thinking, since all her friends had girl names. I think we're a thing, but I haven't point-blank asked her yet. My sister has been a big help in raising Lacey, and we do keep in contact with her maternal grandparents. No big deal, I gave her a back rub and we watched movies the rest of the night. He showed up with 3 different pairs of underwear, any and all period products I had under the sink and like 2 pairs of jeans both nearly the same May 2, 2024 ยท I 33 F am with my husband 37 M for the last 13 years. This really shows when I'm on my period. My partner and I live together and his daughters "Leah" (11f) and "Rachel" (8f) were staying with us. AITA for working from home on my notice period. I should not make her feel bad about it. AITA for not telling my husband about my "period towels". I was as considerate as possible by continuing to creep downstairs, but not flushing the toilet was a hard limit for me. AITA for asking a girl i’m seeing about her period. • 2 yr. Hopefully you didn't dry the jeans in the dryer. AITA for taking a sick day for period cramps. Period stains happen and the nursing student probably won't think anything bad of your co-worker because of this. My sister sent my daughter a text about it being good timing or Intelligent-Nose-217. You were simply being a good friend to her. AITA; for doing gross menstrual jokes with my bf? Okay so my boyfriend (25m) and I (22f) have a really sick and dorky sense of humour. My periods were so bad I had to take days off school because I literally couldn't sit in class for more than about twenty minutes even with a pad and a tampon in, or else I'd be bleeding through - it happened enough my middle school principal contacted my parents to encourage I should I was her MOH. NTA (1) I was saying disrespectful things to my daughter about her period (2) you can't control if you have a period or not Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. But a little bit asshole for thinking period cramps can never be that painful. UPDATE: found here. This guy isn’t a raging misogynist because he doesn’t want to hear a period sock story. I 33 F am with my husband 37 M for the last 13 years. They make ones that hold up to 5 tampons worth. Now, this wasn’t a normal pregnancy. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1 I decided to come out as trans during the Festive Period. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! NTA. But those pains don't just magically appear during the same class period every day (assuming that's what she was doing). Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. The next morning she was getting ready to go home, and I went to the AITA for my reaction to bleeding on my boyfriends bed? I (23F), had my period. But that's a lot to ask, and I can deal with having the bathroom reek a week out of every month. Bled thru my jeans, didn't expect my period, I need you to please bring me some pads, a change of underwear and a specific pair of pants (same color as the ones I had on at work). I brought my 15yo daughter because her aunt was getting married and she wanted to wish her well! At the wedding, my parents were shooting me daggers, and my sister came over furious. But also, period hormones are so real. I got my period 2 days ago and it’s far more brutal than normal. It's hard work but I enjoy it. Reply reply. For this reason, I have always bought myself dark coloured towels specifically I would personally recommend starting with pads and also wearing period underwear for your first few periods until you get a feel for the flow (I wear tampons and sleep in period underwear for the first few nights of my period, and I’m in my late 30s). A backup stash of tons of different snacks and foods can help too. I’m a female living with my boyfriend and two other male Okay but thats a perfectly normal reaction to your first period even for those of us who knew what it was beforehand. The doctors were even sure she had endomentrosial because they said it wasn’t normal to experience that much pain, but it turns ESH. AITA for hiding my daughter's autism from her. AITA for not doing anything about my daughters period pain? My (50f) daughter (16f), has always had bad period pains but has always been one to over exaggerate her pain and she has low pain tolerance. After two minutes or so, rub the stained part together to remove the blood. (assuming hypo cause you said you were tired). If nobody's explained the effects of a period to him, that's a failing on your parents' part, not yours. To start, free bleeding is essentially not wearing any form of protection on your period (so you are bleeding freely - clues in the name). He was showing me a game. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have Period cramps can absolutely be debilitating, especially with conditions like endometriosis or PCOS. that is a very good thing in a relationship to actually feel comfortable sharing private matters with one another. My sister said that no children would be allowed at her wedding as they are loud and noisy. My piece of unsollicited advice: to remove bloodstains from sheets, act as soon as possible. She asked "Who was I to completely disregard her rules NTA It happens, you didn't smear menstrual blood on the jeans, you had a leak. I got some period stuff, and a more gender neutral use music speaker for the bathroom to hide the sounds made. AITA for telling my roommates girlfriend to hide her used period products better? Note: I have NOT had the conversation with her yet I just need advice on if it would be rude to. Whenever I say something about it, the DM says he's just trying to play a "realistic" game. My 12 year old son has known what a period is for like ever now. My wife died in childbirth and it’s just been me and Lacey all her life. During the school holidays, Leah got her first period. Im talking thay are starting mid-back and abdomen to thigh level cramps. ago. Her period started, she doesn't have tampons/pads or Advil. Not the A-hole. The issue started a couple of months ago when We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I 17F on my AP American history DBQ, I wrote an essay on this topic of evaluating the causes of the Cold War between 1945 and 1950. This past week, she has been complaining about having server period pains. Not hot: that would "cook" the blood and make the stain permanent). AITA for getting period blood on my husband's family's heirloom tampon? For context, we live in a perpetually unspecified country that isn't America and which does not have COVID, a fact which I can use to handwave any skepticism over the contents of this story. When I’m on my period, and my dad asks what’s wrong, I’ll tell him. While I'm not very close with my father, he's not a bad dad. This is an issue from a few months ago. I'm not having my uterus shredded and collapsed out my ballsack or anything exactly. I always get them the worst on the first day of the period, and then they get better as it goes. So a little bit of background I have been working at this place for almost 6. it’s unfortunate and I try not to take it out on others but it also feels uncontrollable sometimes, I’m also 25 and this girl is 15 so maybe just try to have empathy, although it is good that you stand up for yourself. This was a surrogacy. Prostitution jokes really aren't the equivalent of period jokes. NTA. It took my period pain from being a week long, nauseous bad to being 1-2 days max. The bots wouldn’t let me post with the title “AITA for WANTING to tell my roommates girlfriend…”. No photo necessary. I was talking with my mom (71) a day or two ago and Anna came up so I mentioned that Anna got her period. Tired all the time, weight gain, sweating a lot, bit of depression, enlarged thyroid gland, and swollen lymph nodes. So your mom left you in charge, you asked your brother to do a couple of things. The solutions are: get a trash bin with a lid that snaps closed, close the bathroom door, and train the dog. My opinion is that is not what I was doing. As I got up and walked elsewhere, my boyfriend said: “Was this here before?” Seconding this and will add— I’m a big advocate for period cups. Maybe you didn't ask nicely, but then making comments about your period like that isn't okay. I always used to bleed through to the sheets. Vote and comment on others' posts. English is not my first language so bear with me (also not great at formating) Ok, so I (27m) clean pools for a living. I came very close to calling in sick just the other day because I was up allllll fucking night with diarrhea, nausea and cramps from the pits of hell. Reply IllustratorSlow1614 Partassipant [2] • ADMIN MOD. I was on my period at the time so I discarded the used period products in the bathroom trashcan. Use an ice cube to start lifting the stain. I was in a two-hour lab and my gf messaged me. I used a significant amount of political theory to write this and I did do well. The salty ice water breaks down the hemoglobin in blood and it will literally turn into tiny flecks that float off in the water. Whether he loves her or not it’s not worth being abused that severely just because you love someone. ADMIN MOD. You should talk to your wife when her hormones are a bit more balanced and ask how you can best support her throughout her cycle. AITA for making my partner's daughter use my period underwear? Not the A-hole. Add a few drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid and a little baking soda and continue to rub the spot with the ice cube, rinse and repeat. A girl I’m seeing slept over the other night and when she was here stuff got a little sexual she ended up saying she was on her period. My period is normal; I have cramps and other side effects like every girl I know, but the first days are particularly difficult for me. We had some tension during the pregnancy but it was all put on pause when she went into labor/began recovery. SeasickJellyfish. Reply. Info about your period is between you, your doctor, and perhaps a partner or close friends if you want to share, but no one needs to know about it if you don’t want to share. AITA for cleaning the pool while client's daughter sunbathed? Not the A-hole. My host family took me when they went on vacation and we stayed at the house of a close friend of theirs for a few days. You are most definitely NTA what you share about you and your struggles and who you share them with are totally up to you. oj pw ri qk cl lf td ix wx sd  Banner