Wow tbc mangle. Mangle, it's the highest threat ability bound to the GCD. Requiere nivel 68. It has a version for both Cat and Bear Forms. Cast Mangle (Bear) on cooldown every 6 seconds. This guide will provide a list of recommended talent builds and glyphs for your class and role, as well as general advice for the best builds in PvE for raiding and dungeons. Druid. Idol. Mangle is a good choice. Requiere Forma felina. The capstone talent of the Feral tree, and the reason why feral DPS is substantially better in TBC compared to vanilla. Rake. For the Pet Battle ability, see [Mangle]. The higher the quality the better! Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. In addition to these perks, playing a Feral is very fun and rewarding. Sep 9, 2011 · 2,962. #showtooltip. Post by Teer. The raw burst damage output of Feral Druids also gets a big boost in TBC via the introduction of Mangle (Cat) , which amplifies all of their core Aug 21, 2007 · WoW WoW. 7. Equip: Improves spell hit rating by 12 (0. Apr 29, 2024 · Class Overview for Feral Druid DPS. Joined on 2008/08/16 Posts: 1 Full geared druid tank chiming in. Singletarget threat ; mangle on cd, lacerate to 5, dump rage with swipe>maul but dont dump it all, you wanna withhold rage to always be able to mangle on cd. Hybrid tank/dps specialisation: Since Feral Combat is a single talent tree, a Druid can easily pick Description. Mar 18, 2008 · Reputation: 7,292. Jan 24, 2023 · Mangle (Cat)—The Attack Power scaling of this ability has been buffed from 11. Most raids will use two tanks for Nalorakk, one for the Troll phase and one for the Bear phase. Jun 7, 2009 · Single Target Rotation. Druid macro for mangle/lacerate or maul/lacerate. When you deal auto-attack damage or take damage you will generate Rage, which can then be spent on attacks or Frenzied Regeneration. Requires Level 68. Generates 10 Rage. May 17, 2021 · Additionally, Burning Crusade Classic adds to the Cat rotation, which provides a 30% buff to almost all yellow damage, including both (the primary combo point generator) and (the primary finishing move). This article is about the druid ability. 4). but Shred gets the 30-33% dmg increase from savage roar, then adding its effect you get the 30% dmg from mangle debuff. 5s between the time the macro was last pressed and when Thrash would be off cooldown, leaving 1. Ferocious Bite. 6 sec cooldown. io PvP Feral Spec – 1/46/14. May 28, 2021 · Mangle—Mangle is the 41-point end talent for the Feral tree. Level70 70. It's 100% FREE! Includes support for the latest WoW AddOns and Mods. 7. When I do get a pure DPS spec ( Link ), I will spam shred instead of mangle. Do you want to know the best way to use your feral druid abilities in World of Warcraft? Join the discussion on the official forum and learn from other players' opinions and experiences. / cast [stance:1]Mangle (Bear)(); [stance:3]Mangle (Cat)() Jan 28, 2022 · This is another mandatory talent for both DPS and tanking, as it provides a significant total DPS/ TPS boost by modifying the critical damage multiplier from 2 x to 2. Threat for Mangle is Dmg Done x 1. Inflicts 200 damage to an enemy every 2 sec. The philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all. Further macro restrictions may apply in classic, I can't find anything classic specific on this. Assuming you are using Maul every cooldown, you do 2. Mangle the target for 400% normal damage plus X. that simple :D. Some Druids prefer Thick Hide for survivability BadKitty. and slows its movement by 50% for 20 sec. The Book of the Raven tells us the raven's followers captured and bound the spirits of his rivals within stone shrines. Requires Druid. In the Bear NPCs category. Talent. Requires Cat Form. The best way to conceptualize the rotation is as a series of 4-6 second "cycles". WoW ClassicBurning Crusade Classic Discussion. Afoxi 14 years ago #9. Claw attack that you can spam and will target nearest enemy or keep current target until dead. Can use this with bear swipe also and spam it while tanking. Rake the target for 1600 to 2400 damage and an additional 2500 damage over 15 sec. 4. Balance: Balance Druids provide high AoE damage with Starfall and Hurricane. also a factor added is that Shred has to be behind the target to hit, and in all raids a dps for the most part should be behind the boss. May 28, 2021 · Mangle (Bear)—Highest Threat per Rage ability in TBC, used on cooldown in the PvE rotation. Kill Rageclaw to obtain an Idol of Ursine Rage, then equip the Idol. The rest of the Crafting Professions provide nearly identical benefits. If you're trying to time your keypresses to match the global cooldown, it will always reset to Mangle since the bear form GCD is 1. Mangle the target for (58. Dec 2, 2023 · noduel-classic-wow]Dueling PvP BiS Gear Warsong Gulch Tips Alterac Valley Tips Arathi Basin Tips About the Author My name is NerdEgghead, and I am an avid Classic WoW fan and theorycrafter with roots back in retail TBC. Jan 24, 2022 · Excel at PvP as a Feral Druid in Burning Crusade Classic with our detailed TBC class guide, covering Feral Druid viability in the Arena and Battleground meta, best Feral Druid builds, PvP gearing, and more. Unique. When fully talented, it essentially increases hit rating by all melee and hunters by 3%! Aug 30, 2022 · Druids are valuable due to their ability to perform any role effectively, especially with access to the dual spec system. Savage Roar. I can handle 5 or less adds easily by closely managing the threat meters. The raw burst damage output of Feral Druids also gets a big boost in TBC via the introduction of Mangle (Cat) , which amplifies all of their core damaging abilities. Basicly, my question is: Does the extra bleed damage from mangle work, if added later, on already applied bleeds? Say i do ravage - rake - mangle, would the middle rake get the extra bleed damage when mangles applied? (the reason im naming affli locks is because corruption Mar 7, 2023 · Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. If target is already mangled then shred will be better. It deals a large amount of damage and awards 1 combo Cat Mangle Macro Question. Reply. Keep Faerie Fire up always. On top of the raw DPS boost from Mangle, Burning Crusade Classic also solves the mana issues which Cats suffered from on longer fights in Classic. Use mangle>growl>feral charge>bash>aoe taunt to snatch mobs you loose aggro on. once lacerate is at a 5 stack replace it with swipe unless it needs refreshing. Phase 1. Apr 3, 2024 · In this guide you'll find all of the runes that are currently available for Druids in Phase 3 of SoD. For aoe tanking just auto attack and spam swipe. Druids are considered a versatile hybrid class due to their ability to perform the three different roles while using an associated shape shifting form. From the guides I have read it says to use. 10 sec cooldown. . Take cower off of your bar as well its threat reduction is the equivalent of a white hit, thus a complete waste of energy. I've been trying to get a mangle start macro to work my cat druid, Thuperkitty @ Undermine, and have had no luck thus far. Destroza al enemigo y le inflige un 160% de daño normal más 264 y provoca que el objetivo reciba un 30% de daño extra de Triturar y los efectos de sangrado durante 12 sec. But no, it's not part of my DPS-cycle. 5s leeway. This NPC can be found in Dun Morogh. Mangle - Spell - TBC Classic. Each cycle consists of a powershift, providing 60 Energy at the start of the cycle and 80 Energy at the next energy tick Cataclysm Classic Feral Tank Druid Best Professions. Finishing move that causes damage and incapacitates the target. This macro will cast Ravage if you are stealthed or Shred if not stealthed. Requires level 62. Item Level 93. Otorga 1 p. Stacks up to 3 times. It was a problem with the ranks, etc. on your enemies and finding opportunities to use. Druid absolute favourite, fun to level with travel form & once you get mangle you do pretty good damage. Bears now possess a strong offensive cooldown for snap Threat, a Last Stand effect, and some much needed spell damage mitigation, giving them all of the tools necessary for competitive PvE performance as a main tank across the full range of encounters in WotLK raids. Instant. Druids are a hybrid class in Cataclysm and are the only class that can take on 4 different roles in a raid environment, including physical dps, caster dps, tank, and healer. But still its damage does not compare. in order to minmax your DPS. Wrath Classic (WOTLK) Feral Dps Druid Rotation. Instante. Mar 30, 2022 · Feral tanks are very easy to play, with a simple rotation and straightforward gearing. Sell Price: 1 75 36. ; Lacerate—New bleed ability that generates a significant amount of static Threat when cast, and also applies a high DPS stackable DoT to the target. tricky way. Sep 19, 2021 · I made a quick video explaining weak auras and how to make them!https://wago. If you Lacerate again before the stack of 5 expires, you refresh the debuff. It deals damage to the target and generates Rage . This is the best I've put together thus far. Always updated with the latest TBC Classic information. Keep in mind that Druids can use cloth and leather armor only but once Mangle never had any cooldowns, it just wasn't a useful combo builder as the % damage dealt was lower than what other abilities offered and the cost was still pretty hefty, its main use was to gain 30% extra bleed damage for 12 seconds (TBC) or 1 minute (WotLK). This is because Blizzard doesn't want our bleeds doing 60% (or more) damage, so Mangle doesn't stack. By Chasan on 2008/06/11 at 9:03 PM (Patch 2. The general rotation is based around 6 seconds, 1. May 22, 2021 · The most important new TBC Classic talent is Mangle, which improves Feral Tank Druid damage and provides an extra debuff that increases the damage of other druids and rogues in your group. Aug 6, 2021 · Level 66 Bear Tank Questions. You could always go about making a macro that casts Mangle, but when you hold down a button like ctrl or alt, it will cast Shred. Mar 18, 2008 · Also, as a note- wherever you use Faerie Fire (Feral) or Mangle, or any other spell with parantheses in the name, you need to include a another set of parantheses, otherwise the client misinterprets "Feral" or "Bear" or "Cat" as the rank. /cast Mangle (Cat) () /startattack [harm] And it doesn't work. In WoW Classic, this macro has been simplified from its vanilla form due to the new TBC macro system that has been General Macro: This one is just smart enough to use the right Skull Bash based on what form you are in. Still one button, but would require you to pay attention to if Mangle is up. 2 posts. Imbues the Druid with natural energy. Melee Range. Any tips or suggestions? Jun 29, 2021 · In TBC specifically, the single target leveling efficiency for cats is boosted quite a bit via the introduction of the Mangle talent, which provides the druid with a powerful spammable ability that scales very well with gear. That's assuming you keep the Mangle debuff up for the +30% damage to bleed effects. World of Warcraft. If excess Rage is available after filling every GCD with Mangle (Bear) or Lacerate, then cast Maul. The Iop girls love my Eniripsa bat wings. #showtooltip [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth] Mangle (Cat)() / cast [stealth] Pounce; [nostealth] Mangle (Cat)() Hm, that seemed to work, which is kind of weird; I tried pretty much that one, except it looked more like the one I used for Claw/ Pounce. Using two tanks avoids having Mangle cast by the Troll form on the same tank that will have the bleed debuffs that are used in Bear form. A friend of mine is a bear tank and this is his first druid. This is what I'm using: #showtooltip /cast Cat Form; Mangle; Regrowth but what it does is keep Mangle, but only bear form, even when I'm in Cat form. Macro Version 2. The "Evaluated against a target" table is the only relevant one, and it has nothing related to what you want. When they use their Mangle, sometimes mine will disappear, but theirs will be up. Table of Contents. This macro allows you to use Mangle with a single button, no matter what your form is. For the former bear form ability, see [Mangle (Bear)]. Requiere Druida. . / castsequence reset=1 Mangle (Bear) (Rank 3), Lacerate, Lacerate, Lacerate. 5 - 1. This specific guide will focus on Feral Druid DPS which is the physical DPS role of Druid where the player fights in dungeons and raids Jan 15, 2024 · Mangle Location in Alliance Zones. Mangle the target for 160% normal damage plus 204. Jul 30, 2021 · TBC buffs feral cats in a number of ways to make their DPS output more competitive with rogues and warriors. 4% in TBC to 14. Rip. Contribute. Any directly damaging attack will revive the target. Mangle (Cat) Rank 2. 1) I'm new to macros and have recently been trying to get a Mangle/ Lacerate macro for my bear tank. Generates 12 Rage. Spell Details. Try It! Use WowMatrix to download and keep WoW AddOns up-to-date. Welcome to Wowhead's Talent Builds and Glyphs Guide for Feral Druid DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Shapeshift into Bear Form and build your Rage to 50 or higher. If there is another Feral Druid in your raid, its probably switching to their's. 5s. Step Function: Sequential. Jun 1, 2021 · Bear and Cat Mangle in one button. de combo. Tutorial How to Install WoW AddOns Sep 16, 2022 · In vanilla WoW, Claw was the only DPS option in situations where the player was forced to attack from the front, either when open world farming or due to fixed positioning on encounters such as C'Thun and Thaddius. Macro Version 1. For the bear form version, see Mangle (Bear). He isn’t holding threat well, and he is running rage starved. •. Oct 18, 2021 · Talents for Feral Druid. Also buffs Lacerate application and periodic damage by 30%. First, TBC adds Mangle (Cat) to the cat rotation, which provides a 30% buff to almost all yellow damage, including both Shred (the primary combo point generator) and Rip (the primary finishing move). Pounce requires you to be out of combat to use it, so you need a macro that has an option that works while you're stealthed but in combat. You can also see them all in our Season of Discovery Talent Calculator. Well, unless its a overlooked glitch, in Cata, Mangle only does a debuff, so claw will be used instead throughout the feral druids' life. Darkreligion-baelgun August 6, 2021, 8:06pm #1. Starting with TBC, it was completely replaced by Mangle (Cat) for those scenarios and should never be used by a Feral Druid. Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 29. If you’re going down the DPS route, then there are some must-have choices where talents are concerned. Mangle the target for 160% normal damage plus 205 and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from Shred and bleed effects for 12 sec. Furor will give you… Mar 21, 2022 · Nalorakk Tips for Zul'Aman in Burning Crusade Classic Tips for Tanks on Nalorakk. Sell Price: 2 51 43. Reduces the energy cost of your Mangle ability in Cat Form by 5 and increases the threat generated by your Mangle ability in Bear Form by 15%. Mangle is a Guardian druid talent, usable only in [Bear Form]. Mangle the target for 160% normal damage plus 264 and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from Shred and bleed effects for 12 seconds. Reply With Quote. which is fixed & this macro now works. Jan 24, 2022 · TBC also adds the new healing over time (HoT) spell Lifebloom, which can be used in conjunction with Rejuvenation and Regrowth to help keep the Druid and their teammates alive when on the move. Once your Rage reaches 50, you'll gain the buff Ursine Rage which will increase by one stack per second. Mangle not only increases bleed dmg but also Shred dmg! Mangle is better if target is unmangled. Only Night Elfs and Taurens are able to become Druids which makes it the most limiting class in regards to races. 60-70 you can keep switching balance, feral tank or dps, healer. Main Sequence: Attack, Swipe, Enrage, Maul. Apr 12, 2021 · Mangle (Cat) → Shred (use till 5 combo points) → RipUse Rip with 4 combo points if Mangle (Cat) debuff has run out on the targetPowershifting Powershifting is shifting out of form and instantly shifting back into form to gain more energy to use for skills. Thus, the Idol of The Wild increases your threat by 52x1. Main Sequence: Challenging Roar, Maul, Demoralizing Roar, Growl. Basically, swipe/maul/mangle across the pack through using tab. Oct 24, 2007 · I can't seem to get my Mangle macro to work. Great balance of threat and mitigation: Ferals have both the highest single-target threat output and the highest EHP, making them the best single-target tank. Jul 30, 2021 · The feral druid DPS rotation has one of the highest skill caps across all specs in vanilla and TBC, making it a lot of fun to learn and master. Generates 2 Rage and has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle. Destrozar (felino) 45 Energía. KeyPress: Contains various utility functions. Post Reply. Whether you're looking for specialized DPS Mage macros to help 发布者 Corveroth Because that macro has reset set to one, it will cycle back to the first action after not being pressed for one second. CaptainCummings. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Feral Druid, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated. Oct 15, 2021 · Welcome to Wowhead's Feral Druid Tank TBC Macro Guide, updated for Phase 5 of Burning Crusade Classic. also there is a: Glyph of Shred Use: Each time you Shred, the duration of your Rip on the target is extended 2 sec, up to a maximum of 6 sec. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : (84 * 1 + 45 + Mainhand weapon min damage)- (84 * 1 + 45 + Mainhand weapon max damage So what you do now is keep FF and demo roar up and use mangle on cooldown. /cast [nomod,stance:1] Mangle (Bear) /cast [nomod,stance:3] Mangle (Cat) /cast [nomod,nostance] Cat Form. FFF>Mangle>Lacerate>Lacerate. Most of the tree was also made stronger, often by combining several talents into one that has multiple useful benefits, such as Primal Fury. Mangle 192% +346 (+369/+391) Shred 225% +405 (+486) Everboom Idol increases Shread damage by (+81) Idol of the Wild increases Mangle by (23/45) The superior DPS of Shred, combined with +30% damage from the Mangle debuff, makes a clear choice as to which one should be used in a raiding environment. The Clearcasting state reduces the Mana, Rage or Energy cost of your next damage or healing spell or offensive ability by 100%. In the NPC Abilities category. Buff. Originally designed to accurately track Mangle's remaining time regardless of how many Ferals or Arms Warriors were in the raid, it has grown to track all buffs, debuffs, and cooldowns important to every cat (and bear) who cares about their damage output. "The only thing that could make your post more elitist and wrong would be if you stuck a swastika on it and required a gear score to read it. Find out whether mangle or shred is more effective, and how to optimize your talent points and energy cost. and. Whether you're looking for specialized Tank Mangle. Relic. Mangle. Mangeclaw is a level 11 NPC that can be found in Dun Morogh. This is the best profession if you want Stamina instead. 5. Prowl—The movement speed reduction when stealthed has been changed from 40% to 30%. Moonkin Form provides 5% spell crit for their party/ raid group, and Improved Faerie Fire provides 3% spell hit. Idol of the Wild. Keep your total Rage at or above 50 for 60 seconds, stacking Ursine Rage Druid Macros: Feral. So it costs 65 Rage over ~10 sec to apply, but only 13 rage every ~10 sec to maintain at top damage. When used in Cat Form, it instantaneously shifts you out of form and then back into Cat Form, allowing you to regenerate 60 Energy via the Furor talent and Wolfshead Helm. A spell from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. And of course, the number 1 rule of raiding as a Feral Druid: You must always remain in a Feral Form for fear that your clothes have disappeared somehow… Savage Roar, Mangle (Trauma included), Faerie Fire, Rip, Rake, Tiger’s Fury, Berserk, Glyph of Shred charges, Omen of Clarity, Predator’s Swiftness, Demoralizing Roar (Demo Shout, CoW, Vindication included), Lacerate, Thrash, Pulverize, and Barkskin are all tracked and take into account any overlapping debuffs that may exist in your group May 28, 2021 · Welcome to Wowhead's Balance Druid DPS TBC Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! This guide will help you to improve as a DPS Balance Druid in all aspects of the game, improving your knowledge to face the hardest Dungeons and Raids from The Burning Crusade Classic. BadKitty is a debuff tracker for Feral Druids. Mangle (Cat) is a druid ability, learned at level 6. Lacerate. Mangle Vs Claw. For an example of what you can do: You can make a macro that checks whether you're stealthed or not and casts Ravage (stealthed) or Shred May 8, 2024 · Welcome to our Cataclysm Classic Feral Druid Tank PvE guide. 3% in WotLK. 9% of attack power) bleed damage and an additional (153% of attack power) over 15 sec. buff, while damaging through dots like. 5 yd range. 3: Mangle applies a debuff that increases bleed damage by 30%, which rogues and warriors in the raid will enjoy mildly. soo 60% dmg plus whateva dmg u do your looking at Nov 18, 2010 · I recently came to think, if mangle and bleeds were 'bugged' the same way an affliction warlock works in a. Pretty simple! #showtooltip. You will also need Heart of the Wild, Leader of the Pack, Naturalist, Predatory Instincts, Predatory Strikes Instant. The first of the shrines is the eagle's, found in the hills to the south of Lake Jorune and west of Stonebreaker Hold in Nov 21, 2023 · This macro is the bread and butter of the cat DPS rotation. For the retail ability, see Mangle. So its probably being replaced by another Feral's Mangle. While in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form you will use Rage instead of Mana or Energy. 4 Mauls for every Mangle. 95% @ L70). Boards. Requires Level 58. It can be streaky though; the damage you take will be Mangle (Cat) Mangle (Cat) Rank 3. Edit: ie, even in Cat form it shows the tooltip that displays "5 rage, requires Bear form". Retail Classic Wrath Cataclysm Druid macro for mangle/lacerate or maul/lacerate. Improved Faerie Fire—Most every raid will aim to have a Druid who has this new talent. Alcance de ataques cuerpo a cuerpo. 120 Mana. Lacerates the enemy target, dealing (120. He just got lacerate and is tabbing around to use it. 2011-09-09, 10:26 AM #17. 5 = 78 per Mangle. 2. May 24, 2021 · Welcome to Wowhead's Mage DPS TBC Macro Guide, updated for Phase 5 of Burning Crusade Classic. Awards 1 combo point. 5: Thrash. Links. A complete PvE guide with rotation, talent build, consumables, and best races and professions for Feral Tank Druids in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. For your DPS rotation to have any effect, you’ll need Forocity, Furor, Mangle and Shredding Attacks. SoD Mangle is neiher TBC Mangle or WotLK Mangle: Mar 18, 2008 · Also, as a note- wherever you use Faerie Fire (Feral) or Mangle, or any other spell with parantheses in the name, you need to include a another set of parantheses, otherwise the client misinterprets "Feral" or "Bear" or "Cat" as the rank. /cast [form:3]Skull Bash(Cat Form) /cast [form:1]Skull Bash(Bear Form) This one is just when you want to spam mangle: Only works as a bear, need some work to make it cat friendly. Download the addon "Threat Plates" if you don't already have it. A guardian was set to watch over each, lest the raven's enemies attempt to free them. Requires level 8. Mangle, Rake and Rip keep my damage up, and shred is used once in a mooncycle whenever I get a clearcast and I'm not spamming anything else. Flight Form and Swift Flight Form are unique Druid flying forms which allow for instant air travel. The Idol of Brutality increases your threat by 50 per Maul. As you tab through, pay attention to 2nd place threat on each target. Jan 28, 2022 · TBC also adds the new healing over time (HoT) spell Lifebloom, which can be used in conjunction with Rejuvenation and Regrowth to help keep teammates alive when on the move. Updated Feral Macro to reduce Rake amounts, removal of /startattack, and seterath_13. That's still often enough for tanking to make this a great idol. 5 seconds between each ability. I mained a Warlock during TBC and Wrath, and frequented the Elitist Jerks theorycrafting forums back then as a lurker. Your stealth doesn't break when you enter combat, it breaks when you get hit or use a skill. May 27, 2021 · On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Feral Druid DPS in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations in TBC Classic. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Mage, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. Swipe on the globals in between. for some reason this will activate my mangle View Spell Mangle from The Burning Crusade Classic. May 7, 2007 · brahmaximus said: The specific macro I used to use is. The proc rate here may be listed on Wowhead as 85%, but I measured the actual proc rate for Mangle (Bear) to be 50%. Use maul only as a rage dump if you have over 60 rage cause so many mobs are hitting you! Overall threat is a bit worse since prepatch cause the insane threat modifier is gone, but mangle is a cool ability that does a lot of threat. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. This macro will cast Mangle while it's up and Maul when Mangle is on cooldown. Apr 25, 2007 · I was looking for a way to combine both forms of Mangle into one macro & it wouldn't work right away. 8 and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from Shred and bleed effects for 12 seconds. This item is part of the following transmog set: Nemesis Raiment (Recolor) Omen of Clarity. Durability 50 / 50. It will also put you into Cat Form if you are not in a form yet. Requires Bear Form. 075% of Attack power) Physical damage. This PvP Feral spec makes a couple of changes to the PvE spec: Nature's Grasp allows the Druid to escape from dangerous targets like warriors. Binds when picked up. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. Equip: Increases the damage dealt by Mangle (Cat) by 24 and the damage dealt by Mangle (Bear) by 52. 1. Post Reply - 194086. 45 Energy. 5 Threat for Maul is Dmg Done + 207. Return to board index. " - xaratherus. May 27, 2021 · TBC Classic Feral Tank Resources. I usually use. 2 x. May 24, 2021 · Best PvE Rotation for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade. As a Feral Druid, you will need to manage your. May 22, 2009 · 6: Swipe. Sep 23, 2022 · The new abilities introduced in WotLK fill pretty much all of the previously missing holes in the Feral toolkit from TBC. Based on the available Rage, fill as many other GCDs as possible with Lacerate. Sep 15, 2019 · The Default macro is 1. Each of the Druid's melee attacks has a chance of causing the caster to enter a Clearcasting state. This article discusses tanking as a Feral Druid in a high-end raid setting. Brutal Impact increases stun duration, which is essential for a good Pounce opener and to keep enemies controlled with Bash. It should be enough for beginners to gain a solid grasp on the fundamentals of the spec and should also be a reference for players who have specific questions about our mechanics. In addition, the Mangle debuff now lasts for 1 minute rather than only 12 seconds. /Targetenemy [noharm] [dead] /start attack /cast claw. Pounce Mangle TF Shred Rake Mangle FB. If you Mangle every 6 seconds and the buff lasts 10 seconds, on average you'll have the buff 80% of the time. 5 = 6 seconds, with 1. I would recommend putting a form check and nostealth check startattack line in every macro. Rake>Claw>Claw>Ferocious Bite>Rake. cx dz pl pa yd ux in up tc ld