Save the children gaza. Many celebrated Eid in the dark without electricity.

When you give to Save the Children, 86% of every dollar goes straight to our mission to provide lifesaving relief to children. The six-month war on Gaza since the 7 October attacks on Israel by Palestinian armed groups has resulted in horrendous consequences for children. Save the Children is implementing a project in Cabo Delgado province that integrates cash assistance into an Education in Emergency support package, with the aim of retaining (or re-enrolling) 2,820 at-risk children in school, including those who were displaced by the armed conflict (IDPs) and resettled in host communities. Ramallah. Notes to Editors Apr 4, 2024 · Joint Letter to White House on Attack on Humanitarian Workers in Gaza. They do not have enough access to water, food, fuel and medicine. Dec 21, 2023 · Based on the new analysis, Save the Children fears that if the current siege and bombardment persist, thousands of children risk dying of starvation and related illness. The situation in Gaza is monstrous and a blight on our common humanity. How we're helping children and families six months on. Oct 17, 2023 · Reports suggest that children are among the 199 people abducted and taken into Gaza as hostages[2]. By Mohamad Alasmar, Save the Children’s Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Director for Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe. The only way to keep kids and their families safe is to end the violence. Every child held hostage must be released, emphasized Jan 29, 2024 · The suspension of funding by donor states will impact life-saving assistance for over two million civilians, over half of whom are children, who rely on UNRWA aid in Gaza. Feb 14, 2024 · Some families go days and nights without eating. Let me state, once again: the crisis in Gaza is unprecedented. Apr 4, 2024 · RAMALLAH, 4 April 2024 – Nearly 26,000 children – or just over two percent of Gaza’s child population - have been killed or injured in Gaza in six months of a war which has decimated the health system and severed access to education, Save the Children said. Media Contact: Media@savechildren. Rishmawi Building, Yasmin Street. We are calling for an immediate end to this conflict. A generation of children in the besieged Gaza Strip are on the brink of a mental health crisis, a children rights group said. Nearly 300 million people – or 1 in 27 people – are expected to need humanitarian assistance this year. 1 million children - or 1% of the total child population - have been killed since an attack on Israel on 7 October [1] and the assault on Gaza that has followed. Save the Children urges Israel to lift the Gaza blockade and for Palestinian and Oct 18, 2023 · We have witnessed unfathomable death and destruction in the Gaza Strip and Israel. Your support is urgently needed. Jan 18, 2024 · RAMALLAH, 11 January 2023 – More than 10,000 children have been killed by Israeli airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza in nearly 100 days of violence, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, with thousands more missing, presumed buried under rubble, Save the Children said. It’s the difference between life and death. $150 can wrap 30 warm, cozy blankets around children affected by Save the Children. [2] The UN estimates that 10,000 people are believed buried under the rubble in Gaza, and also estimates that 40% of casualties in Gaza are children. The war will have been ongoing for 100 days on Sunday 14 January. We’re starting from scratch. As the 'total siege' of Gaza continues, the already dire humanitarian situation continues to get Feb 28, 2024 · An estimated 12,500 children have died since the start of the conflict on 7 October 2023. The closures will have catastrophic Our work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Give Now. Save the Children estimates this would amount to approximately 4,000 children buried Oct 17, 2023 · Save the Children have been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children impacted by the ongoing conflict since 1953. $94. Baby Lana* arrived on 26 April 2024 and was the first baby to be born at the new maternity unit. Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and Oct 29, 2023 · With a further 1,000 children reported missing in Gaza assumed buried under the rubble, the death toll is likely much higher. Since the 7 October attacks in which 33 children were killed in Israel, more than Dec 12, 2023 · Save the Children CEO Janti Soeripto on the Death of Colleague Sameh Ewaida and his Family. A further 27 children were killed in Israel, according to Israeli media. At the end of the day, children need more than a respite or a pause. We are calling for an immediate and definitive Ceasefire Now and unrestricted humanitarian aid access. (December 12, 2023) - It is with profound sadness that we confirm our Save the Children colleague and his family were killed by an airstrike in Gaza. If a definitive ceasefire and the necessary conditions for a humanitarian response are not put in place immediately, more children’s lives will These efforts are measured in days and weeks, not hours. Save the Children is calling for a lasting ceasefire now. Over 337,000 children under five and 155,000 pregnant and breastfeeding women across Gaza are estimated by the UN to need lifesaving nutrition support, yet more than half of RAMALLAH, (Oct. We will aim to assist 15. UNITED NATIONS, 27 February 2024 – Time is running out for children in Gaza as reports emerge that they are starting to die because of malnutrition while Israel continues to impose restrictions preventing the safe delivery of aid, Save the Children said Dec 22, 2023 · 22 December 2023, RAMALLAH – About 893,000 children are likely to now be internally displaced in Gaza, meaning an average of nearly 12,000 children a day have been forced to flee – many multiple times – since Israeli authorities launched their military operations following the attack on Israel on 7 October, said Save the Children [1]. On Friday, Israeli forces announced “expanded ground operations” in the Gaza Strip, with Save the Children warning it will bring more deaths, injuries and distress while calling for an immediate ceasefire. More than 13,800 children in Gaza have been killed, as well as 106 children in the West Bank and 33 children in Israel. For the same research, in the West Bank, 32 children (17 girls, 15 boys) were consulted about how hearing dehumanising language about Palestinians impacts their mental health. Children are cut off from the basics they need to survive, and over 1. Jun 15, 2022 · It is now more critical than ever that the government of Israel lifts the blockade of the Gaza Strip, and that local authorities, the international community and donors support the rapid strengthening of child protection and mental health support services for affected children, Save the Children said. Every war is a war against children. On Monday, May 6, Israeli forces issued relocation orders demanding civilians in eastern Rafah to flee to the Israeli-designated Jason Lee, Save the Children's country director for the occupied Palestinian territory, said at the time that "there can never be any justification for killing children. Together, we can protect children from the horrors of this conflict. 9 million people – about 9 in 10 of Gaza’s population – are estimated to have been internally displaced. Dec 20, 2023 · Nearly half of Gaza’s population (41%) are under the age of 15, and nearly 8,000 children are estimated to have been killed so far in the conflict. Save the Children is calling for an immediate, definitive ceasefire to save and protect the lives of children in Gaza, and for the warring parties to adhere to international humanitarian law, for Israel to uphold the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling and refrain from actions which undermine the provisional measures indicated by the ICJ. Many people are being forced to turn to contaminated water sources, leaving them vulnerable to illness or an outbreak of waterborne diseases. Sameh Ewaida, 39, was the proud father of four children Mohammad (12), Hebba (11), Zeina (3), and Zein (2). Ramallah, 27 November – Even with the agreed two-day extension of the four-day pause in fighting children in Gaza won’t be safe until a lasting ceasefire is agreed. Over 20,000 people have been killed – including over 8,000 children. Their role in the facilitation and delivery of lifesaving humanitarian aid at scale in this crisis has been heroic. Cash and Education Case Study - Mozambique. Despite the extremely difficult operating challenges, Save the Children’s teams and local partners have helped more than 323,200 people in Gaza over the past six months. WASHINGTON (April 4, 2024) — In response to the tragic killing of seven World Central Kitchen team members, six non-governmental organizations operating in Gaza--Anera, CARE USA, Humanity & Inclusion, MedGlobal, Project HOPE, and Save Nov 7, 2023 · Yousef*, Save the Children staff member in Gaza, and father of three children aged under 10, said: “There is a lot of loss and a lot of pain. Save the Children has been supporting the unique needs of children caught in armed conflicts for over 100 years. Today, more than one in six children in the world live in a war zone. These efforts rely on your support. We are in Gaza and continue to do everything we can for children. May 1, 2024 · Save the Children has been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children impacted by the ongoing conflict since 1953. Since the 7 October attacks in which 33 children were killed in Israel, more than Save the Children has been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children since 1953. “A whole generation of children in Gaza is Sep 4, 2017 · Children unable to sleep, study or play. Jan 10, 2024 · Save the Children has been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children since 1953. 1 million children hanging by a thread. Jason Lee, Save the Children’s Country Director for the occupied Palestinian territory, said children’s sense of safety had been “ripped away”. Put pressure on the international community to ensure humanitarian access into Gaza at all crossings. 7 million people have been displaced. could help fund a food Apr 4, 2024 · RAMALLAH, 4 April 2024 – Nearly 26,000 children – or just over two percent of Gaza’s child population - have been killed or injured in Gaza in six months of a war which has decimated the health system and severed access to education, Save the Children said. Half of them children. Feb 3, 2024 · Over 1 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering in UNRWA facilities across Gaza. Children are paying the highest price for a conflict they have no part in. Sameh Ewaida, 39 GAZA: Extension of humanitarian pause still falls far short of providing safety and supplies children desperately need. Around the world, one child in six is living in an area affected by conflict, in places like Gaza, Israel and Syria All of Gaza’s children have been exposed to the traumatic experiences of war, the consequences of which will last a lifetime. With challenges in collecting and verifying casualty figures since 11 November due to the collapse of communications and services in hospitals in Gaza, the reality is likely higher. While in Sudan, 14 months of conflict have turned Sudan’s Nov 10, 2023 · Save the Children have been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children impacted by the ongoing conflict since 1953. Sameh Ewaida, 39, had been with Save the Children since 2019. 1 million children - or 1% of the total child population – have been killed since an attack on Israel on May 6, 2024 · GAZA (May 6, 2024)— Time has run out to protect children in Rafah with the looming ground assault forcing hundreds of thousands to flee and impeding aid efforts in Gaza’s ‘last refuge,’ Save the Children said. By donating today to Save the Children, you can help children get the food, medicine, and education they need to give them a chance of a future they deserve. Toronto, June 24, 2024 – Up to 21,000 [1] children are estimated to be missing in the chaos of the war in Gaza, many trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families, said Save the Children. May 1, 2024 · GAZA, 1 May 2024 – In bombed-out Gaza, thousands of child amputees and injured children are struggling to recover without adequate pain relief and devices like wheelchairs, according to Save the Children emergency medical staff, with the looming Rafah incursion threatening to kill and maim more children. Many celebrated Eid in the dark without electricity. Jan 12, 2024 · The latest data from the Ministry of Health in Gaza shows more than 10,000 of Gaza’s 1. Dec 22, 2023 · Jason Lee, Save the Children Country Director in the occupied Palestinian territory, said: “In Gaza, these figures reveal a horrifying reality. In this position, Janti had oversight for setting agency strategy, ensuring all parts of the organization were well managed, staffed and aligned and operated Donate to Gaza — Save the Children. Since the 2014 Gaza war, your support has helped us reach almost 50,000 people – including 35,000 children. Ahead of the UN Security Council convening a session on food insecurity in Gaza today, Save the Children reiterated calls for an immediate, definitive ceasefire and the ramping up of safe, unfettered aid access, with the lives of 1. Nov 29, 2023 · At least 6,000 children have been killed in Gaza since the start of the escalation, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Our team works across the oPt, with over 30 partners, to ensure children survive, have a chance to learn, are protected from all types of abuse, and that all actors remain committed to Children in Gaza are cut off from the basics they need to survive, and over 1. Destruction and rubble after airstrikes in Gaza, May 2021. Our Emergency Health Unit (EHU) is in Gaza, working through a partner to provide specialised paediatric services for children in a field hospital established by a partner in in Al-Mawasi. Stand in unity with the hundreds of thousands who have already taken action and sign the petition now . Oct 30, 2023 · The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world's conflict zones since 2019, Save the Children said. . Stop the war on children. I have no answers for them. Death is everywhere. Save the Children considers Gaza to be unlivable now. Children must be protected. She assumed this role in January 2020, after serving as President and Chief Operating Officer since May 2019. This Ramadan in Gaza, There Will Be No Dates to Break the Fast. Join our calls to stop the war on children and demand an immediate ceasefire now. By Paola Simonetti and Thaddeus Jones. $50 can provide enough food to keep 3 children from going hungry for a month. By Gloria Donate, Director of Program Development at Save the Children in the occupied Palestinian territory. Following two extensions of the pause which led to the release of 110 hostages from Gaza and 240 Palestinians detained in Israeli prisons, according to the UN , warring Nov 16, 2023 · As of 4 December 2023, over one million children – or the entire child population - in Gaza have been left with nowhere safe to go as ground military operations began in Khan Younis on Sunday 3 December 2023. Feb 27, 2024 · Food is so scarce in Gaza that reports are beginning to emerge of children dying due to a lack of food. Khan Younis is a city in the south of Gaza where the civilian population had previously been told to relocate for safety by Israeli Save the Children International View & Download This brief looks at the immense impact of months of war on the mental health of children in Gaza and the West Bank, building on the findings of existing Save the Children research from 2018 and 2022. could help provide a family with cash vouchers to help them buy essentials like food and water. $33. Photos courtesy of United Nations Office for the Mar 12, 2024 · Save the Children also spoke to four parents and caregivers in Gaza about the psychosocial wellbeing, behaviour, and coping mechanisms of their children since the escalation. They need a ceasefire. DONATE NOW. Save the Children’s team in the occupied Palestinian territory has been working around the clock, prepositioning vital supplies to support people in need, and working to find ways to get assistance into Gaza. Tel: 02-2973631-4. Already, more than 12,500 children have been killed in nearly five months The six-month war on Gaza since the 7 October 2023 attacks on Israel by Palestinian armed groups has resulted in horrendous consequences for children. could help equip our Emergency Health Unit with vital medical supplies. Save the Children does not have an existing presence in Israel, but we are coordinating with civil society and authorities to assess ongoing needs May 10, 2024 · Palestinian children's survival depends on it. Aug 8, 2022 · FAIRFIELD, Conn. I'd like to make a secure donation to Save the Children to help support children in Gaza. Children are always the first to suffer in any conflict. Dec 12, 2023 · LONDON/GENEVA, 12 December 2023 - It is with profound sadness we confirm that a staff member of Save the Children and his family have been killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. In Gaza, there is nothing left. Jan 11, 2024 · The latest data from the Ministry of Health in Gaza shows more than 10,000 of Gaza’s 1. Children have no part in starting wars, but are victims of their violence. Nov 27, 2023 · Save the Children have been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children impacted by the ongoing conflict since 1953. He was the proud father of four children – Mohammad (12), Heba (11), Zeina (3), and Zein (2). The humanitarian aid organization Save the Children has sounded the alarm on the desperate situation in Gaza affecting children especially. UNRWA’s 13,000 staff in Gaza far outstrip the collective capacity of the rest of the humanitarian sector in the territory. Children’s lives and futures are at risk. The agency’s child protection teams are reporting that the latest displacements caused by the Janti Soeripto is President & Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children US. However, the UN predicts that child wasting is likely to increase by 27 per cent in Gaza in the coming months. Jul 5, 2024 · In June, new data from the IPC revealed that in Gaza, 9 months of Israeli bombardment and near-total siege have left almost the entire population (96%) facing severe food shortages (IPC 3+), with more than 495,000 people, including children, facing the most severe levels (IPC 5). A hospital in the centre of Gaza City was struck this evening, with initial estimates indicating that at least 500 people have been killed Jan 8, 2024 · Save the Children referenced remarks from UNICEF spokesperson James Elder, who after returning from Gaza, said on December 19 that around 1,000 children had lost one or both of their legs since Oct 29, 2023 · With a further 1,000 children reported missing in Gaza assumed buried under the rubble, the death toll is likely much higher. Our main aims are to ensure children survive, learn, and are protected from all types of abuse. We’ve been able to stand with children for years because of your support. Dec 2, 2023 · The failure to extend the military pause is a death sentence for children in Gaza, with children already reported injured following return to fighting, said Save the Children. Before October 7th, acute malnutrition in Gaza was almost non-existent. Full stop. The lives of children depend on it. Save the Children has been working with Palestinian children since 1953, with a permanent presence in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1973. A UN report in 2012 said Gaza would be unlivable by 2020. We are fearful: of what the coming hours will bring, of what tomorrow will bring. Around 1. Since October 7, more than two million people GAZA (Dec. It's the only way to protect lives. My children look into my eyes every day, they are searching for answers. 4 Jun 2018. We encourage our supporters to contribute to their efforts if they can. Food, drinking water, a roof over their heads, medical care and most of all – to be safe and protected. Oct 18, 2023 · Save the Children is appalled by an attack on a school and a hospital in Gaza today, which has reportedly killed several hundred civilians and calls for an immediate ceasefire to protect children’s lives. Oct 8, 2023 · Save the Children condemns the violence, saying the scale of the attacks in Israel and Gaza is causing damage that would endure long after the immediate crisis. The population faces starvation, looming famine and an outbreak of disease under Israel’s continued indiscriminate bombardment and deliberate deprivation of aid in Gaza. Nov 11, 2011 · We have witnessed unfathomable death and destruction in the Gaza Strip and Israel. org. Although baby Lana was healthy when she left the hospital, after three days she became unwell. Janti Soeripto, President and CEO of Save the Children, issued the following statement: "While we’re pleased today’s UN resolution passed, it’s not nearly enough. Child abuse, Children affected by armed conflict, Mental Health, PCIC, Protecting Children in Conflict In the past decade and a half, children in Gaza have endured six life-threatening situations – five escalations in violence and a pandemic – as well as a life-limiting land, air and sea blockade imposed by the Government of Israel since Jun 24, 2024 · Save the Children added these estimates to equal approximately 21,000 children missing in Gaza, or over 20,000. (August 08, 2022) – Save the Children is gravely concerned by the serious escalation of violence between Israel and Palestinian armed groups, which so far has claimed the lives of six Palestinian children and injured at least 96 more inside the Gaza strip. Mar 21, 2024 · Abu-Sittah, a fifty-four-year-old British Palestinian with an angular face and tender, deep-set eyes, has treated child survivors of war for the past thirty years in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Oct 23, 2023 · Ramallah, 23 October – At least 2,000 children have been killed in Gaza over the past 17 days, and a further 27 killed in the West Bank, with constant airstrikes reducing thousands of buildings across the Gaza Strip to piles of smoking rubble. [7],[8] Civilians also need to be protected from further displacement. The daily bombardments and fighting are worsening a food shortage that is A warning on Gaza from a humanitarian worker. In the past decade and a half, children in Gaza have endured six life-threatening situations – five escalations in violence and a pandemic – as well as a life-limiting land, air and sea blockade imposed by the Government of Israel since June 2007 Jun 24, 2024 · 06/24/2024. An end to the fighting is the only way to ensure children are kept safe! See where we work across the country. 29, 2023)— The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world's conflict zones since 2019, Save the Children said. They are trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families. 5 Ways Children Are Impacted by the Gaza Israel Conflict. The Government of Israel must ensure the basic needs of the population are met and stop the forcible displacement of people in Gaza now. Save the Children has been working in Egypt since 1982 and we currently have 280 staff and a large network of local and international Sep 18, 2023 · Save the Children has been working with Palestinian children since the 1950s, with a permanent presence in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) since 1973. Over 21,000 children in Gaza are currently missing in the chaos of the war. Caregivers described concerning behaviour in children and young people, with 79% reporting an increase in bedwetting over the past few years and 78% reporting that May 7, 2024 · Destroyed buildings in Khan Younis, Gaza [Sacha Myers/ Save the Children] GAZA, 7 May 2024 – The takeover by Israeli forces of the Rafah crossing and the closure of the Kerem Shalom crossing are blocking the last remaining entry points for aid and lifelines for children in Gaza, says Save the Children. Join Save the Children, hundreds of international organisations and thousands of people like you in our call for a ceasefire. Save the Children’s Emergency Health Unit have set up a maternity unit in the Gaza Strip. There will be daily 4-hour humanitarian pauses from fighting in northern Gaza. Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Apr 8, 2024 · In Israel, Physicians for Human Rights Israel, and The Humanity Crew are organizations whose work aids children and families. Newly released data from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) shows one in four households in Gaza now face catastrophic food insecurity, including starvation. 4 million - over 60% of the total population of Gaza - have been displaced. The fragile pause has enabled the release of 58 hostages from Gaza and 117 Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons, including 87 minors . Over six months of war in Gaza, the All people in Gaza are exhausted and traumatized, they need help to deliver aid safely and effectively. Dec 7, 2023 · GAZA, 7 December - The intensity of the Government of Israel’s offensive coupled with its ongoing siege have undermined the ability to provide humanitarian assistance, Save the Children said today. Nov 27, 2023 · Children held hostage must also be released, says Save the Children. The warnings from Gaza keep coming – mere hours left of fuel, no food by the end of the week, water rations dwindling by the minute. One million children in Gaza are living in dire conditions. On 6 May, Israeli forces ordered thousands of people to flee parts of Rafah. There is no clean water, leaving children at risk of dying from severe dehydration. 9 million children across 46 countries in response to the most significant Jun 15, 2022 · For the report Save the Children consulted 488 children and 168 parents and caregivers in the Gaza Strip in a repeat of similar research by the child rights organisation in 2018. Photo by Bisan/Save the Children . We need a definitive ceasefire. 21, 2023)—The siege and bombardment of Gaza are pushing children and families there towards famine, Save the Children warned today. Nov 7, 2023 · A child standing behind a fence in Gaza (Photo Credit: Bisan Owda/ Save the Children) Ramallah, 07 November - A month of relentless bombardment of densely populated civilian areas has exacerbated the already-critical mental health crisis for Gaza’s children with far-reaching consequences, as coping strategies and safe spaces are ripped away and mental health services and assistance are cut We work in the hardest-to-reach places, where it’s toughest to be a child. $57. In Gaza, the UN has said that water, food, fuel, medical supplies, and even body bags, are running out due to the siege. Thousands of people have been killed, injured, displaced, and nearly two hundred remain held hostage, including children and elderly. More than half of Gaza's housing units and schools are now damaged. Here, 7-year-old Nana* and her father, a Save the Children staff member, share their story from Gaza where, like the stories coming out of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, are the stuff of nightmares. Nov 22, 2023 · This truce will provide much needed respite from relentless bombing for children in Gaza, but they still lack the necessities to survive. In addition, three Israeli adults were injured when rockets were Oct 29, 2023 · Save the Children’s team in the occupied Palestinian territory has been working around the clock, prepositioning vital supplies to support people in need, and working to find ways to get assistance into Gaza. 85% of people displaced, 890,000 children – these aren’t just statistics, it's a stark reminder that an entire population is in real danger. " Jun 4, 2018 · 03:04. Our calls remain clear and urgent: an immediate and definitive ceasefire Jan 7, 2024 · Save the Children has been providing essential services and support to Palestinian children since 1953. All eyes on Rafah: Please donate today to children in Gaza and around the world, where the needs are the biggest and most urgent. Children’s lives, safety, well-being, and futures are under attack in an increasingly dangerous and unequal world. Every minute counts now. Save the Children's team in the occupied Palestinian territory has been working around the clock, prepositioning vital supplies to support people in need, and working to find ways to get assistance into Gaza. Every year when the sun sets during Ramadan, Muslims break our fast with a date – just as the Prophet Mohammed did. dn nm tb bu ts zv qe vr ct fa