
Libra sun scorpio stellium

  • Libra sun scorpio stellium. Libra Stellium. In other words, a stellium represents a special quality about you. Unavailable. Because Mars is in it Rulership domicile sign at home in Scorpio and Scorpio stellium IN the 8th house. Their fear of making mistakes can lead to nervous tension. Charlie Cox. When a 5th house stellium is present, it can indicate a strong emphasis on creativity and playfulness in one’s life. In some discussions, Libra came in after Virgo & Scorpio, and put between them so there would be a transition between the Virgin and the Sex. There is some disagreement and debate over if 3 or 4 planets are required to be considered a stellium, but don’t get hung up on the details. Jan 3, 2024 · - a stellium (3+ planets) including your natal Pluto - your natal Pluto conjunct an angle - your North or South Node in your Pluto sign - your 1st house ruler conjunct the natal Pluto - your natal Pluto anaretic (at 29 degrees) - natal Pluto as a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type) hmmidk1990. Scorpio Stellium. Intuitive, intense, magnetic, sexy, dramatic, alluring, possessive. Which certainly explains a ton about my relationship with my family haha. This house is associated with the sign Aries, and is ruled by the planet Mars. It is said to be the house of the higher mind, where we expand our awareness of ourselves and the world around us. The 6th House represents daily life, work environment, and health. It is an Air Sign and Cardinal, so it's actions can be very deliberate once a decision has been made. Imo no. Now I consider myself extremely blessed. It indicates your passion or interest or gift that you have been given in life. In the opposite 2nd house, we have saturn in scorpio and moon and uranus in saggitarius. People with a Pisces stellium are often highly sensitive and intuitive, with a strong connection to the spiritual world. Keep in mind that the sun and moon both count towards a stellium My stellium is in my 4th house (mercury, venus, saturn, and pluto all in scorpio). intimacy is paramount and attachments are deep and ofter psychic. It is a call to accept the emotional tendency, passion, transformation, and hidden secrets within the self. A First House Stellium occurs when three or more planets are aligned in the First House of your birth chart. I can affirm the emo thing, also a love for morbid and romantic things like cemeteries, gothic clothing and toxic relationships. Heyy, I have a Scorpio stelling too (sun,Venus & Pluto). Sun Mercury in 9th house Chiron Mars and Venus ( mars Venus same degree) 8th house, Mercury and Chiron in opposition to scorpio 3h Uranus. I have five planets in Scorpio, in the 12th house: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto. Challenges that hide in this position are not at all easy to handle, for their core rests in emotional dissatisfaction, forgiveness and change. While our astrological chart Mar 11, 2020 · A stellium occurs when 4 or more planets fall in a House. I don’t think it dominates my big three since Scorpio and Capricorn are 2/3 of the big three. " If you had a stellium in the 10th house, which governs your life's work, you might make your work the No. Stellium astrology is impacted by the planets involved. Jun 26, 2020 · A Libra stellium has a powerful impact on your natal chart. Dividing the horoscope wheel by three and connecting the points where the circle is intersected gives an equilateral triangle. This house is associated with spirituality, philosophy, higher education, and long-distance travel. Feb 20, 2024 · It’s also good to know what modality your stellium is in: is it a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn); a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius); or a mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo A stellium is a cluster of three or more planets in conjunction in a zodiac sign. I purposely didn’t mention having a Scorpio Sun because I feel basing certain discussions on Sun signs alone can be a little lazy and you sort of miss the essence of astrology. Intensity, indeed! May 24, 2023 · Triple Scorpio Or The “Big 3” A triple Scorpio is a person born with the Sun, Moon, and Rising sign (The Ascendant) all in the sign of Scorpio. The 11th house is the wild child in you! Sep 10, 2020 · The Elements: Water Signs. elegance2. The 8th house is related to the sign Scorpio, and it is associated with topics such as transformation, other people’s resources, the occult, death and rebirth, sex, and regeneration. A stellium is a cluster of three or more planets in conjunction in a zodiac sign. And, he's a Sagittarius rising Apr 14, 2022 · The social planets are Jupiter and Saturn. This house is related to your home, family, and inner life. Now if your Mars is in Scorpio itself or Aries, that a totally different story. Must they all be within 10 degrees? And would the Libra sun be linked to the Scorpio stellium because of its close proximity to the other planets/sign of scorpio? For example, if someone had Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto all in Scorpio in the fifth house, then Mars actually deposits every single other planet in the stellium except Pluto. Scorpio ascendant and Pluto in 1st house. Scorpio for me has: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto, all in the 2nd house (from 6 degrees to 26 degrees!) Thanks for this informative post. This gives it a double dose of energy and emotion that can be overwhelming. This trio is clustered together in both our ninth house of publishing and our tenth house of career. Nov 20, 2020 · This chart displays a packed stellium containing the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon and Pluto in loveable Libra, plus Mercury out-of-sign in secretive Scorpio. First House Stellium – A Complete Guide. An individual having a Scorpio Stellium fails to indulge in superficial or light-hearted things. One can have a Stellium with 4 or more planets in a sign (that can cover more than one House) but I am focusing upon the House Stellium. All you need is faith. Jul 26, 2013 · He is a Scorpio sun with a Libra Stellium of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto & a Scorpio stellium of sun, Mercury & Uranus. After that, analyze what the planets Feb 20, 2024 · The sun and moon move quickly, but as you move further out into the solar system, the planetary orbits get much longer. No one can rock the boat when you’re around. Writing can be a good healing tool. Oct 28, 2023 · In the elder Edith's birth horoscope above, a conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Libra means she was headstrong and impulsive, particularly about her house: a Sun Libran's pride and joy. You'd never guess she was a Scorpio sun or a Leo rising, as those traits don't show themselves as often as Libra do. For example, an Aries stellium with Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the 3rd house will translate differently to a 3rd house Aries stellium made up of Mars, Neptune, and Pluto. If you have three planets located in your 3rd House, that is also a stellium. At first I thought because the of the Libra placements, I may be Venusian or there may be some Venusian May 7, 2012 · My partner and I have planets in 1,2,3,4,8,9th house. This house is associated with creativity, play, and expressing yourself. Once you understand the intensity of this energy, you can use it wisely to deal with life challenges. But if the Stellium involved heavier, more powerful planets and signs, such as the Sun, Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Scorpio, the effect of the Stellium as a whole would be more about extremes: intense desires, mood swings, obsession and destructiveness. Folk with a stellium in Libra strive so hard to create balance they can end up knocking themselves and their relationships out of sync. 12. Virgo 12th House stelliums are very health-conscious, almost to the point of obsession. Jan 17, 2023 · Pisces Stelliums: Intensity and Meaning. Sep 11, 2022 · Stelliums, pretty rare, astrological configurations, are a cluster of planets that strengthen the energy of whatever sign and house they fall in. Masters of second guessing, they can calm the situation by telling themselves that every yin has a yang. Jun 23, 2008 · Plutonian Persona said: I am a Libra-Scorpio Sun, with a 2nd decan Scorpio moon. Nov 23, 2020 · A stellium occurs when you have three or more planets either in a single sign or in a single house in your birth chart. The 1st house is associated with self-expression, self-awareness, and identity. Sun in libra in 11th house. Effects Of Sun-Ketu-Venus-Mercury Stellium In Libra On Scorpio. I noticed my 3rd house is the only one with three planets: the Sun & Venus in Libra, and then Mercury in Scorpio (I'm a cusp/ born roughly 9 hours before the sun entered Scorpio). But with the stellium, a more sweeping orb is allowed, as long as they're in the same zodiac sign. Saturn relates to blocks, obstacles, longterm endeavors, responsibilities & commitments, structures, & institutions. For example, if you have three planets located in Capricorn, that’s a stellium. Birth Charts of People with a Stellium. Sep 12, 2018 · Even if the stellium appears in a sign other than your sun sign (the sign you read your horoscope for), it will make that sign's traits more prominent in your personality and life. I want to say her libra qualities on the surface give off a nice glow, But paired with the Aries moon? So. 7th house: The person loves to be in love and thinks of companionship as the ultimate goal, seeking balance in union. 11th house is the place of Hope's and dreams and the vision one has for their life in addition to groups, friends, & society. or a stellium in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Oct 17, 2023 · Your stellium can mean a range of things depending on the house and sign your stellium falls in. Astrologers vary on how close in distance some aspect patterns should be to constitute a stellium. Jan 17, 2023 · A stellium is a group of three or more planets that are in an astrological sign. 319 votes, 39 comments. Libra relates to art, balance, justice. I feel like these signs aren't too different, but mostly I just feel really intensely about things. Dec 12, 2023 · Stellium astrology is when a cluster of planets (often three or more) occupy one of your astrological houses or your zodiac sign. The First House is commonly referred to as the “House of My friend is a Scorpio sun, but she is most like a Libra because she has 6 planets in Libra. S. Here’s what it means when you have a lot of planets (three or more) in the 6th House. The quality of the sign where the stellium I was hoping you could explain what the characteristics would be for someone with a scorpio stellium: Mars, Mercury and Pluto + having the sun almost at scorpio (last day of Libra). We have been together for more than 12 2 planets in a sign is the things that is almost a stellium I also have: 2x Libra(Moon, Saturn) 2x Sag(Sun, Venus and even Descendant) 2x Pisces(Uranus, MC) 3x Capricorn(Mercury, Pluto, North Node) My mom:5x in Sag(Sun,Mercury, Venus,Uranus,Neptune and even Ceres, Pallas) 2x Libra(Saturn, Pluto) Aug 24, 2020 · Joe Biden is a Scorpio Sun who was born at 8:30 a. Financially, some unexpected expenses may occur, so plan accordingly. Oftentimes, if you find that you don’t relate to your sun sign, it can indicate that you have a stellium of planets in a different sign, offsetting your leading luminary. November 22, 1984 at 7:00 AM. It would probably speak about intensity in feelings, being selective in your social life, being loyal, committed and passionated, but also jalous, possesive and suspicious. In the 3rd sagittarius mars and aquarius jupiter. Scorpio is astrology's Fixed water sign. But when I see a chart like yours, the word that comes to mind is “elegance”. 8th house: The person needs a deep and intense emotional bonding. The planets in this house will have a strong influence on your ability to make and manage money, as well as your overall sense Apr 15, 2024 · Getty. From the viewpoint of only the Sun and the Moon, my greatest challenge is whether I trust my head or my heartthe head tries to rule (Libra Ascendant as well), but the heart always prevails (the rest of my 1st Scorpio stellium, including the moon). Sun, Merc, Venus, and Jupiter, in Scorpio, 4th House-Sun Scorpio 20°25'29 Mercury Scorpio 16°30'59 Venus Scorpio 22°41'56 Jupiter Scorpio 20°46'26 . Jan 17, 2023 · A stellium is an astrological phenomenon that occurs when three or more planets are all in the same house of the zodiac. Apr 18, 2022 · Capricorn is all about structure, rules, authority, work, and responsibility. Water symbolizes emotions, and fixed water can get swamped with emotions. This phenomenon happens when three or more planets align in the sign of Scorpio, creating a concentrated energy that can bring about intense transformation and growth. I learned a lot about planets vs other bodies too (Moon in Scorpio too, but in the 1st house along with my Sun and Ascending in Libra). Effects of an 8th House Stellium Jul 29, 2018 · Shannon Yrizarry. Sep 8, 2018 · Whew, it has been a journey to learn about astrology. The more personal planets involved (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), the more powerful affect Capricorn will have on your life. 1 priority in your life. People with a 10th house stellium may experience a heightened focus in these areas and may be more likely to pursue Mar 3, 2022 · With a Libra stellium, you won’t be able to make quick decisions in the area it falls under. The 11th house is the house that doesn’t follow the rules and doesn’t care for convention. July 2, 1990 at 7:45 AM. May 14, 2021 · Libra. I think a lot of Taurus and Scorpios forget that there’s just as much light as there is darkness and things getting darker means light will get lighter. Sun, Venus, & Mercury in the 3rd House. I can tell she The Sixth House in Scorpio. A stellium refers to when someone has at least 3 planets in 1 sign or house in their natal/birth chart. And that means you make. Things were really fkin hard until my Saturn return, not gonna lie, but I put in the work I needed to and never gave up- (6th house libra pluto and Saturn exactly conjunct!) after that life became almost too good to be true. So, having your Mars, Venus, and moon in the sign of Pisces would give you what’s called a Pisces Stellium. The 11th house is ruled by Aquarius and Uranus, and is a succedent house. -Moon Libra 21°18'47 Saturn Libra 28°11'32 Pluto Libra 27°47'24 The 11th house rules your friends, groups, charity (in a more distant way), and hopes and dreams (for the future). So, if it’s in the 7th House, there’s no way you’ll settle down until thinking it all the way through. A Scorpio stellium can make someone quiet, secretive, or Jan 17, 2023 · A 5th house stellium is when three or more planets are located in the 5th house in a birth chart. Depending on my mood, I may give off more Cancer than Scorpio/Capricorn energy. Uranus spends about seven years in each zodiac sign, while Pluto spends Mar 29, 2022 · Virgo Stellium. I have a Scorpio stellium in the 12th house, and my sun is Virgo in the 10th house. 135K subscribers in the AskAstrologers community. I admit with libra sun and moon and Venus in Scorpio (in the fifth house 😉) college was very fun for me lol. 3. This house is associated with money, possessions, and self-worth, and it’s often seen as the house of material gain. Jul 29, 2023 · In astrology, a stellium is when you have three or more planets in a zodiac sign or house. A stellium in Capricorn has three or more plants holding hands in Capricorn and working together to make a power grab for your birth chart. Our only difference is that 4th planet otherwise we are opposite but same. But very good at meeting her own needs. Mar 13, 2024 · The Plastics: Libra Stellium in the 4th house. One of the most powerful stelliums is the Sagittarius stellium, which is when three or more planets are in the sign of Sagittarius. This can indicate a strong focus on career, public life, and reputation. But the burying and sweeping seems more like 6th H Libra. If the sixth house is set in the sign of Scorpio, self-destructive behavior is the greatest enemy to one’s physiology and psychological state. Every act, every conversation, every encounter feels a little more clandestine and intimate with a Scorpio stellium in your chart. I recently have learned in therapy (highly recommend) that I often contradict my own feelings. A Libra stellium in the first house means you’ll be able to easily and quickly make friends. This is also known as a stellium, or when you have three or more placements in the same sign or in this case Scorpio stellium. Sagittarius is one of the most influential signs of the zodiac, and a stellium in Sagittarius can have a big impact on your life. These planets are suspicious, emotionally intense, and fascinated with the psychospiritual, unseen, death, or danger. I am also a Libra sun/Scorpio moon with a fifth house stellium split (placidus) between Libra and Scorpio (3 in Libra, 4 in Scorpio). Why? Because Scorpio is rule by Mars. You’re kind, agreeable, and a great communicator. A person who is judgmental, shallow, and has a head of hair full of secrets. Mar 10, 2024 · A stellium in Scorpio is a powerful astrological occurrence that can greatly impact an individual’s life. Why? Because you have a laser-like focus on the qualities the sign represents, as well as in the house or houses it occupies, and the house in which the Feb 11, 2023 · Life will take you exactly where you need to be at exactly the right time. You may feel a sense of responsibility and protectiveness towards your loved ones. Moon, Saturn, and Pluto, in Libra, 3rd House. A Venus-Pluto conjuction would enhance most of the scorpio aspects in your love and social life, but also in your material life, since Pluto is one of scorpio's regent. EST in Scranton, Pennsylvania on November 20, 1942. As this happens in Taurus, most effected signs apart from them will be Gemini (Mithuna Rasi), Libra (Thula Rasi), Scorpio (Vrischika Rasi) and Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi). I am Virgo rising taurus sun, and i have a stellium that covers taurus from 4-29 degrees. May 23, 2022 · 6th House Stellium: Composite, Transit, Natal. I don’t think that having a lot of planets in the 8th house makes a person a Scorpio or like a Scorpio or however you might want to put it. Immature. This powerful alignment amplifies the energy of the First House, which is associated with self-awareness, identity, and new beginnings. Jan 17, 2023 · A 4th house stellium is when three or more planets line up in the fourth house of your birth chart. A stellium holds more importance than your Sun , Moon or Ascendant signs. General Astrology. Jan 17, 2023 · A 10th house stellium is when three or more planets (including the Sun, Moon, and/or other planets) are all located in the 10th house of a birth chart. To determine if you have a stellium in your birth chart, cast your chart on lime and check if you have three or more planets in the same zodiac sign. Similar incidents happen when 4 planets stellium occurs in transit. When this happens in the 11th house, it can have a powerful and unique effect on the individual whose chart it is in. There is a lot of information you can glean about someone if they have a lot of planets in the 6th House. Your parent, siblings, and friends are very important to you, and your love for them borders on obsession. It’s the part of your chart that reveals where you feel most secure, and how you deal with the emotions that come with being in a family. Feb 27, 2021 · LSA astrologers: My mother is a libra sun/Aries moon and as I get older I realize she’s a total asshole. I'm honestly just learning about the houses, so I don't have much insight yet. Scorpio, Be ready to face the challenges! The stellium of Sun, Ketu, Venus, and Mercury in Libra will occur in your 12th house. Eliot – 1st house Jun 17, 2020 · A stellium is three or more planets that are conjunct in one astrological sign. The quality of the sign where the stellium The workplace will hold a special place in their heart. A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. This house is opposite the 5th house and therefore on an axis with it, and both house are social houses. •. For example, we have a stellium in Scorpio at the very top of our chart that includes the moon, Venus and Mars. yeah you can see things without the ascendant but in my opinion it strongly limits what you can get out of a chart. This air sign gives you excellent social graces and a laid-back attitude. Oct 13, 2019 · The 11th house in astrology is one of the 12 astrology houses, each of which governs different parts of your personality and life. If your Mars in Gemini, or Libra, it will modify the trait of whatever the planets you have in Scorpio, because MARS rule that planet and rule that Stellium. This will be a major goal in the native’s life. There comes a point in everyone’s life when they meet a mean girl. Scorpio is known for its intense and passionate nature, making a stellium in this sign particularly potent. A Libra stellium in the second house will find security through partnership, whereas a Capricorn stellium will find security through money or career. We have sun in gemini in the 8th house, along with mercury and chiron. However, a 5th house stellium can also bring a lot of Jan 17, 2023 · A 2nd house stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the second house of your natal chart. This has been helpful to read. I definitely relate to the intensity. A stellium can actually eclipse your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in terms of importance. Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in 12th house in libra (stellium). Nov 15, 2018 · Anonymous. If your have a Scorpio stellium you will have some exaggerated Scorpio traits. And venus in the 9th. Like both Collyer brothers, the elder Edith had a stellium: Saturn, Mercury, and Uranus in Scorpio. In OP's case, Sun-Jupiter Libran 6th could find details of daily life difficult to manage, and discover drugs as a way to cope. Jan 14, 2021 · The Sun joins them in Aquarius in a few days on January 19th, and Venus moves into Aquarius on February 1st. I have two stelliums, in Libra and Scorpio, too. I can speak to this because I have a packed 8th house, myself. Oct 19, 2022 · "If you have a stellium in Libra, you might find yourself worrying what others think a lot or focusing on partnerships at the expense of your solo pursuits. It is impossible to function well with a stellium in the 12th house and not have faith. A friend of mine has a Scorpio stellium too, with both of us I notice the tendency to get depressed and we both avoid big crowds. I’ve watched countless YouTube videos and googled articles about the 12th house and it seems Feb 15, 2024 · Since Pluto first shifted into Aquarius, it was joined by the Sun, Mercury, Mars and finally Venus, creating a powerful Aquarius stellium from February 16-18, 2024. It’s also where you’ll find your innermost Jul 3, 2020 · A stellium is simply a cluster of three or more planets that are in a conjunction aspect in a single sign. They will go through heavy expenditure, fear and threats, severe opposition and delays at work. A Pisces stellium is particularly powerful because Pisces is ruled by two planets — Jupiter and Neptune. It was opposed by her Taurus Moon. Signs of the same element sit at the points of the triangle at 120° (four signs) apart. Nov 3, 2021 · Scorpio Stellium; 4th house stellium; 3 planet method: Libra stellium; 3rd house; 6th house; Capricorn stellium; I definitely come off as a Water/earth dominant person. The Aquarius stellium lasts until March 15th, so over two full months, and all five of these planets will be in Aquarius at the same time, February 1st to February 15th. Libra is in the middle going, "I can take it (sex) or leave it (virgin). July 29, 2018. Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions…. Hey, I also have Scorpio stellium in the 4th house! Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. Jan 17, 2023 · A 1st house stellium is a stellium located in the 1st house of your birth chart. Sun in very happy aspects to Leo Jupiter, aries moon, and Virgo AC. Feb 17, 2018 · I’m Libra Leo Libra with a Scorpio stellium and more importantly I have a Venus in Scorpio. Caitriona Balfe. Covered Here: Nov 23, 2014 · A transit to a large stellium is often grueling. If your stellium mostly May 7, 2019 · Stellia, the plural word for clusters, are easy to spot in the birth chart. This means emotionality will be even more pronounced with a Scorpio Jan 20, 2024 · A Scorpio stellium in the fourth house of your natal chart means you care deeply and intensely about your family or chosen family. A stellium in this house in Scorpio will make a different result here, however. Jan 2, 2024 · A Scorpio stellium is a powerful astrological chart that has both positive and negative energies. By Katie Robinson. The impact of having a stellium in your birth chart can mean that certain zodiac traits may dominate your personality or that if your stellium is in a certain astrological house, this area of life may also feel the most important to you. I wish I had advice for you, but moreso just here to validate your feelings. Scarlett Johansson. Pluto scorpio in 1st. . With that stated, this is not a simple thing to understand. So. Sep 12, 2022 · Keep in mind that the sun and moon are considered planets in astrology. Jan 17, 2023 · An 8th house stellium is when four or more planets come together in the 8th house of an individual’s astrological chart. Some say 1 or 2 degrees, while others allow up to 5 degrees. During this phase, some health issues may occur, so take extra care of your health. Jul 29, 2023 · The gifts and the curses of having a 12th house stellium in your zodiac chart… It’s lonely, nostalgic, and out of this world. When Saturn is involved in a Sagittarius stellium, it dials down the restless Sagittarian spirit and increases the hunger for knowledge and the need to put it to practical use. Hi, Anonymous. I recently just found my actually birth time so, I have an accurate birth chart AND have discovered that I am a Scorpio Rising (I thought I was a Libra Rising). 185K subscribers in the astrologymemes community. For our purposes today, we’re going to stick with the rule of 3. Nov 22, 2019 · He is Virgo sun and moon, Capricorn ascendant (Neptune and Uranus in 1H) and Leo venus and mars (7H) She is Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon and Leo ascendant (no planets in 1H, mars in Pisces in 7H) THEIR composite chart is SCORPIO ascendant and they have a scorpio stellium in 12H Sun, chiron, moon, venus and mercury in Scorpio in 12H. like if that virgo sun is in the 7th and the libra stellium is in the 8th, the virgo sun will be much more obvious than if the virgo sun was in the 12th with libra stellium in the 1st. Please tell me what you feel about those placements, will be appreciated! Nov 9, 2023 · 1st House Stellium in Libra. 2864 people found. Your personality is magnetic, drawing people towards you and letting them love you. Jan 17, 2023 · A 9th house stellium occurs when four or more planets are clustered together in the 9th house of the zodiac. A Scorpio Stellium means a group of planets that is tempting you away from leading a simple and peaceful life. A Libra stellium can mean positive traits when it shows up in your natal chart. Faith is the seed that keeps you growing, and surrender is key to the quintessential 12th house experience. the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness. When Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is part of a Sagittarius stellium, it increases self-confidence, optimism, and luck. I can be pretty suspicious and mistrusting of people that I don't know, and again after they've given me a reason to mistrust them. December 15, 1982. m. Also, I’ve discovered that I have a 12th house stellium (Libra Sun, Mars AND Mercury). Aqua sun, Virgo rising here with a stellium in my fifth: Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus. Mar 18, 2022 · If you've found your birth chart contains a stellium, it essentially means that you're likely to feel this zodiac sign's or house's energy more deeply throughout your life. May 23, 2022. Just some thoughts :) Sounds similar to my placements. “the simplicity and elegance of the solution”. Relationships are a struggle in this placement. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. You’re dealt certain cards in life and that’s it. That’s what you have to work with. Jul 21, 2021 · 01:13:26 Beyonce – Libra stellium 01:19:03 Katy Perry – 1st house stellium 01:24:18 George Lucas – 1st house stellium 01:27:12 Richard Tarnas – 9th house stellium 01:28:29 Christopher Revve – 3rd house stellium 01:30:20 Meghan Markle – 4th house stellium 01:33:50 Mac Miller – 12th house stellium 01:38:39 T. Feb 4, 2024 · However, if the Stellium involved heavier, more powerful planets and signs, such as the Sun, Mars, Uranus and Pluto in Scorpio, the effect of the Stellium as a whole would be more about extremes: intense desires, mood swings, obsession and destructiveness. Their need for “perfection” is often a coping tool to deal with the chaos of life. Its calming righteous influence helps you achieve a balanced life regardless the other components of your chart. The fact is, I am mistaken for being a Scorpio all the Oct 27, 2021 · If you’ve identified a stellium in your chart, you may find it explains certain mystifying patterns in your life. Don’t worry we grow up and eventually find a therapist. As far as Op's Scorpio 7th planets, maybe the stellium overshadows unaspected ruler Venus so they relate more to the former placement. Margot Robbie. bi my ui xl li cd jy lj il ay