So, you could implement this change with something like this: if (GetKeyState("j") && GetKeyState("k")) Send, {Alt Down} Send, {Tab Down} sleep, 50. In other words, if the user has swapped the buttons via system settings, LButton:: is physically activated by clicking the right mouse button, but Send {LButton} performs the same as physically clicking the left button. DirectInput is still very much alive and kicking. state := GetKeyState("Capslock", "T") ; True if CapsLock is ON, false otherwise. Didnt have much luck with Dec 9, 2008 · Logical Key State inside Hotkey - posted in Ask for Help: Not sure if this is a bug, but Im curious why I cant access the logical state of a key inside a hotkey such as the following: Z:: keystate:=GetKeyState(Z) MsgBox, %keystate% return This returns a 0 after pressing the Z key, while GetKeyState(Z,P) returns a 1. Nov 27, 2018 · Code: Select all #NoEnv #SingleInstance, Force SendMode, Input SetBatchLines, -1 #HotkeyInterval 1 #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook #UseHook GroupAdd, myWindows, ahk_class OpusApp GroupAdd, myWindows, ahk_class Notepad GroupAdd, myWindows, ahk_class TFormEditPadPro7 ^!Left:: held := true SetTimer, DoHeldAction_EnableWheelAction, -250 Return DoHeldAction_EnableWheelAction: if held { Send Oct 6, 2022 · *LCtrl:: ~*LButton:: While, GetKeyState("LCtrl","P") And GetKeyState("LButton","P") SendInput, {LButton} Return Worked perfectly It would be possible to create a script that allows me to hold Lshift, and while pressed, would activate Lctrl pressed + left mouse click stay fast, being disabled when releasing Lshift. I try to say that if CapsLock is activated my code runs / or not. Works fine with other keys, eg, Shift. exe") ;; your game exe here so the script works only in game M:: ;; key to stop the script on hold Suspend, On Pause, On Return M UP:: ;; key to continue the script Suspend, Off Pause, Off Return RButton::RButton ;; auto ping enemy while holding Rmouse+Lmouse (cooldown for 2-3s after ping) ~RButton & ~LButton:: KeyWait, LButton, T. If the desired virtual key is a letter or digit (A through Z, a through z, or 0 through 9), nVirtKey must be set to the ASCII value of that character. While Numpad1 is pressed I want LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to be repeatedly pressed and depressed (meaning if you press left arrow key and then let go and press right arrow key and let go and repeat) Sep 3, 2016 · Hi all. Jun 28, 2019 · You case is very similar to the example of the usage of the while loop. The trick is that I want it so that as soon as either A or S are unpressed, E is KeyOpt. Jun 16, 2011 · Finding the pressed value of XButton1 or 2 - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to write a script that will rapid fire clicks when the XButton2 is pressed down. Skipping first action in else-parts of script? 1. Feb 20, 2021 · [AHK]GetKeyStateが取得できない。 AutoHotkey_1. #a) will wait for Win to be released before sending any text containing an L keystroke. Im not exactly sure why it happens, but sometimes AutoHotkey believes that I am physically pressing a key when Im not (While using the Physical and not Logical state option from GetKeyState) which then in turn causes it to be stuck per se. here are a few differnt things i have tried#IfWinActive ahk_class Warcraft GetKeyState, state, RButton ; Right mouse button. Just have 函数 vs. They work fine in every other program. e the key state is only set for one control or window. GetKeyState, state, CapsLock, T ; 当 CapsLock 打开时为 D, 否则为 U. Oct 2, 2021 · I think this is able to happen, because at the end of the function exists two GetKeyState that identifies when the key is released by defining an "if" statement in which specifies a state of the GetKeyState to be "U", one leading to Loop and other leading to reset the parameter value to default (inside Premiere Pro). if GetKeyState(SHIFT) Send {SHIFT UP} This works great for the shif key. リマッピングです。(内蔵のリマッピング機能を使った方が簡単なので、この例は説明のためだけです。 ) 次のホットキーでは、NumpadAddが押されている間、マウスボタンが押されたままになっており、NumpadAddが効果的にマウスボタンに変換されています。 Jan 22, 2020 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I got this from a post by iseahound and know how to use it but I would like to know how it works. In simple words what I would like to do is the following :IF W and XButton1 both pressedTHEN Send A and D alternatively at fast speed until either W or XButton1 or both are not pressed. Is there a better way to check all keys for state without an statement like that for every key on the keyboard? Nov 19, 2021 · スクリプトでホットキーを作るときに使うHotkeyコマンド ifをつける場合こうやって使う #If true Hotkey, If, true #If GetKeyState("z") Hotkey, If, (GetKeyState("z")) 一度#ifで使ってから再度Hotkeyコマンドで宣言するみたいなやり方 これをやってからHotkeyコマンドでキー割り当てを作る しかし、どうやってもでき Apr 15, 2022 · It is better to use the GetKeyState() function, however, because the GetKeyState command has been deprecated. (Ive searched almost everywhere for a solution. Dec 21, 2014 · I recently went through all of the topics in this subforum (v2 Dev) looking for (language) issues or suggestions that haven't been addressed, and there were (but are not anymore) a large number of topics that were clearly about bugs, asking for help with a script, or asking for clarification about current behaviour (and there were some topics even less relevant). GetKeyState, CycloneVar, Q, P k:: Jun 15, 2014 · More then one "If GetKeyState" ?? - posted in Ask for Help: What I tried is: s:: If GetKeyState(LCtrl) If GetKeyState(LAlt) SoundPlay, D:\\Programme\\002 USER\\Desktop\\sound. All you can really do is drive a virtual joystick which mimics your real joystick, just with the required changes. Jul 28, 2015 · Inconsistent behaviour on GetKeyState return values - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I am working on a script to control my mouse via keyboard. There are some situations I have found for hotkeys or key names where you need to specify L or R. The line immediately underneath the if statement is break. Symbol Description # Win (Windows logo key). Here is the script Ive been trying without success so far :*W:: Loop Nov 20, 2016 · Hey everyone, Having trouble figuring this out, just want to make a simple function. I can't get GetKeyState to register the Escape key, see test code: GetKeyState, zState, Escape MsgBox, %zState% Running this script while holding the Esc key should display 'D' in the message box. GetKeyState, Key List, Format() Examples. May 1, 2010 · You told us something wasn't working, but didn't say what. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Apr 21, 2010 · Multiple GetKeyState and sends ? - posted in Ask for Help: Hello. somehow {Shift down} doesn't affect the whatever information that GetKeyState("Shift") relies on. And I googled further, but there are some things that I haven't been able to solve. - posted in Ask for Help: I have tried every version of this I can think of but none seem to work. Jan 10, 2018 · I did find an amazing AHK Script that can Monitor All your Pressed keys and keyboard shortcuts combinations and Mouse clicks, The Script is long but then you are able to get the state of All the keyboard movements. Hello, I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to make a speed clicker for idle games the likes of cookie clicker. 虽然第一个代码块使用函数, 第二个代码块使用命令, 但这两个代码块在功能上是相同的. 提供: AutoHotkey Wiki 移動: 案内 、 検索 コマンド(カテゴリー別) > コマンド(名称順) > GetKeyState() - 公式ドキュメント Mar 26, 2015 · Do something while key is held down - posted in Ask for Help: This is my script so far: RShift:: If(GetKeyState(RShift, P = 1) Send {z} else Send {RShift} The problem I have right now is that when the shift key is held down, the program keep sending z. If you look at that you can see, you don't need the Loop inside the while. ahk for some days now and it is cool to work with. This is not a limitation of AHK, basically nothing can. 3つのキーを同時入力するとき、例えば Ctrl + Shift + N は ^+n ですが、CapsLock を Ctrl キーとしてF13に割り当てて使うとき F13 & +n と書くとコンパイルエラーになるので、これを回避する方法について説明します。 Oct 19, 2011 · Detect if two or three keys held down at same time? - posted in Ask for Help: Is it possible to detect if 2 or 3 keys are held down?If GetKeyState(l, p) && GetKeyState(shift, p) msgbox pressedDidnt workI know about: l && shift:: msgbox pressedBut my aim is to include a third key - the up arrow key or the down arrow key. Both check whether a keyboard key or mouse/controller button is down or up, and also retrieve controller status. Also retrieves controller status. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) GetKeyState release? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. But every 20 or so times I hold down the LMB it gets stuck looping but clicking again or another button usually gets it to stop. GetKeyState, state, CapsLock, T ; D if CapsLock is ON or U otherwise. Related Topics. This one gets stuck in the while loop even thought I am not pressing anything and I have released the key. While AHK is a very flexible application, I'll start by admitting I am trying to learn just enough to get a specific task done. state := GetKeyState("RButton") ; Right mouse button. AHK has determined the if statement's condition is satisfied and will execute the lines associated with it. Before I saw it I've tried Send "{Ctrl up}", waiting for seconds but neither working, until I find KeyWait in Official document. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. Sets options for a key or list of keys. Aug 3, 2012 · GetKeyState - posted in Ask for Help: Hi guy! I had a script that used to run perfectly. " else MsgBox "Action #3 (button pressed while joystick was centered horizontally). exe, , , PID Return AppExit: Process, Exist, %PID% If (ErrorLevel = PID) Process, Close, %PID% ExitApp #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad ^!k:: Msg := "Notepad is active`n" Gosub, Ctrl_Alt_K Return #IfWinActive ; ^!k:: ; uncomment this Jun 30, 2016 · To those who wonder why this is, read up on threading. " LOOP Aug 25, 2021 · Why does the Loop with GetKeyState sometimes gets stuck. (when typing words involving r the effect is that the Dec 12, 2021 · I got help here regarding AHK scripts for PCSX2. The GetKeyState function or command checks if a keyboard key or mouse/controller button is down or up. Jan 30, 2015 · Please help with GetKeyState, state, Lshift - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I am trying to write a script that would do the following: if shift+` is pressed then script sends key 0 once. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) KeyWait and GetKeyState Topic is solved Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. com/user? This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. state := GetKeyState("Joy2") ; 第一个控制器的第二个按钮. Aug 13, 2020 · (AHK) If statement with GetKeyState not working? 0. If the MsgBox appears, then it's probabl Jun 3, 2018 · I cannot do a macro that only do its stuff while a key is beign held down. For other keys, it must be a virtual-key code. Ive been searching for some time but I cant get a script to work. Nov 17, 2022 · So (since AutoHotKey is very inconsistent with recognizing Fn key presses [depending on laptop model]) I'm trying to script a way to use a substitute/faux Fn key that the user can hold down while pressing a Function key that will restore that Function key's original function (So that, for example, when F5 is pressed in a browser, it refreshes Nov 10, 2008 · Learn how to check if a keyboard key or mouse/joystick button is down or up with GetKeyState function. Jul 9, 2009 · Cant getkeystate of alt - posted in Ask for Help: im trying to make a simple macro/key-remap that makes my mouse xbuttons send a numpad number and then a different one while i hold down alt, specifically left alt. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) GetKeyState with Send command Topic is solved Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Aug 26, 2015 · GetKeyState and Multiple Key Presses - posted in Ask for Help: What Im trying for: When I press two keys, AHK sends a third. This is what i have but it Nov 19, 2020 · Here I will show you string split to help break up data, How to detect if a key is still press then do something till its released, Sort data in order, and p Nov 6, 2017 · You need to use explicitly the GetKeyState() function. If I enter any other keys such as a, c, whatever instead of CTRL, ALT or SHIFT, it works. The GetKeyState function returns 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the specified keyboard key or mouse/controller button is down or up. The solution must also allow for sending a regular l press if the up joy2:: { JoyX := GetKeyState("JoyX") if JoyX > 75 MsgBox "Action #1 (button pressed while joystick was pushed to the right). Forum rules. The script almost works, but i cant break the loop without either pausing the whole script, or exiting. . Because you want 3 to always be remapped to LAlt, what I would recommend is use ~3::LAlt in all contexts. Feb 10, 2021 · You do not need to store the value of the keystate in a variable prior to the if-statement; you can check them during the if-statement itself. It's like when you're spamming "A" by long pressing it, and then proceed to long press "B" without releasing "A", you don't get "aaaababab" but just "aaabbbbb". The window name is correct, MsgBox works if i uncomment it Code: Select all Oct 5, 2018 · Hi, Sorry if this is not the best place to ask this The moment I add the #IfWinActive command to the AHK script, AHK will accept Hotkey from BOTH keyboards. It's not strange behavior of AutoHotkey. This part works May 3, 2023 · AutoHotKey v1 is a deprecated version. Try throwing MsgBox into your While Loops to confirm that the script is working. WheelDown::Send {Volume_Down} ; You can also put regular if logic inside the hotkey (here's an example from the Hotkey Tips and Remarks section): GetKeyState, state, RButton ; Right mouse button. Apr 22, 2015 · Just for your info, I am using a Powerpoint presenter with AHK slider to select type of report that I want to view. Modify script to fire when keys are pressed at same time. key := "LWin" ; Any key can be used here. Then it sends qq every 10 milliseconds as long as shift+` is hold down. See GetKeyState for other return values and other usage information. See parameters, return values, examples and related commands. Jul 30, 2023 · Hello, I am relatively new to ahk and just make basic scripts to create hotkeys and such. Not 0 is interpretted as a positive/yes/true value. Like: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S Before using the virtual key code with a built-in function like Hotkey or GetKeyState, it must first be converted to hexadecimal format, such as by using Format("vk{:X}", vk_code). 48+] Performs one or more statements repeatedly until the specified expression evaluates to false. What am I doing wrong. See parameters, return values, examples and related commands for joystick status. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Aug 16, 2008 · getkeystate wheel (Getkeystate not wheely good!) - posted in Ask for Help: Can getkeystate work somehow on the mouse wheel? Is there a code for an ambiguous up or down wheel motion?I have tried wheeldown with no joy. The general idea is, that it should loop until I release the Alt-key, but it seems that Alt is always detected as being released :-(#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Sometimes the key state gets stuck and my exit condition does not change and im stuck in the loop forever. 命令. Then press the same shift key when Dec 23, 2018 · Code: Select all ~lbutton:: ; Left mouse button (~ won't block the normal function of this button) while GetKeyState("lbutton", "P") ; While left mouse button is being held: { Send a ; Send a (REPLACE WITH YOUR CODE BLOCK) Sleep, 50 ; 50 ms pause } return Dec 15, 2017 · Oh and FYI you cannot Send Joy1 You cannot alter how a game sees a physical joystick. I know its working with: ^!s:: But I try to combine MORE then 2 hotkeys with each other. Basically, when you press (and hold) a its hotkey fires, when you then also press b the execution of the hotkey of a is interrupted and the hotkey of b starts. The problem I have now is I need it so when I press F1+F4 OR F4+F1 it has to do the same thing, I also need to keep the original F1/F4 keys (if that makes sense). The window name is correct, MsgBox works if i uncomment it Code: Select all Dec 17, 2009 · GetKeyState [CapsLock] - posted in Ask for Help: How to toggle with Capslock using GetKeyState. Any valid expression. Feb 27, 2017 · I am using . Jan 28, 2009 · GetKeyState problem with Shift and Ctrl - posted in Ask for Help: Hi all,Im new to AHK but loved what Ive seen so far. g. SetTimer Loop, 100 Loop: GetKeyState, WheelState, WheelDown ; < is this right? If WheelState = D ; < and this { msgBox you sent the wheel down } ReturnI have searched the forum Support the creation of these tutorials by becoming a Patron_____Patreon: https://www. Braces are used to enclose key names, virtual key codes or scan codes, similar to the Send command. Learn how to use GetKeyState () function to check the state of keyboard keys, mouse buttons, or joystick axes and buttons. state := GetKeyState("RButton") ; 鼠标右键. Learn how to use GetKeyState() / GetKeyState function to check the state of keyboard keys or mouse/joystick buttons in AutoHotkey. The similar function appears to ClipWait. chm:;;"GetKeyState(KeyName [, "P" or "T"]):;;Unlike the GetKeyState command -- which returns D for down and U for up -- this function returns true (1) if the key is down and false (0) if it is up. For the meantime: #NoEnv #SingleInstance, Force SetBatchLines, -1 OnExit, AppExit Run, Notepad. state := GetKeyState("Capslock", "T") ; 当 CapsLock 打开时为真, 否则为假. May 10, 2022 · For some reason GetKeyState("Shift") is never true. " GetKeyState, state, w, P ;如果长按埋雷则不引爆,松开或者点按后,引爆 大佬,我才接触AHK 这是我的代码,大部分借鉴你的 Jan 3, 2012 · GetKeyState wont work? - posted in Ask for Help: Hey, im still quite new to ahk, and im working on a script, supposed to hold down the mouse for 30 seconds, then move a little to the left and right, then back again. (MX518 logitech mouse, fairly common) The code was very simple, just the following: XButton2:: while GetKeyState(XButton2) { sendinput {click} sleep 200 } returnI tried running it, but it seemed that GetKeyState(XButton2) always Feb 18, 2015 · It has encountered an if statement. The thing i wanna do is like , When capslock is on , a loop of function is started , and when the capslock is off , it will break the loop. if GetKeyState("Shift") MsgBox At least one Shift key is down. 04_setup. Which seems like it should be easy but I cant get it to work. ; Remapping example (this is only for illustration because it would be easier to use ; the built-in remapping feature ): ; In the following hotkey, the mouse button is kept held down while Oct 25, 2011 · GetKeyState can see a toggle state for any key? - posted in Issues: In GetKeyState doc, there is: T: Retrieve the toggle state (only valid for keys that can be toggled such as Capslock, Numlock, Scrolllock, and Insert). Then only make the e::MButton when using #If with the correct GetKeyState() function. Press it. Jul 15, 2014 · #if -- this line does not contain a recognized action? - posted in Ask for Help: #If GetKeyState(Scrolllock, T) NumpadSub::Volume_Up NumpadDiv::Volume_Down NumpadMult::Volume_Mute #If I am trying to enable the hook only when Scroll lock is in certain state. Edit: On further testing, it does look like even the one with GetKeyState is subject to the key repeat rate, so what I said above may not actually be true. While Expression While (Expression) Parameters Expression. ; Remapping example (this is only for illustration because it would be easier to use ; the built-in remapping feature ): ; In the following hotkey, the mouse button is kept held down while Aug 16, 2018 · If an experienced AHK user could help with a shorter, more efficient alternative or a solution for the GetKeyState variant (or debug it), that would be much appreciated! Edit : Using the wildcard '*' and the GetKeyState as a function, the code works better, than the original and it contains less repetitions, making it easier for me to modify Feb 1, 2016 · I have a LButton GetKeyState loop with settimers to repeat. Release it. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Dec 7, 2006 · Don't know if this is a bug or not, but it has arisen after recompiling a script that worked fine before. and then be able to restart it at a later time. Oct 16, 2015 · Can't get GetKeyState to work. Jul 16, 2012 · You should google AutoHotkey While-Loop. To find other useful controller scripts, visit the AutoHotkey forum. BTW, I would like to share my codes, rewrite from another LaTeX AHK codes. " else if JoyX < 25 MsgBox "Action #2 (button pressed while joystick was pushed to the left). Nov 19, 2014 · AHK won't detect CTRL, ALT or SHIFT keys - posted in Ask for Help: Hi guys, Im hoping someone can help me. In AutoHotkey v2, there is a useful function KeyWait. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Dec 15, 2022 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Type: int. As the documentation shows, GetKeyState() returns 1 when the specified key is down and 0 when it's released, so the first result "Up" would be displayed by the ToolTip when it's down and it would display "Down" when it's released. Now I have this thing I am tring to make. AutoHotkey Wikiについて . 1. state := GetKeyState("Joy2") ; 你操纵杆的第二个按钮. The end goal is to get the "if getkeystate" catch a rbutton up that can occur before it. By contrast, external functions called via DllCall typically use the numeric value directly. ~a & s:: loop, { while GetKeyState(A,P) && GetKeyState(SButton,P) { Send {e down} } Not sure how to follow it up. Nov 24, 2010 · GetKeyState all keys - posted in Ask for Help: What i want to do is: If an key is held down, release it. This prevents usages of Send within such a hotkey from locking the PC. KeyOpt (Keys, KeyOptions) Parameters Keys. If you insist on using x alongside the use of space to initiate the sequence, then you would use this x & Space:: While GetKeyState("Space", "P") { Send {Space} Sleep, 80 } Return Otherwise, try this out Nov 14, 2016 · From AHK. Send {Blind}{LShift Up} else ; LShift is logically up. Apr 24, 2010 · if GetKeyState("LShift") ; LShift is logically down. Send {Blind}{LShift Down} return but the problem is that if I press shift + q the macro will never start. Oct 13, 2008 · lose delay from setTime / KeyWait with GetKeyState? [SOLVED] - posted in Ask for Help: based on my previous posts i figured out that both the constructions SetTimer and KeyWait for performing different actions when pressing 1 button once (maintain original function, typing the letter r) or twice (call function x) brings a significant delay. I want to make the desired hotkey action when the select button is pressed and the arrow key of the xbox360 (x-input May 31, 2009 · Hotkey to break a loop - posted in Ask for Help: how do you set a hotkey to reset the same script or to break a loopwhat i have will start a loop sequence but i need to to be able to stoped with either another hotkey or the same hotkey to end it. " Apr 2, 2020 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. EXE m:: send !l send p send m send {Enter} retu Aug 16, 2009 · GetKeyState question - posted in Ask for Help: I was wondering if you guys knew of ways to prevent GetKeyState from getting stuck. Apr 28, 2013 · #If MouseIsOver("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") WheelUp::Send {Volume_Up} ; Wheel over taskbar: increase/decrease volume. Jul 2, 2022 · [ahk] アルファベットの大文字と小文字は区別されるので注意 提供: AutoHotkey Wiki 移動: 案内 、 検索 コマンド(カテゴリー別) > コマンド(名称順) > GetKeyState() - 公式ドキュメント v1. Here is a few of the things I have tried so far: +c:: GetKeyState, State, c, P While State = D { Send, {ScrollLock}{Left}{ScrollLock Sep 7, 2012 · This behaviour should be answered by one of the experts/developers. 34. ^!Down::MouseTask( ) ^!Left::MouseTask( ) ^!Right::MouseTask( ) ^!Up::MouseTask( ) MouseTask( ) { GetKeyState, downarraystate, Down, P GetKeyState, uparrowstate, Up, P GetKeyState, leftarrowstate, Left, P GetKeyState, rightarrowstate, Right, P X=0 Y=0 if Jan 27, 2014 · Spacebar - posted in Ask for Help: Theres a game I play where I have to spam space bar a lot (to jump) Is there a way to make a script for this? Like holding down spacebar automatically spams tapping it? Feb 25, 2021 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Hotkeys that include Win (e. Controller-To-Mouse script (using a controller as a mouse) List of controller buttons, axes, and controls; GetKeyState; Remapping the keyboard and mouse May 3, 2009 · [SOLVED] getkeystate inside a hotkey ? - posted in Ask for Help: Is there a way for this to be made to work ?#SingleInstance, Force ^Tab:: if GetKeyState(Shift, P) ; I wish - but when I press shift only effect is hotkey pauses { index -= 1 tooltip tooltip %index% - foo } else { index += 1 tooltip tooltip %index% - foo } return +^r:: reload I am searching for a way to imitate the CtrlTab GetKeyState can be used as a function or command, although the former is recommended for new scripts. See parameters, return values, error handling and examples. 2. I'm trying to use the GetKeyState command to stop a loop if I press the "Escape" key Jan 21, 2021 · When another key is pressed after the spacebar, GetKeyState doesn't capture the spacebar anymore. Then it sends w every 10 milliseconds as long as shift+a is hold down. Basically what I am trying to achieve here is While I hold bunch of keys do actions and stop if released. Is it indeed the case that inside hotkey definitions, one cannot access the This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Everytime I press and hold CTRL, ALT or SHIFT, they wont register with the program. GetKeyState, state, Shift if state = D MsgBox At least one Shift key is down. When I press F1 + F4 it will fire off a Send command. You have mixed the syntax of GetKeyState command and GetKeyState() function. Learn how to use GetKeyState function to check the state of keyboard keys, mouse buttons or controller inputs in AutoHotkey scripts. A retrieved value of D means the key is on, while U means its off (but the GetKeyState() function returns true (1) for on and false (0) for off). GetKeyState, state, RButton ; Right mouse button. Jan 17, 2022 · Code: Select all #If WinActive("ahk_exe your_game. Dec 15, 2022 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Jul 31, 2013 · I have the following simple script: #SingleInstance #InstallMouseHook ~*Lbutton:: Sleep 500 Send {5 down} Loop { GetKeyState, state, Lbutton, P if (state=U) { MsgBox Apr 28, 2023 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. – vasili111 Commented Mar 17, 2015 at 18:20 Aug 24, 2022 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. AHK will evaluate it. ;;If KeyName is invalid, an empty string is returned. As I like to make my own code, I had been trying that at first, but as I quickly noticed that the AHK script language had many specifities I had never encountered so I quickly turned to seeking finished scripts. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys GetKeyState, state, CapsLock, T ; D if CapsLock is ON or U otherwise. What can be changed so that when the shift key is pressed and held indefinately, it will only send z once. When I unpress either key, both it and the third key are unpressed. And when I press then S it shout play the sound. 0. See examples, parameters, modes, and related commands for joystick remapping and key history. The more i read the Tutorial , the more i confused about it. In this deprecated version, there are some deprecated commands which are not recommended for use in new scripts. It's the simulation community that wants this - modern flight sticks have 8 axes and multiple POVs, and they cannot use AHK to read all the inputs. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Send key up while blockinput is on Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. We don't know what kind of behavior you want from your script. exe の場合、下記スクリプトを実行して、Ctrlキーを押しっぱなしにしても、メッセージボックスに出る結果は、「1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0」という風に、初めの2回しかCtrlキーを Code: Select all #NoEnv #Persistent #SingleInstance, force #InstallKeybdHook ; "physical state of a key or mouse button will usually be the same as the logical state unless the keyboard and/or mouse hooks are installed" SendMode Input ; Must double tap CapsLock to toggle CapsLock mode on or off. A virtual key. Dec 29, 2023 · Hi, I want to find out if the button is pressed, but GetKeyState is always false if I do it while the window is active. I just want a hotkey that repeats while pressed. Also retrieves joystick status. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Name Description; LButton: The left mouse button when used with Send, but the primary mouse button when used with hotkeys. Mar 8, 2012 · You wouldn't need the first if GetKeyState("Space", "P") and you would need to be holding space when the loop got to the second one for it to break; and you would need to replace the return with break. A list of keys. wav Return This should let me hold down Ctrl and Alt. InputHook. See parameters, return values, examples, and related commands. im running vista 64 ultimatei guess i havent read enough of the help file but i dont see what im doing wrong. Learn how to use GetKeyState command or function to check if a keyboard key or mouse/joystick button is down or up. Im modifying an existing script for the Taskbar. It solves these stuck problems exclusively. The GetKeyState function or command checks if a keyboard key or mouse/joystick button is down or up. A keyword search such as Controller and GetKeyState and Send is likely to produce topics of interest. Reports information for a specific key. Upon building some diacritics scripts I stumbled upon a problem the GetKeyState is not working for me in regards to Shift and Ctrl. ^x:: loop { send, 2 sleep 9000 send, 3 sleep 5000 } return ^c:: exitapp can anyone give me some Apr 27, 2010 · Cannot get "getkeystate" to work with Alt - posted in Ask for Help: Hi guysIve made a script, that is executed with Alt+various other keys. Aug 1, 2016 · AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts and Functions (v2) ↳ Gaming Scripts (v2) ↳ Tutorials (v2) ↳ Tips and Tricks (v2) ↳ Wish List; ↳ Suggestions on Documentation Improvements; ↳ Bug Reports; ↳ AutoHotkey Development; ↳ AutoHotkey_H; ↳ Ask for Help; ↳ Development Dec 8, 2014 · XInput is for XBox 360 controllers only. so I was searching for something like GetKeyState("Shift+q", "P") or something like that Name Description; LButton: The left mouse button when used with Send, but the primary mouse button when used with hotkeys. #If GetKeyState("LShift", "P") CapsLock & LButton:: MsgBox, "shift left click" return #If This usually gives the correct message ( shift left click ) box but sometimes triggers the CapsLock hotkey giving the incorrect message box ( capslock ) Nov 7, 2020 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Jan 18, 2013 · Dual hotkey but keep original keys? - posted in Ask for Help: Hello all, I have been lurking for a while. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Jun 17, 2021 · The code appears to do exactly what it is programmed to [If the Left Mouse Button is held down at the moment when Mouse Side Button 2 is pressed, display the tooltip "LButton down". Aug 3, 2022 · SHORT GetKeyState( [in] int nVirtKey ); Parameters [in] nVirtKey. There is zero tolerance for incivility toward others or for cheaters. 函数 vs. This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. If shift+a is pressed then script sends key 9 once. Apr 19, 2020 · My last example confirms what I saw already in the first part since, as already said in the code, if I just want the - pressed - state for LShift or LAlt, the msgbox doesn't even appear, whilst, if I do NOT press such a special key (and nothing or the "A" key, in this example), then (only) the msgbox appears, correctly, with a "0", but it never appears with a "1" when it should though. It's strange the way whoever wrote that line because they wrote it backwards. if select1=1 { Text1=Goto Report 1 If GetKeyState={f5} ; this line doesn't work Run, Program1 } if select1=2 { Text2=Goto Report 2 . For instance: 0:: testShift() testShift() { GetKeyState, state, Shift if state = D SendInput FOO else SendInput BAR } I always get BAR, no Nov 7, 2020 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. And the way you use for GetKeyState is one of them. That being said, may someone please explain to me the following script as if I were a 10 year old. The expression not GetKeyState("Scrolllock","T") comes back as "not 0". #IfWinActive ahk_exe POWERPNT. } But I have problem to trigger "If GetKeyState={f5} ". Sep 15, 2005 · [FIXED] GetKeyState for a mouse hotkey not detecting down - posted in Ask for Help: Im trying to detect if the middle mouse button is still held down after it triggers its hotkey. Be sure you read the rules, read the sticky, keep your AHK up to date, be clear about what you need help with, and never be afraid to post. GetKeyState, state, Joy2 ; The second button of the first joystick. I dont want to send the middle mouse click so I dont want to use the tilde (~) prefix, (which does make it work if used). GetKeyState, CapLck, CapsLock, P Mar 17, 2015 · GetKeyState function and GetKeyState command is practically the same, they do same job, just different return value and usage. 1 ;; change GetKeyState can be used as a function or command, although the former is recommended for new scripts. This code should work Jul 11, 2020 · AutoHotkeyで3キー同時押し Jul 11, 2020 on Keyboard. state := GetKeyState("Joy2") ; The second button of the first joystick. While I've done some reading I can't seem to find the specific code for what I'm trying to do. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. name := GetKeyName(key) vk := GetKeyVK(key Sep 26, 2016 · Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. But I have seen code today GetKeyState, state, Joy2 ; 第一个操纵杆的第二个按钮. Feb 19, 2022 · Hi, due to one question here yesterday, I wrote this test script, which continuously reports the key state of Ctrl, XButton1 and XButton2 (the mouse forward/back buttons). Here your code is much more efficient like so. patreon. else MsgBox Neither Shift key is down. Heres the code: if Dec 21, 2014 · I agree with blackholyman "GetKeyState will not work for controlsend as GetKeyState Gets the global system state of the key but controlsend only sets the state locally i. Jun 16, 2023 · Hello, I am relatively new to ahk and just make basic scripts to create hotkeys and such. I used it for WoW, it was something like: e:: GetKeyState, state, a if state = D GetKeyState, state, w if state = D GetKeyState, state, d if state = D send 6 else send e return The point is, when u move (either A, W or D is pressed), u cast one spell (6), when u dont - u cast the other (E). lgfcky wrhgzl dugex flo jthf vndscs ernxbmc sodgrl qkz jipdg