Lily and baby harry fanfiction. org/ivxeawt/random-forest-regression-coefficients.

"Do you think we're his parents? harry is the youngest lad in 1D being only 15 and the other lads being 17-18 he's the baby he says he's not a baby but if he's not cuddled up to one of the boys *usually niallhoran bottomharry Lily smiled up at him nervously. Turning, he went to Lily's side and shook her from her sleep. Harry immediately stopped fussing and relaxed in his mother's arms. I can't do that to my own baby boy, James please not this, not my baby boy please no," said Lily desperately then James spoke again. Harry and Ginny had always been good friends, even like family, and their two sons and precious daughter had always felt like family to Luna, too. Her baby, her little angel, he had to be there. James and Lily and their new baby, Harry, lived in hiding for over a year. "What should we call him?" "I dunno, What about Harold" "No, too old fashioned, Harry sounds nicer" "Harry it is then," said Lily, "My, our son, Harry James Potter" "Are you serious Lily?" Jun 28, 2012 · When Harry is killed by Voldemort in book 7 he wakes up at Kings Cross Station and meets Lily instead of Dumbledore, and she's really angry with him. His Harry. I bought Harry a mini broom the other day. "No kids. Little Lily Luna giggled as one of the plants tickled her nose, and Luna laughed along with her before going to sit beside her. "I thought I was your favourite person in the whole wide world?" Harry bent down to kiss her intensely, then whispered in her ear "You are. " Harry said weakly. As hoped, Harry and Susan are transported to the past. "And he used to baby talk you more than I did!" James rubbed his face exasperatedly. Ginny bore down again, and out came Lily's right shoulder. "Harry!" Sirius exclaimed. "We're pregnant!" she whispered. Lily bustled around the living room, straightening the cushions and frames at decorated the tables. " Lily's eyes squeezed even tighter and she pushed with all her might. . THE BABY IS NOT HARRY! But, it will most likely be a boy because there are way too many baby girl stories out there. " Lily beamed at her lover and friend and threw her arms around his neck. - Complete "James, no James!" Lily screamed holding baby Harry in her arms as she heard her husband drop to the floor dead. I. "Mama…" the baby replied. "Can we afford this?" "Harry, they gave you enough money when you defeated Voldemort to last a lifetime of luxuries, you know that," Ginny rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind her. Harry meets and trains with Natalia and Clint under the watchful eye of Phil Coulson. "No," Harry said shaking his head. There in the corner, was Harry's green crib. When one of those hobbies ends up altering her brain pattern somewhat, that love for Harry quickly grows. Harry had inherited James's jet black hair, but, even though there wasn't much as yet, he could already see that it was going to be just like his: messy and untameable. Years later, they had some son or daughter and they found Harry, not raised by the Dark Side but shy, fragile and with an awful past. "Good boy Harry can you say Daddy?" Harry looked up to James with a mischievous look in his eyes and Time travel. Aug 3, 2024 · Tags. I wish you a very Happy James swore under his breath, "I swear to god I'm going to come back to haunt Peter. "Harry-" "No. Hopefully mum tells him stories, she knew about me and Harry. -- -rating for mild language- Laughing as Harry shrieked between laughter, Lily jumped up and swiped the happy toddler from James arms, warding James off while proclaiming that she'll protect her baby from the big, bad monster. there could possible a chance for harry and Persephone and harry to have a child . "Did you hear that, Lils? Parents! Us!" James and Lily definitely made the right choice in choosing Sirius Black as little Harry's godfather. James is sick and Lily and baby Harry have to care for daddy. "Ginny did. "Shhhh…Harry, be quiet…someone's coming…" Lily whispered to her baby as though he would understand her. At the same time, he struggles with Lily's lack of affection, Dumbledore's apathy and Death Eaters. Sirius held him in one arm and tickled him with the other. Lily Evans Potter; Harry Potter; Sirius Black; Mother-Son Relationship; Character Death; Sacrifice; Infant Harry Potter; Baby Harry Was A Little Bitch; POV Third Person; Past Tense; Flashbacks; Marauders Era (Harry Potter) Sirius Black is Harry Potter's Godparent; Minor Sirius Black/Remus Lupin; If You Squint - Freeform; Wartime; Summary. "Lily," he whispered, "I can see our baby's head. Feb 26, 2021 · A series of oneshots or short stories within Lily's nine months of pregnancy. Ginny was rocking Lily to sleep, but Lily wasn't having it. linkffn(7613196) The Pureblood Pretense series has James and Lily raise Harry, but doesn't have any of that other stuff. "I need you to contact AU James Potter sacrificed himself for his wife and child, protecting baby Harry and sparing Lily from Voldemort, though Harry still bears his scar. Voldemort hunts Harry down while he is at Hogwarts and a curse is put upon him. When he finds the truth behind Lily's well kept lies, he risks losing Harry forever. "How was your day?" she cooed even though Harry couldn't talk yet. Suddenly, the door burst open and James saw Voldemort. Lily Potter immediately swished her wand from her robes and tugged Harry closer to her chest. Aug 11, 2019 · She barely noticed the destruction around her. What will Lily think of Elvendork? --Was not written as prelude to Baby Harry series, but may be read as such. Dumbledore, who wanted to keep Harry safe and out of the Wizarding World, decided to take Harry to America. Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter (8) Harry Potter & Severus Snape (8) Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter (6) Harry Potter/Other(s) (6) Include Additional Tags Pregnant Harry Potter (162) Mpreg (116) Bottom Harry Potter (34) Pregnancy (33) Top Draco Malfoy (23) Anal Sex (22) Unplanned Pregnancy (22) Fluff (20) Female Harry Potter (16) Teen Pregnancy (15 I'm reading some J/L fics that end before Lily gets pregnant. Simple. "Mum? Dad?" the confused four year old looked around the room. Susan Bones, permanent nurse and bodyguard to the comatose Harry Potter, is commanded to execute the Order's final protocol. " Sirius stared at the baby, then Lily, then James, the baby again, and laughed. Harry James Potter. The last thing I remember was seeing my life flash before my eyes…me and Tuney, Hogwarts letter, Hogwarts years, James, the Marauders and Alice, becoming an auror, my wedding, finding out I was pregnant, Tuney's wedding, my baby's birth, my nephew's birthday, Harry's birthday, our anniversary, Christmas's and this morning. " "When was he conceived Tonks?" Snape, in an attempt to save Lily, created a potion that kept James and Lily alive when hit with the killing curse, but put them into a coma. Chapter 1 – New Baby "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny shouted as she went through the house to the bedroom to find him asleep. Lily won't pick Sirius, and resolves to interview the people who come in their home for the job. " Lily did notice how the cuts seemed to stay to one side. " "Frank and Alice unfortunately suffered a horrible fate at the hands of Death Eaters," Death said, "They were tortured with the Cruciatus Curse, tortured into insanity. When James looked out the window, he saw Lord Voldemort coming up to the house. "Hey guys, check this out. He took to it like a duck to water," said James, pulling a tiny broom out of Harry's Harry called, as he scooped James up from the stairs, then climbed to meet Albus and Ginny. (Series of one-shots set in a canon compliant universe, focusing on godfather-godson bonding. Lily nodded enthusiastically. There were two strollers with them, one with Harry in it, and an empty one. Her baby boy was speaking. Lily began to get teary eyed as she saw her nephew and she felt James hold her hand reassuringly. Sirius comes back through the veil, putting Harry into danger. Abused for six years, Harry was rescued and adopted by Voldemort. "He's a cutie pie. THE ADVENTURES OF BABY HARRY. "You know," said Lily, "baby-sitting doesn't usually consist of actually sitting on the baby. Rated for safety. Sirius Black was frozen in a strange, half-sitting, half-standing position. Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter (894) Include Additional Tags Marauders Era (Harry Potter) (7213) Fluff (4529) Angst (4245) Marauders (3465) Slow Burn (2401) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2146) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (2144) Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter) (1989) First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter) (1985) When James and Lily leave for a well-deserved vacation, baby Harry is left under the care of our two favourite canines (Moony and Padfoot, duh!). "You're dead!" the woman stammered. Momma's here baby. "Here, here, daddy!" the boys cried, both trying to yell loudest. After a fifteen minute wait, a social worker brought Dudley to them. " Remus handed him the book, but before Harry could thank him, both he and Sirius had disappeared. Please tell me if everything is all right. Harry climbed the stairs behind his sons, joining the search for their mother and sister. " So, I REALLY REALLY wanted to start this story! This takes place in Lily and Snape's sixth year. James sighed. Harry was asleep in his crib holding onto some small stuffed animals. S. " he begged her. "First of all baby you pinch your nipples don't rub them. Lets get this straight right now. On Teddy's 13th birthday, a bit of accidental magic from 3 year old Lily wound the Potter kids sometime else. The sparks came out of the top quickly and Harry watched them, his eyes fixed upon the tip of James' wand. Harry would have the best – best clothes, best toys, best pre-Hogwarts lessons, the only best he won't have is a father because let's face it James could never be his He carried Harry over to James, Sirius, Lily and Remus. I love you, Harry. He has your hair. We finished our homework then just relaxed. Give it to Harry. Harry moaned and reached for his plush toy, which Remus handed to him before he started crying. For a moment, he chose to forget that they were already married. Tastefully concealed, she pulled the baby from her breast and burped him, careful of his head. That was, until today. I remember that year alone before I left for Hogwarts was incredibly lonely. Can Snape bring Harry back from the dead? A fancy Ball, Quiddich, a kidnapping and twists & turns! Harry Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Severus, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Remus, Draco Malfoy COMPLETE! Sep 1, 2017 · asked Harry. Lily and James Potter had another child, a girl one year older than Harry. Jul 22, 2012 · "James love, come quick; Harry's talking. Outside, her son Alexander Potter was with his father as he taught him how to ride a broom. Harry giggled with absolute glee. Lily sat on her fathers lap like she used to do when she was little, her head against his shoulder. Harry crawled towards Sirius's ear and yelled, "Up, Padfoot, up!" Sirius jumped and Lily caught Harry laughing. How often had they complained how much Harry cost them to keep? He too still couldn't forgive James and Lily for what they did to Harry. Rose/Michael. The Dark Lord laughed as he pushed Lily out of the way, with a flick of his wand he tied the scared mother up. Apr 29, 2023 · Harry grabbed a pillow and shoved it over his lap. Follow/Fav Lily's Baby Diary By: Lizzy Raven Starting from the day after Harry Potter was born, Lily, the Marauders, and various surprise guests write diary entries into a book, meant to be presented to Harry on his seventeenth birthday. "Sh. " The high pitched woman leaned over him to reveal a face like a horse and recoiled dramatically. All Harry's - it was incredible. Lily and James had done whatever they could to help Harry improve, but their efforts were useless. " Harry steps between her knees, prods them even wider, then plunges inside her. "Really Potter? Nymphadora hated her name. Lily nodded her head "It's great news I'm gonna be a daddy, it's fantastic" said James his face breaking into a huge excited smile. "You have to be quiet Lily Flower. Unfortunately the spell overshoots the timeline and Harry ends up more than 100 years in the past. In a last ditch effort to protect Harry, Lily sends the baby uses a ritual to send the baby back in time. Tags: Time Travel, Slight AU, Mostly Canonical Pairings (no HHr), Abused Harry, Mild Dumbledore Bashing You have woken Lily!" The red haired toddler stumbled into the room. Become a widow, Lily is forced to hide with her son at the home of the responsible of her husband's death, Severus Snape. Lily immediately recognized that James' Auror instincts had kicked in. O. "Harry was always quiet, but when he looked at you, it was like he was looking into your soul. AU James Potter sacrificed himself for his wife and child, protecting baby Harry and sparing Lily from Voldemort, though Harry still bears his scar. It wasn't until Harry let out a shriek of delight did Sirius and Remus turn their attentions to them. " Lily didn't have the time to process what he had said when the door blew open. For DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter. Or at least I was, but that is in the past. "Hey, Harry. "Accept that! That Freak! It's a Freak among Five year old Harry goes back in time with a little help from a session in the cupboard under the stairs. The Dursleys couldn't have known about this or they'd have had it from him faster than blinking. Ginny stuck her tongue out and escaped to the laundry room, leaving Harry and Lily searching for his badge. "Hush little one. He felt hot tears well in his eyes at the sight of the cover. "They would if you used that spell of your mums," reminded Harry. "Just go. He nodded eagerly and Lily pulled out her wand. "So that's him then. "Please, Harry. He had just sent her to make an inspection of the Dursley household. Author: Sugar Quill Date: November 2002 Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and his friends, JK Rowling does. " Said Teddy soothingly as he lifted the little girl into his arms. In 1886, Dutch Van Der Linde was parading the new baby around the camp, much to the mixed reactions of the gang. Aug 26, 2017 · They were walking away from Number Four, Privet Drive, where they had just entrusted little Harry Potter to the care of one Petunia Dursley - Lily's sister - enveloped by the best protection charms and wards they could place on the infant. "He wanted to call her Nymphadora Lily, but I convinced him that she'd be teased at school. If she was alive, so was he. Lily then greeted the other 3 Marauders in the room with hugs. Lily came up behind Fleur and gathered her long hair into her hand. " Ginny rolled her eyes. Lily and James kissed for about 45 seconds and broke apart when Lily kissed Harry on the nose. A beautiful baby made with Lily. Make me your whore for good. 1979 – small cottage in Castle Combe, England. " She said, hoping to convince him. Harrison Nelson Isaiah Truth AKA Harry James Potter looked at the people who claimed to be his parents with utter disgust, for the past sixteen years they never bothered to know where he was or how he was doing and now after finding out that his brother Godric Albus Potter wasn't the actual Boy-Who-Lived they were now trying to be nice to him and justifying the fact they Nov 20, 2013 · "He turned traitor on the Order of the Phoenix and acted as a spy for a year. The grieve that would consume her, but against which she would have to fight, for her baby. Nothing got under Lily's nose however and she frowned as she kissed Harry's forehead. They had to look out for the Boy-Who-Lived When Slughorn delivered the news, in Lily's arms, baby Harry stretched and gave a sharp, happy cry almost as if he was congratulating his young parents. Her baby wasn't here. Chapter 12: For Harry or James Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Family - James P. Hee-hee-hoo, hee-hee-hoo" Harry got cut off by his wife's blood curdling scream and then the wail of a baby. Lily Potter starred outside the window in her private study. I'm going to hell for this. "Stand aside girl. Baby Book . She was just about to refuse to take him in when the baby opened his eyes. " "That's right," Taygeta called out to Lily, "One more good push, and we'll have your baby here. "Where is my son?!" Lily demanded. She placed him in the crib carefully as the Dark Lord smashed the bedroom door down. "Lily says you've made a surprise," she said, lowering her voice. "Aren't you a handsome boy?" Lily crooned as Harry gurgled happily. L. but if male . Rescued by his mother's portrait and loyal House-Elf, Harry's injuries are terribly severe enough for Lily to enact a project design to push her soul into a new clone body, via the ancient magical art of essence transfer. " He hissed at Lily as she stood protectively in front of her son. " Sep 20, 2012 · James was lying on the sofa, Sirius was rummaging through the fridge, and Lily was sitting cross-legged on the carpet with baby Harry. Not necessarily in chronological order, I'm just going to publish as the stories come to me! I hope you enjoy! He then vanished the remains of the door and stepped into the room where Lily Potter was standing in front of her son. I could only think of all the fun Ron was having without me Jun 29, 2017 · "Hey Lils!" said James gently putting there new baby Harry into his mothers arms. Lying contentedly on top was Harry, very busily employed in sucking his toes. Pairing: Harry/Silena. "Lils, he has your eyes. Unlike Harry, this girl was raised in the wizarding world by Remus, her godfather. Potter. "The boy's never going to respect me when I try to discipline him if you tell him how much of a softy I am, Lily. When they wake up seven years later, they find themselves on a journey to fix what went wrong: to free Sirius from Azkaban, help Remus learn to live again, rescue their son from the Dursley's, and take on the world together, as a family. Now, a ½ second before the green light of the killing curse reached him, James slumped to the floor, unconscious. "TEDDY!" Lily exclaimed once she spotted him. Jul 14, 2020 · This was because James and Lily had become quite arrogant and had begun to dislike Harry for "stealing" the Potter fortune from them, although it was a recent development. From them, Harry discovers that Voldemort is not, and never was, a threat in this universe. " She crooned softly as she held him. , Lily Evans P. Harry was lightly pressing his feet against Lily's abdominal wall. She dies and Harry survives while Voldemort is vanquished leaving James and Lily to raise their son… Yes Harry's parents do survive here however his life is not going to be easy. FanFiction | unleash of stories as Harry as a baby meaning the Harry featured in these stories can be anywhere from one day old to ten years and 364 days old Please don't hurt Harry!" Lily begged, trying to save her son. The door was closed and little Harry was wide-eyed. To redeem himself, the repentant Death Eater promises to Lily to protect the young Harry Potter, despite past grudges. His lovely Lilykins left him a note. E. He jumped and looked around wildly. Harry's laughter increased as James started chasing Lily and the bundle in her arms, proclaiming that he will feed them to the Giant Squid if he Lily showed Harry the new picture book she got from the library in another desperate attempt to teach Harry a word that she wouldn't be embarrassed to tell the rest of the Order and Molly. Anytime Harry held her, she seemed to be a happy baby. Lily and James -with 'help' from Sirius- are trying to find a name for their unborn baby. Lily realized her husband failed to stop the dark lord. But, Harry's recovery is only partial, so Susan must add to her duties the role of foot soldier as the two use their knowledge of the future against Voldemort. I was absentmindedly rubbing circles there. "The sheets won't hang themselves,"she said. Harry's first words weren't mommy of daddy, but "yaaaa yoooo" Remus chuckled and wiped a tear from his Harry flung the suitcase onto the floor and dived onto the bed. Rated mostly for language. June 10, 1980 "Well, Lily, we're It does not matter if Potter's child is male or female . Is there any good story where Lily and James didn’t die, but thought Harry did? They suffered greatly after their son “died”, but with Sirius and Remus’ help they managed to coup. Harry is recognized as a duplicate of Harry Potter, a normal fifteen year old boy, and is entrusted to the care of Lily and James. She pulls back from the wizarding world, isolating herself with only her own hobbies, and of course, Harry. James cautiously approached the open cupboard. "Spark! Spark!" Lily demanded as she pointed to the wand in Teddy What he finds instead is an alternate universe. - Chapters: 13 - Words: 9,886 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 12/13/2010 - Published: 12/24/2009 - id: 5606746 Jun 10, 2022 · Try playing with your nipples. While James played with Harry, Lily set up their bolt hole. Prompt. "That true?" "You bet. she smiled, kissed her daughter, then reached for Harry. Ginny gasped as Lily lugged the huge piece of paper into her view. Emily/Harry. It's an AU where Tom Riddle becomes a politician instead of Voldemort, so the war never happens, and there's no reason for any revenge on the Dursleys or Snape or whoever. " James sprinted to the living room where Harry was happily babbling away to Lily saying Mama over and over. I had my arm wrapped around Lily's waist with my hand resting on the baby bump. Rewrite is up. Kimberley/Joshua. "We shouldn't. Since Rhea to my thinking is not part of the pact that the gods and goddesses have to not interfere with their mortal demi god kids . Alternate Universe, Harry is abandoned by the Dursleys when he was a baby and is adopted by a muggle family. Harry twisted Lily's left side just a hair, and with then a few seconds her other shoulder was free. " Harry's chortle echoed all the way down the hall. " They didn't have to A New Day Has Come. " said Lily tears now flowing freely down her cheeks. "Lily never spoke of her sister with malice, Minerva," he said, "Harry is her nephew. AU, with major DH spoilers, James and Lily went out on that fateful Halloween night leaving Lily's mother to stay with Harry. She would have to deal with that later, first Harry, then the grieve. Let me go grab a cup of ice cream for us to celebrate!" The family laughed as the Healer bustled from the room. "Oh Merlin," Lily sighed, also realizing that, "Poor kid. " Lily untied her bikini top and tried rubbing them. Welcome Home, Lily and James. " Three weeks later James and Lily Potter left Britain. Chapter 3: Lily's Regret. So, they just left Harry to his baby cooing and gurgles. "No, I will. Lily Potter; Harry Potter; Baby Harry Potter; Expecto Patronum | Patronus Charm (Harry Potter) Godric’s Hollow; Summary. The thing is, now everybody views me as the abandoned runaway who must have screwed up. "We created it together," she said, eyeing Harry Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter (55) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle (53) Harry Potter & James Potter (50) Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (50) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (47) Include Additional Tags James Potter & Lily Evans Potter Live (1087) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (255) Alternate Universe (143) Fluff (139) Angst (115) Jan 25, 2012 · Lily turned around to her healing kit while Severus removed his robes and unbuttoned his shirt. Jan 12, 2020 · "Don't joke about that. James, it read, choose a baby food. He closed his eyes. Harry and I would be protected so all you would need to worry about is getting yourself out of the house. " Harry said as he did just that. Fuck Mummy. Jul 14, 2007 · 'Poor kid, his own parents abandoning him, so much for Gryffindor bravery. Lily clutched James' hand tightly as it stopped over her abdomen, and she sobbed painfully for the life of their baby. Claim my pussy with your big cock. Suddenly, there was a loud wail, and Lily's eyes snapped open to find James'. Lily's POV: My head rested on the edge of the toilet seat. " "Well," the Healer grinned, "I'll be right back. Surrounded by his dead friends and plagued by the death of Sirius, Harry wishes for a chance to redo it all from the very beginning. This was his own flesh and blood. I am very worried about you and wondering where you are. James lightly squeezed her reassuringly as Lily picked the top off the dish. "His first word. Being rewritten. Harrys eyes opened, they were emerald green. " Lily sounded frustrated. In the wizarding world there is a tradition among pure blooded families that the parent of the opposite sex take their child’s virginity when they turn 16 as this marks the age when the come of age. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works James, Lily and Harry were at a Social Service center, waiting for baby Dudley to be brought to them. I thought you were going to call the child Harry! Something normal!" "I was Tunney, but he's special. Lily turned back around just as Severus removed the shirt from his shoulders, giving her an unhindered view of his toned, hairless chest and abdominal muscles, not to mention the defined muscles of his upper arms. He encounters James and Lily, seventh years at the moment. "And you're drunk! My son! Where is Harry?!" Lily yelled. "So…" Sirius broke into LILY'S P. Looking for some focused on the pregnancy, mainly. Look," he says to the toddler in his arms, "Mama has a baby, your" He pauses and looks at Lily questioningly. If Harry did this, he would have the houses Peverell, Black and later along the lines, Potter. "Lily, Harry's gone! They've kidnapped him!" Lily's eyes opened wide. Lily is left alone with Harry after a divorce from, and the untimely demise of James. Please accept him Petunia. We only have two years left with our baby, Harry, before she's gone too. James laughed and looked at the little baby in Lily's hands properly for the first time. CHAPTER NAME: Baby Harry. "The first baby, the one that is gone, was the one that was in the area of the cuts. " Lily whispered, her eyes wide. Ssshh baby. Just like Harry has to get used to the fact that he was in 1974, the others have to get used to him being around, especially Lily and James. Language: English Words: 1,505 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 33 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 257 "This is for you. Running back to the room that he shared with Lily, he grabbed his wand that lay on his nightstand. On the night of October 31, 1981, Lord Voldemort spares Lily Potter's life, but fails to kill young Harry. After casting all of the spells needed on the baby she passed the girl over to her Aug 20, 2014 · Lily's Journal. She could here James dueling downstairs, and knew that he was one of the best. It was to see if Harry Potter was being treated properly and if everything was okay. The other baby, was away. Little Harry protested loudly, wanting air. A second pair was connected from that same location with Alice and her family so they could escape. When Harry is killed by Voldemort in book 7 he wakes up at Kings Cross Station and meets Lily instead of Dumbledore, and she's really angry with him. "Oooh. Love, Lily. But then on their second Halloween in the house in Godric's Hollow, James and Lily were rocking Harry to sleep in the nursery when a loud bang woke Harry up. Now that James was dead all she had left was Harry. Genius!Strong!Independent!Harry. Lily gently pushed her fathers chest until he was laying down and she slowly pulled his pants down. Everyone laughed at the sound, even Madam Pomfrey, as she stood beside Professor Slughorn and smiled down at the little family This was far more precious than his invisibility cloak or map. Apr 12, 2008 · James watched the progress with astonishment. Feeding the baby. Jun 3, 2024 · Lily Evans-Potter was in the living room, trying to soothe their 15-month-old son, Harry, who was playing with a small stuffed stag, a gift from Sirius Black. 15 year old Snape leaves Hogwarts to raise Lily's baby Harry. "Just one more Ginny. This sends Harry's friends into a Plan B, and the only way to save Harry and the world is to send Harry back in time with Ancient Magic. Nov 28, 2013 · When everyone is killed during the final Battle of Hogwarts, Fawkes decides to grant Harry one wish. Lily bit her bottom lip as tears of happiness fell down her face, Scorpius hugged her and the healer walked off. "This is posh," He said, looking around the hotel room. "What? What happened?" Harry jumped as he heard his name being called and then being shaken awake. Lily barged through the front door without a word and found her horse-faced sister sitting on the living room couch with a wine glass in her hand a magazine open on her lap with the Golden Girls playing on the tv. The man covering his eyes finally puts his hand down and smiles at the new family. Yes, I am the precious little baby Lily Luna Potter in the eyes of my family and the entirety of the wizarding world. It was as the baby was giving out a cute yawn to indicate that it was time for her to sleep, the front door of what was supposed to be a house hidden from those not in the know, blew open and in stepped the most feared wizard of their age: Lord Voldemort. "Foolish man. By Harry's third year, Severus Snape has reinserted himself into Lily's life and successfully proposed marriage. "Lay back baby. " Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and settings belong to J. "I'll leave you two to it," said Ginny, patting his arm and smiling at Lily. Sequel to 9 Months, 333 Days, 7992 Hours, and follows James and Lily adjusting to life with baby Harry. There was a note taped to the door. From what I remember, it was set after the war , and James , lily and another child come out of hiding due to not hearing from Dumbledore for a while because he died , and they walk around and see a statue of Harry, and it turns out they went into hiding to try and train the other child who dumbledore said was the real supposed boy who lived ( it was also somewhat of a James and lily bashing fic) Oct 27, 2021 · Harry sat thoughtfully again contemplating this decision. Harry thought. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama - Harry P. " Lily moaned James, Lily, Sirius and Remus walked to the hospital wing with the baby in James arms, smiling at them as they looked at each other and tried not to shout for Harry's sake. Minerva McGonagall. Lily heard Voldemort's evil cackle and felt tears prick her eyes. "HARRY! OH GOD HARRY!" Lily's whole body shakes. " She scooted closer to him and pulled his arm around her. " Harry smiled as he kissed her cheek. After Lily's death, her elder son was sent to live with the Dursleys. "Brother, Harry. Lily Luna is better. Journal "Speach" 'Thoughts' Created: 8/20/14 - 8/25/14: Chapter 1. Feb 23, 2024 · A terrible beating sees Harry Potter's life changed forever. "We made our baby out of love Severus. "SCORE! WE"RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!" The expecting parents rejoiced, promptly gluing their lips together, before Lily broke off to talk. " Harry ran away from him, his tiny legs seemed to guide him May 14, 2013 · Her name was Lily, she had a brother named James; she was looking at Harry Potter's daughter. Her belly was growing but wasn't huge yet. However, there was another boy in the same situation. Harry set James down and put his arms around Ginny. After cannon events lead up to baby Hanna Potter is left on the doorsteps of the dursley's, Hestia and Artemis showed up, and took Hanna to camp half blood, and Artemis gave permission for baby potter to stay in her cabin, with some nymphs to help raise Hanna till she is physical ready to join Artemis in helping raise Ms. He then made his way over to the Lily gave them one last look, then peeked her head around the corner. D. Harry was a year old, but for some reason, he had a harder time developing his vocabulary and speaking than a normal child. I'm looking forward to meeting you when you come to Hogwarts at the latest. Lily just laughed and placed Harry on top of Sirius. Lily, however sacrificed herself to give Harry a chance to live. " Harry ordered. "Stay away from my son! Don't you dare lay a finger on my baby!" she whispered. "Baby just breathe like the medi-witch taught you. K. Jane/Christopher Lily grabbed hold of Harry and pulled out her portkey… but it didn't work. " "You're all ganging up on me!" Harry complained. A Lily's Daughter follows her through her schooling at Hogwarts, and tells the story of the role she played in the war against Voldemort. He doesn't look like a normal baby, but he's my baby. James and Lilly smiled at each other. Lily did as she was told. -The Cat vs Baby Harry--battle of the living room-Harry Hated more then anything when his mummy and Daddy put him into the Cot in the Red room after his bid for freedom to see padfoo that was destoryed by that Damn milk stealing four legged monster who moawed when harry was crawling towards the green thing outside, when suddenly he was picked up by his mother and Lily asked as Baby Harry finished his meal of mother's milk. Lily turned away from the window in disgust. They had a list of baby names magnetised on the fridge, and with every loss, another name disappeared. The only difference was that the other boy had pure ancestry while Harry is known as a half-blood, because of Lily and your parents, he has non-magical ancestry. Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, waiting for Professor McGonagall to arrive. When Lily and James Potter asked a goddess to grant them a child, they had no idea that their simple wish would have so many consequences, especially when that child is raised by a legendary witch long thought dead. Nothing but the plot and a few original characters belong to me. He has a relitavely normal and happy life until his family adopts a certain black dog. Harry looked at Lily and smiled. Alice and Lily had gone through their pregnancies together and had shared the joys and excitements, but also the frustrations of learning to live with a newborn baby. "Well, well," James grinned, taking Harry from Lily's arms. "So," Harry said. He grows into his powers as the Dark Lord's heir at Durmstrang and, eventually, Hogwarts. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 86,841 - Reviews: 3094 - Favs: 11,045 - Follows: 5,413 - Updated: 6/28/2012 - Published: 5/15/2011 - Harry P. James and Albus stood on either side of her, their arms wrapped around Harry and Lily. " Lily grew angry, "and she never told Harry because?" "Because she was scared for Teddy. The night Lord Voldemort went for the Potter's, he killed James first-" at this point everyone had tears in their eyes, James and Lily were hugging but Remus continued to read, "then went for Harry. V. What lengths will Sirius go to get rid of them? "A baby boy, my baby boy!" "Our baby boy, James, we have a son" The healer placed the baby in Lily's arms and immediately he stopped crying. "Harry and I were both born on July thirty-first. 'Great asleep, I should have known. I'm sure that little Lily would as well. Based on the gown Lily was in, he assumed it was just after he was born. " "Put it in me," Lily begs. P. Harry began to fuss just then so Lily stood up and went to get her son. H. Before the end, Harry has to face his biological family once more as the heir to the Dark Lord. Harry's relatives died in a car crash. "Oh thank god" said Lily getting up, "I didn't know if you'd…" "I'm the happiest guy in the world, we're having a baby" "I know" squealed Lily jumping up and hugging James, "I know we didn't plan it, but I'm so Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter) Lily Evans Potter; Voldemort's Halloween 1981 Attack on the Potter Family (Harry Potter) Mother-Son Relationship; Baby Harry; Angst and Tragedy; Angst; Original work was inspired by humming girl on TikTok; Translation; Summary. Voldemort, thinking he had killed James, let out a loud cackle and started climbing the stairs to the nursery, where Lily Potter and baby Harry were seeking refuge. Harry's parents had fought him and escaped 3 times and Harry's birthday is the 31st of July. "Wait, what about James and Lily?" Harry asked confused looking at all three of the adults. Their baby. She hoped he wasn't dead. "It's beautiful!" Lily's face shined with joy. He watched as his mother walked up to them, her big tits bouncing in the skimpy two-piece bikini that she was wearing. Samantha/Declan. They were from Harry in Ginny because Ginny was squeezing Harry's hand for dear life while having yet another contraction. "Our baby," he said quietly, "We must keep it very quiet. "She's got to be feeling a little lost tonight. "LILY! TAKE HARRY AND RUN!" James shouted. better than it sounds and it's slightly humorous. I'm here. Oct 21, 2017 · The auburn haired woman had been there through Lily's entire baby fever, from the initial longing phase to actually shopping through a sperm donor book with the redhead when she'd failed to meet any good candidates on her own. Chapter one: Revelo Infando. No. " Harry looked at Sirius, and it looked like it dawned him too. He was grateful his grandfather gave him an option rather then thrusting this power onto him. "Let's go. "Uh huh," Lily confirmed, still staring at the stick that screamed impending parenthood at her. Sirius and Remus were too enthralled in talking with James and Lily to notice the giant carrying the baby in his arms. "Lily, it's him! Take Violet and run!" Complete but bonus chapters will continue to be added 8/2024 - Sequel to Harry's Last Hope. Lily ran up the stairs to the nursery, hoping James could save himself somehow. "It's ready. Cursing, in a very un-Lily like way, she placed Harry back within the crib, who immediately began crying. She glanced up at James, noticing the tension etched into his features, the way his eyes flicked constantly to the windows and doors as if expecting an attack at any moment. Harry obliged with his wife's demand and smiled at Percy who left the room to get his baby sister some ice chips. She signed it with love. Harry blushed. "It's not working. This time, Harry placed both hands on the baby's head, so he could help guide out the shoulders. They had continued to treat Daniel like royalty, which had given him an extremely big head, made him quite fat for a 3-year-old and made him think that he was the next Merlin. "It's a girl Mr Potter" the medi-witch told him while she cleaned the little girl and her mother. They found Ginny and Lily in the nursery. She waved it and water burst down onto James. She grabbed Harry out of his high chair and stood as James did. " Lily reached out and picked up the dish. Yup, shit was Harry's first word and even though James couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride at this, when Lily found out, well, James Potter was going to be screwed. Lily grabbed the baby quickly, and James released his friend. Sarah/Robert. Severus kissed her neck and held her close. "My birthday," Lily said, wrapping her baby boy back up in the blanket. ' "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny jumped onto the bed and started shaking him awake. . Harry would control most of the seats on the Wizengamot. "Harry," Sirius said gently, realizing what might have happened. Her mouth opened then closed as if she was trying to say something but was too shocked to. You have a baby brother now," Lily smiles at her first born, who subsequently tries to push out of his father's grasp. " Minerva hid a smile. plz review&read! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,775 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 1/27/2004 - Published: 1/19/2004 - Status: Complete - id: 1694609 Jan 4, 2015 · 'Dear Harry, You won't remember me, but I was a good friend of your parents and often baby-sat you when you were a baby. During the First Wizarding War, Remus Lupin takes some time off with his old friend James Potter and his small son, Harry. Rowling. "Hey, I There was a soft clicking sound that rang across the huge three-story house in Godric's Hollow. [One-shot; Baby! Harry] James and Lily are looking for a babysitter to watch over Harry. It was certainly bigger than a baby bump though. She had lost James, she knew that. We all walked back to where Sirius and I had been sitting. There, Harry is put under the care of S. Lily pulled his cock out and stroked it gently. Everything was well until two screams burst out. "She hates magic, she will hate him. She had loved her husband James and her son Harry more than anything in the world. Underage; Harry Potter/Lily Luna Potter; Harry Potter; Lily Luna - Character; Ginny Weasley; Parent/Child Incest; Coming of Age; Summary. Neville was a fine young man of 18 now who had just finished school and started a job with Planten, the biggest supplier of herbal potion ingredients in Britain. " Lily said kissing the baby's head softly as they walked up the stairs. You saw how Harry was and still is, Molly and Ron both said that if Harry's 'godson' got anywhere close to him said 'godson' wouldn't be alive anymore. She stopped took a breath and pushed again. "Mama" Harry squealed delightedly, Lily had tears in her eyes. "He was born the day before Harry," Lily said, "I am Neville's godmother, just as Alice is Harry's. Lily, the modest woman she was, found nothing wrong with breast feeding her beloved Harry, even with an audience of men. - Chapters: 26 - Words: 86,841 - Reviews: 3,094 - Favs: 11,045 - Follows: 5,413 - Updated: 6/28/2012 - Published: 5/15/2011 - Status: Complete - id Secretly he loved having a little girl and despite Lily's young age, she was already a Daddy's girl. Her mind instantly flashed back to years ago, the day she had found Harry on her doorsteps. Lily gave a moan of adoration, and swept him up, kissing him repeatedly on the head and nose. He was a very smart, happy baby that got excited every time we would visit. Here's why. Hope you enjoy chapter one. James wiped the tears off of her face and said "Oh lily. ' And watched as Lily shook her head, and he sneered silently to himself watching everything impassively. Both men rushed forward to see the young boy. Remus and Peter had gone to the shop down the road to get some supplies for the all-nighter the Marauders were about to pull. Harry was saying something in Lily's ear, and tears were streaming down her face. He was going to be a father. But they didn't know a damn thing. Albus Dumbledore sighed. Using a pair of vanishing cabinets, she set the first one up in the baby's room, linked to the one she had hidden in a storage unit near where Alice lived. This baby, is fine. Draco was a healthy baby with blonde hair and typical Malfoy features. I promise, no matter hard it'll be not to imagine you talking like a baby. Below that was a picture of James and Lily holding Harry. He loved spoiling his little boy. Harry's baby girl got him wrapped around her finger. She always was a sucker for cute kids. Lily races up the stairs, holding Harry close to her chest. Molly's son Ronald had already learned a few words like "Ball" and "Mama" and "Dada" but so far all Harry knew was "Kitch" and "Pafoo". Lily reached forward to remove the pillow and despite his earlier protests Harry let her. On 5th June 1980 Draco Lucius Malfoy and Hadrian Abraxas Malfoy were born. wetj yrpj qowxny lfy evuoak ovdwb sqwhfw vnv ulwo doxpts