My mom left me when i was a baby reddit

My mom left me when i was a baby reddit. My mom doesn’t believe in abortion and told me she wanted me to keep it. I ended up losing 15 lbs since the breakup. 3. One day My mom comes in my room she’s all dressed up and racing around and I ask if she’s going somewhere. So this dream is based on somewhat true life circumstances. Like I wasn't part of the family, This is how i came to my conclusion that my mom hates me or she dislikes me as I mentioned before I have two younger siblings aged 4 and 9. Advice Needed. Came back two years ago. Men sometimes don't realize how important that time is for a woman. Girlfriend of 4 years and baby mama just broke up with me. My husband was only going to get one week off of work, and we wanted that week to be together as a family. And when he wrote his will, he left the cabin to me, not my mom. 5 years ago my brother in law died in a motorcycle accident at age 26, 5 weeks after becoming a father for the first time. 9 years isn't that long relatively I guess, but lately it just seems to be bothering me than usual, and I hate it. You were abandoned by your birth mother at a time when you had become attached to her and when you needed her. She says that she met my Dad young and they had me pretty quickly, she says Dad wasn't a good man and he was a bad partner and Mom was depressed and he was mean and just starts saying a lot of stuff that I don't remember happening. My (24) parents were really young when I was born. My dad knew. 2. I’m starting to resent my mom after she “left” my dad last year. It was a big mistake. My Aunt then tells me that my Mom isn't on the other side of the country but she's only a few hours drive away. My dad died of cancer in 2005 and before that we were a relatively happy family. We have had a very authentic relationship all these years. I was 19 at that time and my sister was 17 . On cross-questioning a lot and getting the scenarios debunked she concluded with verbal abu#₹iv@s which were mere arguments 250 votes, 52 comments. She said that she needed to talk to me. Anything good in my life is now gone. So, to get started, I am 36m, and my wife is 33f. I'm glad your father picked you up right away and you don't and shouldn't have to give an apology. She even claimed on for#₹d marriage. She had told me , my sister and my dad that she can't waste even a day more on us and wants to finally live her loving life. That she regrets giving me too much leeway and that because of this I was so And she overall was very neglectful. My girlfriend of 4 years and my baby mama broke up with me and made me realise I actually have nobody to talk to so I’m on here basically looking for some decent friends so the loneliness doesn’t set in too hard not butt hurt about the end of my relationship we both agreed it wasn Recently my brother, who has always been uncomfortable to be around (he is an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist and misogynist to name a few things), was evicted from his place and my mom let him live with us despite me stating how uncomfortable I was with this because all he ever does it argue with us and create problems, and they usually That was fine with me. so i was 21 & my Nmom’s bf wanted a baby. My earliest memory was when my older sister pushed me down the stairs and my mom was laughing rather than rushing to see if I was ok. Look up your local help organizations for food and what not. I (m18) just found out that my father (m42) baby trapped my mother (f40) with me. You are under no obligation to "forgive and forget," As for as your sister knew, your mother didn't exist. I just went about my business and I'm beginning to shine my bright life. My mom is lonely too and as my little sister has entered the adolescent age and started expanding her social life it's become more apparent than ever. I hope for the best for you guys. I checked in with $100, my hospital bag, and an empty infant car seat. I went no contact at 18. I wound up moving back home to Illinois from Georgia with my daughter, and developed a heroin, meth and crack habit. So even when he would scream and cry she only fed him every 4 hours. She hates her family and they bicker all the time. I left my girlfriend of 4 years with a baby. She has a bad habit of running away and leaving without a note, and I'm really worried because it's been nearly 24 hours, so one of the longest periods of time she's been gone. I wish… My quote-unquote mom married my dad when I was 4 and they raised me. My (23F) mom (48F) told my dad (53M) she wasn’t happy anymore and wanted to leave last August. He may think you're capable of handling it on your own and it sounds like you have If your mom wants to leave then she should be taking you kids. I took control of my life and left behind my crippling emotional trauma; I decided to turn things around one step at a time. I’m ‘successful’ by societal expectations, was always responsible, yet my mom (67F) talks to me like a 5 It's more likely that her feelings are hurt by the way you treated her during the pregnancy and now she wants to hurt you back. The mother of my child, who had been my girlfriend for over 3 years until last night, broke up with me and told me she doesn’t want to be a mom right now. hes since tried apologizing and sent money. I’m pregnant & my husband hit me for the first time yesterday. my mom asked me to be her surrogate …but using my eggs. I wish I didn't have a mom. I know this is long, but reading it would help me a lot. We talked about our future and plans which we both agree with no But my mom then tried to take me away from my Dad as she claimed he was abu#₹iv@, well he was never that I stayed with him for over 20+ years, one thing he wasn't was abu#₹ive. I haven't been able to respond to all of them because I am so overwhelmed, but I've read them all and really appreciate your kindness. My dad left when I was 12 (35 now). •. Our parents had an arranged marriage and we are Indians. We are expecting our first child soon. I don’t even know what to say. My mom asked me why I was crying and I told her. My mom still can't be civil with my dad and step mom, who have been married for 10 years. My belly is rounder and softer probably because I stopped doing any crunches from month 0. She had me when she was FOURTEEN. I went to the gym and became fit, I invested in fashion, and I learned how to socialize better. I mean it’s certainly not like you’re going to pick up a mother/son relationship overnight and I think baby steps with a counselor would best serve the situation. I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant. I got too attached and now I’m an emotional wreck when she left. She’s about to turn 18 and in her senior year of high school. My face has become rounder and chest size has increased noticably. Another year later, they had me and moved back in with my father’s parents. I (29f) met my fiancé K (32m) six years ago when J was 2. Grief has become a regular part of life for me. send booze. My mother had her tubes tied. First time mom here. I left home and moved to Ontario for 30 years. Halfway through my pregnancy, I worked out a plan with my mom for when she could help me with my newborn. I also have a sister but she’s away Discussion often contains adult themes and language. You don't own me or my siblings. This is how my mom treated me as an adult until I moved out and she realized if she didn’t stop, we wouldn’t have a relationship anymore. My girlfriend suddenly left me without reasons when our baby was 7 weeks old, she’s suffered with depression before and after having the baby, and has done for a lot of years but she left me 5 weeks ago and it’s like I don’t exist, I’ve asked her a couple of days ago what’s happening between us because I wanted to be a family but she just said she doesn’t see us getting back TL;DR: my husband broke up with me on our honeymoon because his mom hated me among other things. I’m 19 and in my sophomore year of college. You said that your mom is changing for the better and she’s made great strides. We moved from Colorado to New York when I was around ten years old because my mom thought she I had a really good relationship and now it’s fucked. I was buying 30mgs for $15 a pop, while a deal itself. I wasn’t planning on dating a single parent as I felt I was too young to be a parent in any capacity, but I fell in So I almost killed my baby. she told me that she didn’t want to experience pregnancy again and that she might not have many eggs due to her age. I’m very scared. Warning: I (19 F) didn't miss my mom and I don't care what will happen to her in her life. ___ throwwawayurlife. I woke up at 2:30 am having contractions but they weren't close enough together to go to the… This makes me so sad. My mom found her talking to me and took over the call. I’m 15, about to give birth and my mom just dropped me off, leaving me at the hospital alone. A year or so later, she barely sees us anymore. I forgot what we had to buy a random Publix woman went to hug me see then wishpered in my years something along the lines of “I have a secret I am your real mother “ I was in absolute shock and disbelief since this day I have I have trying to put the pieces together trying Then a few moments passed before I heard a pathetic whimper in my mom's normal aged voice. She tells me no and I go back to playing on my computer. A few nights ago, the three of us (mother, little sister and I) were eating dinner in a restaurant and In fact I have social anxiety as well, but I figured this post was more relevant to depression. " My wife has long suspected my mom of being narcissistic, to the point of buying me books on the subject and directing me to this sub. I have always dreamed of having a baby and being a mom. I’m in a long term relationship (we’ll probably elope pretty soon after we graduate), employed, and we’re considering having a baby in the next 5 years. This was in the early 80s. I remember in school on career day I’d always put “mom” as my dream occupation. She still calls my step mom his "new wife. He doesn't pay child support and never calls to speak to his son. Your older sister is an adult and you are a child and unfortunately your mother made a heartless decision to choose one adult child over her child-child. My parents are divorced and have been for 14 years. This is an important bonding period that helps the offspring learn and develop. Lately, my wife started complaining that I neglect her a lot, some of it is true since I have just started a family business with my friend and I used to spend a lot more energy in starting from scratch. My mom left when I was 11. I always knew about my mom, she didn’t keep in contact but my aunt I'm a 29yo M. They cry because they're hungry or tired or just uncomfortable being a newborn. My brother was beet red baby. She absolutely lost it. That's a lie unless you have a verrry calm baby (which they do exist and my sister has one). If you’re underage you need to be able to respect your mom. She kept in touch with me throughout the years. Turns out his girlfriend had fertility issues and would My Aunt then tells me that my Mom isn't on the other side of the country but she's only a few hours drive away. I asked my mom to come help me for the week he went back to work, so the 2nd week of the baby's life. That is what he always told me. NTA. I let him know and he was ecstatic. I 21 F have been with my husband 21 M for 3 years. My entire life she has been cold, distant, uninterested and basically the stereo typical fairy tale step mom (apart from the poisoned apple part). My dad died when I was 7 and my mom remarried when I was 10. I met Sarah when we were 14 and we started My (35M) wife (32F) and I have been married for 5 years, together for 8. I had to work from 530am to 12pm today and as I woke up, I noticed my mom cooking Kimbab. My dad was an alcoholic and he finally stopped drinking once my mom left. My (15F) mother (40'sF) disappeared sometime during the school day yesterday, and I just found out last night. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. It's not my fault mom lost the baby. At first she made it seem like they could fix it and told my First step of being treated as an adult to talk to your mom and dad like an adult and demand the respect you deserve. Still getting used to the daily deathcapades that is raising a kid. Right now I could use some advice. That's when I realized she didn't give a f***. My dad would hit my mom, I’d cry and it was just an awful childhood. —anyways her bf is super everybody told me that newborns are easy because they eat, sleep, and poop. He's your partner, and you want his support. He’s the only person who cared about me. They decided the baby was cute, so they wanted one of their own. So my dad left when I was 2, and my mom left when I was 11. [Rant/Vent] She tells this story to me and says I cried all of the time while in my car seat, so one day she left me in the car seat in her front lawn. Like telling me she would put me in a bag and throw me in a river when I was a young child and smiling when I cried because she terrified me. I asked if she’s going somewhere b/c Kimbab is a Korean picnic food. My sister (17F) overheard that convo and called me crying. She said she doesn't care that I was marked absent and I shouldn't either, that I'm weak and too emotional. So I was completely shocked when, 3 years after she left me, she showed up at my door. hey free money, whatever. My father was never involved, even before I was even born so she had to give me up to my aunt until she got her life together. My parents told me about her growing up. he apparently has cancer This. So, this is a throwaway account. To this day, he seems very indifferent towards me, and never I'm 20. The baby was a huge mistake. I couldn’t give him a healthy baby so he left me. 5 years later my brother is sporting fair skin and blond hair. This is the “food” my mom left me. ago. Last night, I was in the bedroom breastfeeding my son. My mom is having a new baby and I want nothing to do with it. I went through it in a couple months. AITA for calling out my kids’ future stepmom for treating me like a surrogate? I [29F] dated a guy Joe (30M) for 3 months before he left me to go back to his ex Kim (30F). To be honest. a few years ago my mom found him on facebook and over a year ago got in contact with him. How she begged people to hit me. My friend and I don’t like the term “boy mom” because the women we know who use it try to get their sons to fulfill the emotional need that their husbands should but don’t fill. 1. Aita for telling my wife that I would choose my mom over the birth of our baby. still doesnt make up for the years he spent partying while i slept in a house with roaches or the years barely scraping by. But most newborns cry and they cry a lot. I've known her since I was 2 and I call her mom, so I've always felt she was my mom - but she definitely doesn't feel like I'm her daughter. When the sloth leaves its mom after about six months, it adopts part When I was 17, I left for university, and it was incredibly liberating for me. TW: Stillbirth/miscarriages. If you’re an adult then that’s really weird and unhinged behavior. My mom is half native and her lover was Mexican so everyone concluded based on my brothers looks he must be the other guys. But that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with being a boy mom, just that (like with so many things) some people twist it. i just remembered this after reading a post on here about someone’s parent being too sexual lol. My dad left my mom and the 4 of us for no reason what so ever. Yesterday I was laying upstairs on the bean bag watching him play video games like I do most nights. Award. nodinnerinvite. Medical needs aside, the emotional need is 1000x enough for the husband to stay home. I still have the letter she wrote me that she asked if they could give it to me if they wanted. My mom dropped out of school to provide for me, her only baby. I’m a 22F, and my mom left us when I was 13. All within 2 weeks, I started my new job, I was living in my own apartment, and my son started his new school. Then at 41 when my daughter is entering kindergarten she introduced herself as my stepmom. It seems rather a dramatic conclusion to come to at the tender age of three, but even now in my late 40s as I reflect back on my ever-expanding memories, I sadly acknowledge that my early childhood instinct was the truth. . There's some photographic evidence of my complete idiocy, but thankfully that evidence is held by some very-good friends who helped me through the 90s! I agree, though: too many kids these days won't have the chance to go through life without photographic evidence of all of the dumb things they've ever done. And now she’s just constantly ruining everything and he only cares about her She never shuts the fuck up Sadly things end My ex is having a baby. My "mom" and dad had five children together. A few weeks later because I showed my actual abilities at work, I got a raise and a promotion. She said that to me, the woman who just went through a traumatic birth. I was born in '92 and by the time I was 5 she abandoned me. Biggest mistake of my whole life. Some of her responses: Artie and I rarely argued, we came from Gomes where both sets of parents screamed and fought. Things were finally going up from here. And when the time comes for them to be able to leave at 18, I'll help them get out of your house. Difference is I've always known she's not my mom. There is some great advice on this thread. " My mom never remarried and she is so insufferable to be around, she has no friends. I wish I could just ignore it and move on. I got vasectomy when I was 19, I was planning to get it when I was 20 to properly think it through but I just knew I wouldn't change my mind so I got it early. AITAH for leaving home after my fiancé said I’m not his son’s real mom? Sorry about any mistakes English is not my first language and I’m emotional. I will check some of these comments, but not all. This is for many reasons, almost all on my mom's end. Like im the parent here. I spent a few weekends over at his place on various summers off of school, and he mostly ignored me and his other kids. I cried and called out uselessly for my mom. Still terrified to look behind me I somehow found the courage to dial 911 and then I raced over to mom's house. This are all fake names. I knew I was late for dinner but I thought that my husband and his mom saved a plate for me. And one day he just couldn't take it anymore and took me with him when he left her. They fell in love and lived together but never married. Posted by u/octopusalert - 982 votes and 43 comments Nothing is wrong with either of you. I (45M) was married to my highschool sweetheart Sarah (45F). After years of not knowing where she was I ended up finding her when I was 15 and I I made my mom cry. I was in a really, really bad spot. Holy Shit! The mom should have been sentenced to death! This poor baby no one was there, no one to take care of her, no one to hold her! The suffering the baby endured makes me as a human, a mother want to watch the mother suffer enduring pain and die in the electric chair! Samsquamchadora. No miscarriage is easy, but when you have to go through so many invasive procedures just to get pregnant compared to 'normal people', I think it hits a bit worse. So all the people left in the house was just my mom, brother and I. Our parents were going through a divorce at that time. You both have always been selfish narcissists. We were good communicators or I thought we were. 5 years ago my sweet mother - who was my constant, my rock, my absolute best friend, my biggest source of comfort, strength, and companionship in this world- was diagnosed with brain cancer. I think she just abandoned us, left us for dead for her new weird ass boyfriend and her "wifey" AKA her fat, useless, diabetic, trailer trash roommate Nikki who can barely support herself. Due to traumatizing and unfortunate circumstances, I ended up pregnant. I’m 7 months pp and I miss my mom so much. I was three years old. That she regrets having only one child because it made me weak. The baby sticks with the mother for about six months, grasping its mom’s belly as she moves through the trees. Good luck, OP. I always considered her my mom even when she said no about adopting me when I was 18. Okay cool, I asked her if she can leave me a roll so I can come back from work to eat that for lunch. I only get a few hours sleep so my husband's mom isn't really helping with the baby. Bennet and the end of my marriage. I (16F) have a mom (32F) that had me when she was only 16. My mom has also forced me to live with my dad (41M) in California who pretty much left with the milk when I was 3 or 4, because I am not "safe" in Texas because my mom thinks my stepdad has "manipulated" me to not like her. My dad bought a cabin before he married my mom. I workend hard to help my mom an my bother/sister. The hospital got me a case worker who put me in a motel for two weeks. And it's not my fault you had such a hard time without me in the house to be your free babysitter. Mom left us all of a sudden and then went on to marry a new guy she claimed to love. The lesson was cemented into my heart by the following . Going through physical pain and emotional trauma is not something you want to do alone. It became a family place for us when he married my mom and they had me. Baby mama came to visit our son this week. My mom is very easily angered and believes that her mistakes are negligible and everyone is "mean" except her And she overall was very neglectful. I am 17 my biological mother left me when I was 1 a couple months ago my grandfather me and my sister was at Publix . I feel like a 30 year old mother. My mom being a 'christian woman" forgive him and now they have a good friendship. My dad was trying to help her but everything he said or did went unappreciated and unheard. My brother was born and my dad separated my mom. I had this posted on another sub but I wanted to give a full update because I'm still so angry. The two of them were always better as friends than they were as a couple. My mom is constantly talking to me like a baby. One of the things I was surprised to know is my mother wanted a third baby, but my father told her they could only raise two healthy kids and a third will be a burden, compromising both my sister's and my future. We recently got married. I was working on myself mentally and physically. • 5 yr. When I was a kid, my mom got pregnant by my dad and I don't know if I was planned or accidental but I felt that I was accidental. But my mom helps look after it in the meantime, but full ownership goes to me when I (16M) turn 18. My birth mom died when I was a baby. My mom told me she left me crying in my car seat as a baby on the front lawn and CPS was called. Almost 6 years ago, my ex left me and our newborn son. DanZeeRelationships. I handle feeding, diaper change, cleaning, wiping. One of the things that amazed me was that I had grown but they had stayed the same. Permanently. But I thought to myself "well, at least she cooks for us!". I was getting ready to bring my 9 month old to my parent's house for the day. He’s been living with his friend ever since then. Female sloths give birth to one baby a year after a gestation period of six months. How she purposefully sent me to my dad when I was a child after their divorce and getting sole custody because he abused her, hoping he would hurt me For example, many states have a "right of redemption" for foreclosed homes. She said she’s going fishing w her boyfriend. I live with my Dad, my aunt (his sister) and my cats. Your sister never got attached to your mother; your Nan played that role. I refused to understand why she was doing something my brothers and I didn’t support. My mom picked us up from school one day with all of her stuff in the car, and told us she was leaving, she moved to the next state over with her boyfriend. I’m 28 (f) now but when I was little my parents would constantly fight and argue. Last 3 or so years he's attempted to be a better dad periodically but haven't really been precent as he lives 3 hours away. I have not told anyone yet due to the covid Situation. ) My mom left me when I was a kid and I don't miss her. They did a The day I realized my mother didn't love me. She said she’d raise the baby as my sister until she was old enough to understand. Update: My husband left me for his mother, or, Mrs. Today is my 32nd birthday. My dad hasn't been the same since my mom left, he taught me how to cook, he taught me how to do chores, how to My mom left when I was 6 yrs old. This is so weird, you've got to get out of the house! Get a job and when you graduate next year, don't go back to your parents' house. He told me my mother packed up and left us when I turned 2 years old. If he really is a good person and typically caring and thoughtful, then you need to sit him down and have a serious talk with him. When I was three, I witness them fighting and that time and I remember About 8-9 months ago, my (14M) mom (42FM) and stepdad (42M) decided to get a divorce. I keep meeting my birth mom but she doesn’t know it’s me. I would. 44 votes, 76 comments. " I had a baby a week ago. First of all, thanks so much for the comments, PMs, and support. Yea it might suck but if you set boundaries it could be better. I won't, and I don't regret it, 7 years after cutting her out. In video calls with friends I get gentle rebukes over - I need to exercise more or eat less. I have two little my dad disappeared when i was like 6. Disgusting, she birthed both of you equally. - My Dad: My dad eventually came back into my life when I was 9 because my mom introduced me to him. I don't know what to do and I just need reddits advice. I am the oldest of 4. I ended up getting upset by the way he was acting because And anything I learned just disappeared into a fog. When I visited home it was like nothing had changed. They treated me the same as the 25 y/o that left home. I was raising my daughter and divorcing her mom shortly after my dad passed. I have to take care of my dad and siblings. Like the title says my ex came to me last week telling me she's pregnant. Right after we broke up I found out I was pregnant and now I’m at 24 weeks. My mom told me that her doctor (or maybe the pediatrician?) told her to only feed my older brother every 4 hours. My wife and I have had 6 miscarriages, all from IVF. "Help me, Katherine…" The call ended. Then I was like, ‘she’s also a person who has her own life to live’. Then, about a year later, my uncle (mom’s older brother) and his wife had a baby. We moved in with my parents and rarely saw my ex. To start, my dad said he would divorce my mom (some time in late June/early July 2022) and left the house (30 September 2022). This means you may have time to come up with the money and get the house back. I don’t have a family after the abuse my mom put me through. Pretend you were able to come up with the $30k and then sell the house in distressed condition for $60k (which might be easy if Zillow is saying it is worth $120k). ADMIN MOD. So this is a long story and english is not my first language please bare it with me. Reading this sub has always left me flipping back and forth about whether my mom is a narcissist, mentally ill, just a bitch, or normal. We had been together for other 3 years, since we were in high school together. Luckily babies are like sharks and apparently don't have bones or else I'm pretty sure mine would be a quadriplegic right now. Hey all. Literally the only time she volunteered any information on him was, when I was 20, telling her I was depressed, and she said, "you get that from Larry. My mom left my father and me when i was 10 so three years ago. Kind of a bummer. Been told for the past 8 years that I should forgive her for it and for her turning her entire side of the family against it. (And yeah, you are struggling, but you aren't so incredibly vulnerable AND have a baby to keep safe too. My mom was only 18 years old and my dad who's 2 years older than her left her when he found out about her pregnancy. My parents met in Los Angeles back in the 80's. I know that isn't the healthiest thing, but I hate being in public and seeing a young girl with her mom and immediately getting this awful feeling of envy. My mom works at Chili's. My mother, who is 70, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has been I realized that my mom has her own life to live in my early 20s. FTM (oron) here. A newborn baby! So sad, but she didn’t know any better and did what she thought was best for him. Having a tantrum and abandoning your kids with someone angry and not able to care for the kids, it speaks volumes about your mom's mentality. He’s one. At first, I thought she was there to apologize for what she had done to me, but then I saw that she was holding a baby. If I knew I could kill him and get away with it. I grew up thinking my mother had abandoned us. The first time she left was when I was around 10, but in ADMIN MOD. I don't think my family will ever recover, my older half brother is in England and is adamant on staying there, my brother is angry with mom and isn't speaking to her either, dad is just crying and saying his going to hire a cutthroat lawyer to divorce my mom and mom is distraught blaming me but is demanding I talk to her as she doesn't want to My mom straight up left me at a movie theater when I was 13 because I was gay and I wouldn't tell her what I had said about her in therapy. Me being the eldest. I’m a 27 year old woman. And I (24M) was given up for adoption. She had a baby from him and he dumped her after she gave birth. My mom was messing around with my dad's friend. We had four daughters, Jane (24F), Tori (22F),Briana (21F) and Claire (18F). The thing is. That gave me a trauma, anxiety and whatnot. My family wants to reconnect after 6 years. bp hl ug na qe zl ee rv bg zv